Chapter 214, there was a quarrel

"This matter is not urgent. If the matchmaker comes to you, please keep a high profile and don't let others look down upon you."

 Their family is not selling their daughter, so why are they in such a hurry? Naturally, they have to be more polite.

So that others will know that their family is a serious family, so they will not look down on their daughter.

Mrs. Bai knew what he meant and said, "Okay, I will listen to you."

 On the second day.

The matchmaker went to Sister Wu's house, and Sister Wu said, "This is a generous gift I bought. You can take it to Bai's house and give it to Mr. Bai and his wife."

 “The other portion of the dish will be given to the old lady Bai. Remember to be sweet in your mouth.”

After saying that, he handed the matchmaker a hundred taels of silver notes.

 The matchmaker looked at the one hundred taels of silver notes and her mouth burst into laughter.

“Hey, are you still worried about me doing things? Just keep it in mind, I will make sure it is done for you.”

Thinking of the thank you gift, the matchmaker immediately handed over the generous gift full of fighting spirit and smiled brightly.

As soon as they arrived at Bai's house, before Mrs. Bai opened her mouth, the matchmaker came up with her familiar words.

“Oh, old lady, I haven’t seen you for a few days, and you look much younger. Look at your hair. It’s thicker and darker than mine.”

Mrs. Bai is stubborn and unsmiling by nature.

When someone praised her, she didn't smile. She just stared at the matchmaker coldly and said, "Who are you telling the matchmaker that the matchmaker is here?"

The matchmaker smiled and pointed outside, "Well, it's the Wu family across from our house who asked me to come to your house to say hello. Look, this is the face that Mrs. Wu gave you. She said that this face is dignified and noble, just like you. It’s a perfect match.”

Although the old lady Bai is arrogant, she also likes to hear good words. After hearing the words, she gives the matchmaker a good look.

“Tell me, which daughter of ours does the Wu family like?”

Several brothers of the Bai family all live on the same street, and on both sides are Mrs. Bai's sons.

The matchmaker came here, thinking that she knew that she was the head of the family, so she came to see her specially.

Of course the matchmaker knows that Mrs. Bai likes to be the boss at home, so she naturally wants to talk to her first.

“Old madam, Mrs. Wu’s family thinks your Ling’er is lively and cute, and she likes it very much, so she wants to tell her little son An Ge’er about it.”

“This Wu family is close to your home and just across the street. It will be convenient for Ling’er to come back to visit you when she gets married in the future. What do you think of this marriage?”

When Madam Bai heard that the proposal was for Bai Ling'er, she snorted and disagreed.

"Ling'er, I have already told you to give it to my grandson. You can take this face back. This marriage can't be done."

Just at this moment, Mrs. Bai also finished her work and walked in.

The matchmaker walked up to her like a spirit and said, "Madam, I'm so happy. The Wu family across the street came to propose marriage. They said they liked your Ling'er's character and knew she was a good girl. Let me marry you. Let’s talk about it.”

Mrs. Bai was also looking forward to the Wu family coming to propose marriage, and she laughed when she heard this.

“Really? What did Mrs. Wu say?”

The matchmaker smiled and said, "She said that your Ling'er is lively and cute, and she will definitely be the happy fruit of the family if she gets married in the future. Mrs. Wu is looking forward to becoming your in-laws."

“And the two families are so close, and your Linger is so pampered, so it’s just the right time to go to their house. You can visit anytime you want, and you don’t have to worry about her being bullied by her husband’s family.”

Mrs. Bai thought the same thing and immediately wanted to agree.

When Madam Bai saw her like that, she knew what she wanted to do and immediately refused.     “I don’t agree with this!”

After saying that, he glared at the matchmaker and said, "Take all the Wu family's things back. I don't agree with this marriage. Don't come for the Wu family again in the future."

Mrs. Bai has been squeezed by Mrs. Bai all her life. Now she can't make the decision about her daughter's marriage, so she immediately broke out.

"Why don't you agree! This is my biological daughter's marriage, so I can do it!"

After saying that, he pulled the matchmaker angrily and said, "Go and tell Mrs. Wu that I agree to the marriage and ask them to come tomorrow to propose the marriage and set a date."

Mrs. Bai slapped the table angrily when she saw that she dared to challenge her.

"How presumptuous! Are you going to die as an old lady? If I tell you it's not okay, it won't be okay! Ling'er is going to marry Daliang."

Mrs. Bai said angrily, "Then let me tell you, my daughter will only marry into the Wu family, not your daughter's family, so just give up!"

What the hell, even if you love your sister-in-law, you still want to sacrifice her daughter to fulfill her unpleasant grandson. Go ahead and dream!


“You, you dare to talk to me like this?”

Mrs. Bai has accumulated anger for more than ten years, and she no longer wants to bear it.

"You can take care of me, but I have to make my own decisions about the marriages of my children! I am their mother!"

A dead old woman doesn’t care about her own son, but she still wants to care about her son and daughter. What a dream!

  When I married my daughter-in-law a few years ago, this **** wife was too domineering and didn't let her interfere. She just called my granddaughter over and wanted to settle the marriage between the two families.

If the eldest son hadn't wanted to study and didn't like women, maybe this would have happened, but it would have made her very angry.

It was the same when it came to the second son. This **** old woman had to take care of everything, and she was not allowed to interfere. She just pretended that she was the mother of the children. She was so angry that she couldn't get out of bed for several days.

Now that her daughter is here, Mrs. Bai doesn't want to endure it anymore. There must be a fight to win or lose today.

Mrs. Bai has been in charge of her daughter-in-law all her life. She was suddenly resisted. She immediately felt that her dignity was touched. She slammed the table and told the servant, "Go and call me back!"

The servant looked at the posture and hurriedly called Uncle Bai back.

Uncle Bai was teaching in a private school. When he saw his servants rushing over, he knew that something must have happened at home.

So he hurried back and as soon as he got home, he heard the noise of two women inside.

 “What are you arguing about?”

As soon as Mrs. Bai saw her son back, she immediately complained to him, "Look at your good wife, she dares to contradict me. She has learned everything from a dog's belly! Please take good care of her."

Uncle Bai frowned and turned around and said to Mrs. Bai, "What's the matter with you? Why are you talking back to mother? Do you know that she is older? You don't know how to give in."

Mrs. Bai became even more angry when she heard this, and she was furious, "You don't even ask me anything, just tell me, do you trust me at all? I am your wife!"

Uncle Bai frowned because he didn't see his wife getting angry. He wanted to say something to her, but he was afraid that he would really push her, so he could only turn around and talk about his mother.

"Mom, what happened? What are you arguing about?"

When Mrs. Bai saw her son asking her, she immediately poured out the matter.

"It's not your daughter-in-law who wants to marry Ling'er to the Wu family that makes me angry. Originally, I wanted to marry Ling'er to your nephew. Who asked her to interfere with me? If I don't tell her, who will? ”

Uncle Bai said with a headache, "We haven't said anything about Ling'er yet, why are you so anxious?"

 In fact, he had the same idea as his wife, and wanted to marry Bai Ling'er to An Ge'er.

Because of Mrs. Wu’s character and An Geer’s education, he admired them very much. It would be a good idea for his daughter to marry her.

 (End of this chapter)

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