Chapter 213, Bai Linger

Sister Ying, "Then I'll make a list and ask Cousin An to buy it for us. What do you think?"

Bai Ling'er glanced at An Ge'er and said, "Okay."

  It’s quite reluctant to say so.

Maybe it was because An Geer didn't answer her question just now, which made her not very satisfied with An Geer.

 An Geer couldn't laugh or cry, but he accepted his fate and went to buy them story books.

After buying the story book, Sister Ying asked Bai Ling'er to read the first few books first.

“These are stories about a rich lady getting along with her husband’s family. I think the heroine has a good attitude, is very smart, and can get along well with her husband’s family. You can learn from it.”

 You may not be able to choose whether your husband’s family is good or bad, but you can change yourself.

 Don't just put your emotions on your husband's family, you can put your thoughts more on yourself.

Bai Ling'er listened to Jun's words for ten years and said, "Sister, you are really perceptive, no matter how much younger you are than me."

Unlike her, who only cares about her husband's family and forgets that people should not always focus on others, but should spend more time on themselves.

 Otherwise, if you always have expectations for others, you will only end up being more disappointed and complaining more.

Sister Ying hummed, "So, just manage your life how you want to live it. If you can't change others, change yourself."

 There is always a way of life that makes you comfortable.

People can't hang themselves in one emotion. They must find the most comfortable position for themselves in a vast field.

 This way you can live a happier life.

 Bai Linger was very impressed after hearing this.

"You are right. No matter what happens to me when I get married in the future, as long as I live a good life, no matter what others say, I will be happy. I don't need to care about others' opinions at all."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, so you still ask about my cousin's concubinage?"

Bai Ling'er thought about it and said, "Don't ask, I don't care whether he takes a concubine or not. As long as the child and I are good, he can do whatever he likes."


 I haven’t done anything...why did you give up on me like this?

Bai Ling'er looked at his deflated look and laughed too.

 “Okay, I was just teasing you.”

 She just wanted to test An Geer's character and attitude to see if he would be violent or something like that.

 But An Geer obviously doesn’t.

 She just pressed him so hard, and he was sweating on his forehead, which shows that he is a very tolerant man.

If it were any other man who was questioned like this by her, he would have turned against him long ago.

Bai Ling'er still likes men with a gentler personality, so that they won't be tired when getting along with him.

She doesn't want to find a rigid and domineering man as her husband, otherwise she will die of suffocation.

Having seen this An Geer today, she thought it was pretty good.

 Much better than the young men introduced by the matchmaker before.

 Later, Second Sister Wu also came over to chat with them.

Bai Ling'er was talking to Second Sister Wu while observing her.

Second Sister Wu knew what the little girl was thinking and didn't reveal it.

Bai Ling'er has a cheerful personality and has no scheming ideas. When something happens, he shows it on his face and makes quick guesses.

Second Sister Wu also likes her very much.

 An Ge'er has a dull temperament, while Bai Ling'er has a cheerful personality. The two complement each other perfectly.

Mrs. Wu also thought it was good, so she nodded to Sister Wu.

 After Bai Ling'er returned, Second Sister Wu asked An Ge'er.

 “How is it? Do you like it?”

 An Geer blushed and couldn't tell whether he liked it or not.     But I don’t hate it either.

 Second Sister Wu is not in a hurry and plans to check it out later.

On the other side of the Bai family, Mrs. Bai asked her daughter, "Ling'er, what do you think about going to the Wu family today?"

Bai Ling'er replied, "It's good. Aunt Wu is very nice, generous, and open-minded. Their relatives are also very nice, and there is no sense of distance when we chat. I like their family quite a lot."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Bai nodded, somewhat satisfied.

“So, can you see Mrs. Wu’s son?”

Bai Ling'er nodded and told her mother, "I saw it. Her youngest son is called An Ge'er. He is tall and handsome. The key point is that he has a good temper. When I pressed him, he was not angry and even blushed. It's really Fun.”

 She went to her aunt's house as a guest before. Her aunt's cousin was very serious and not funny at first sight.

It’s a good thing that her grandmother still wanted to marry her to her cousin, but she didn’t want to.

Mrs. Bai also doesn’t want her daughter to marry her sister-in-law’s son. On the contrary, he is more willing to marry his daughter to An Geer.

She and her sister-in-law also don’t get along, because the sister-in-law is on the same side as her mother-in-law, and she doesn’t want to take advantage of her fierce mother-in-law.

Bai Ling'er smiled when she heard this, "I don't like cousin either, I like Brother An. Mother, I want to marry into the Wu family."

 Because after Second Sister Wu came out, she changed the surnames of her two sons, and they only called them Wu family to the outside world.

Mrs. Bai has also met Second Sister Wu several times and likes her quite a lot.

The only thing is that I am not satisfied with her running around doing business.

 Her thoughts are feudal, and she still feels that her daughter should stay at home to support her husband and raise children, rather than being in the public eye and doing business.

Bai Ling'er was ashamed and hurriedly spoke for Second Sister Wu, "There are so many businessmen in Jiangnan, why do you say this to me? If you don't steal or rob, what's wrong with doing business?"

It's not like you're going to steal or rob, so why do you look down on women doing business?

Mrs. Bai sighed and said, "I don't have to say anything, because I'm afraid your father and your grandmother will be dissatisfied."

 She would rather have her daughter marry into the Wu family.

 Firstly, the two families are close together, and secondly, the Wu family does not have complicated interpersonal relationships, so the daughter can enjoy happiness even if she marries one.

I'm afraid that my mother-in-law is still thinking about marrying her daughter to my sister-in-law's son, otherwise this marriage would be really good.

Bai Ling'er hummed and said, "Anyway, I don't want to marry my cousin. If grandma asks me to marry my cousin, I'll just elope with An Ge'er."

Mrs. Bai was startled, "You kid, don't talk nonsense. Be careful that your father hears you."

Bai Linger is not afraid of her father.

Although her father will scold her, he will not beat her. At worst, she will cry, make a fuss, or hang herself. There is always a way to persuade her father.

Mrs. Bai touched her head and said, "I will talk to your father about this tonight, and I will give you a letter tomorrow. Don't mess around, or my mother won't be with you."

Bai Ling'er laughed after hearing this.

"Know it."

At night.

Mrs. Bai told her husband about this matter, "I think the Wu family is very good. Both sons can work hard. Mrs. Wu's wife is now at home to support her son in his old age. Our daughter can also enjoy happiness after marrying her."

“Besides, their home is close to ours. If my daughter gives birth to a grandchild in the future, we will be able to see her often, right?”

Mrs. Bai knew that although her husband was old-fashioned, he also loved his children, so she naturally found nice words to say.

Uncle Bai was indeed a little tempted after hearing this.

“That Angor is not bad. I’ve met him several times before. He’s very polite.”

As soon as Mrs. Bai heard this tone, she knew that his heart was moved, so she spoke again.

"Both of these brothers are very popular. I think if a matchmaker comes to our house to propose marriage, we should accept it, so as not to let others **** them away."

Mr. Bai thinks very highly of himself, so naturally he is not so impatient, as if he wants to reach out to others.

 (End of this chapter)

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