Chapter 212, An Geer’s object

Sister Ying coughed when she saw both of them blushing.

"Miss Bai, if you have anything to ask, please take advantage of this moment to ask. My cousin is here."

Bai Ling'er hummed, straightened her face, and asked Brother An seriously.

“Let me ask you, if we get married, will you listen to me in the future?”

 An Geer? ?

 What a problem this is.

 “What do you want me to hear from you?”

 As a man, this was the first time that he heard a girl ask him to obey, and he was a little confused for a moment.

Bai Ling'er said seriously, "I don't like men who are too stubborn. I like men who can listen to what I say, or who will do whatever I say."

His father is a very domineering head of the family.

 Everything she says at home is what she says. Whether you want it or not, you have to listen to her.

 She really doesn't like this, it feels very depressing.

An Geer studied her words carefully and understood what she meant, so he said, "I won't force you to do anything. If you don't like anything, you can tell me. I won't force you to do something you don't like." Things to do."

He is not the kind of forceful and domineering person, so naturally he will not force her to do something she doesn't like.

After hearing this, Bai Ling'er smiled a little.

“Then, if your mother bullies me in the future, will you help me?”

 Their family still lives with their grandmother and grandfather.

Her grandmother often pushed against her mother, and her father not only refused to help, but also said bad things about her mother, which made her very angry.

 But her father is not a bad person, and neither is her grandmother. She just speaks badly and is too domineering, which makes her angry.

So she doesn’t want to be angry with her mother-in-law or her husband-in-law in the future, otherwise she will die young.

 An Geer frowned, but he didn't think about this problem.

 He always felt that his mother was a generous and tolerant elder, and she was not the kind of person who would bully his daughter-in-law, so he said, "My mother will not bully you, don't worry."

Bai Ling'er snorted and didn't believe it, "No matter how good my mother-in-law is, she and her daughter-in-law can't have the same heart. My grandmother is also quite nice, but she just doesn't like my mother, so I asked this."

Her grandmother loved her, and her mother loved her too, but the two just couldn't get along and resented each other.

 So she was also afraid that she would not get along with her mother-in-law in the future.

 An Ge'er has never dealt with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, so he didn't know how to answer at the moment.

Seeing this, Sister Ying came out to give advice.

“Sister Bai, don’t worry about this, my second aunt is very nice. Basically, she won’t embarrass you.”

"Even if it makes things difficult for you, you can directly propose it to her. She is a person who has seen the world and will be willing to listen to what the junior has to say. I guarantee that."

Lin Xiangxiang, a poor widow who is not accepted by the world, was accepted by Second Sister Wu, let alone a lively and active one like Bai Ling'er.

Bai Ling'er said suspiciously, "Really?"

Sister Ying said of course, "I don't praise how good my second aunt is. I just tell you that she is willing to be reasonable."

"Furthermore, as long as you marry someone and go to someone else's house, you will definitely have conflicts with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. But I can't guarantee that the mother-in-law of other people's families will be willing to listen to the opinions of their juniors."

 After all, not all mothers-in-law are willing to listen to their daughter-in-law’s opinions.

 Basically most mothers-in-law are not willing.

 Bai Linger obviously understood what Sister Ying said.

The mothers-in-law of other ordinary families are indeed stubborn and will not listen to their daughter-in-law's opinions.

But Second Sister Wu is different. She has been in business and traveled around for many years. She has seen a lot, and her vision and mind are much broader than those of ordinary women.

 Once a person's mind is open, he won't care too much about small things.

  If it were another ordinary mother-in-law, she would like to trouble her daughter-in-law over little things. This is the difference between a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law. Bai Ling'er was obviously a smart person. He immediately knew that compared with other mothers-in-law, Second Sister Wu was not suitable for her.

 So she asked An Ge'er again, "Then, if all the children I give birth to are girls in the future, will you dislike it? Will you take concubines and move the family together?"


This girl, all the questions she asked are true, and every sentence is to the point.

If she hadn't asked, he really wouldn't have thought of these questions.

Although he also wants a son, he is not the kind of father who doesn't care about his daughter.

As for whether he would have a concubine if he didn’t have a son, he really hadn’t thought about it.


An Geer didn't know how to answer this kind of question.

 Because he subconsciously felt that it was impossible for him to have no son. Naturally, I can't think of the part about taking concubines.

When Bai Ling'er saw that he didn't answer, she thought he was the kind of person who would take a concubine without a son, so she immediately curled her lips and felt a little disappointed.

 “Oh, forget it, men all over the world are the same, how can you be an exception?”

If her father had no sons, he would probably take concubines, let alone others.

Angor was ashamed and hurriedly explained, "That's not what I meant."

Bai Ling'er looked at him, "Then tell me, if I can't give birth to a son, will you take a concubine?"

Angor. “Are you so sure you won’t have a son?”

  Perhaps a son will be born at the first birth?

Bai Ling'er said, "Who knows? If all the children are daughters, then you will have a few more concubines to make me angry. In the end, the concubine will make me angry to death, and you will be able to straighten the concubine."

“By that time, several of my daughters will definitely be married off as concubines to Shumei’s widower, a beggar, and my heart will break just thinking about it.”

 An Geer:…

Sister Ying:…

This girl, I’m afraid she’s read too many stories, right?

Bai Ling'er saw that he was not comforting her, but instead had a twitching look on his face. He immediately said angrily, "I knew you were also a heartless man, huh."

 After saying that, he was about to leave.

Sister Ying quickly grabbed her and said, "Sister Bai, calm down first. You two haven't even exchanged a single word. You need to calm down. We haven't played the piano in the competition yet."

"You won't hear the sound of the piano later. It's time for your parents to talk to you when you go back."

 Bai Linger then remembered the excuse for coming today.

 “Okay, let’s play the piano.”

After saying that, he took Sister Ying to the guqin, "Sister, come first?"

Sister Ying hummed, sat elegantly at the table, placed her ten slender fingers on the strings, and started playing the piano.

She played a simple Jiangnan ditty, and then with a little processing, it turned into a light and beautiful melody.

Bai Ling'er liked it very much and asked her for the music score.

Sister Ying said, "Don't worry, I'll write to you soon."

Bai Ling'er didn't expect her to be so generous, "Aren't you afraid that I will steal your music score after I learn it?"

Sister Ying said generously, "It's okay. Good songs need to be shared. It's better to have fun alone than with others. You should also learn to play."

Bai Ling'er liked her open-mindedness and said with a smile, "Your character is very suitable to me, I like it."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I also know some interesting books. Do you want to read them?"

 Bai Linger's favorite thing is to read story books, of course she wants them.

"If you have anything good to see, introduce it to me. I like to read it, but I have to do it secretly. My parents won't let me."

 Not only did her parents not let her go, but almost the whole family wouldn't let her do it, but she couldn't help but like it.

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 (End of this chapter)

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