Chapter 216, It’s done

 When Second Sister Wu came over, she brought a whole carriage full of gifts.

Ten servants moved things into the Bai family one after another, and the boxes almost filled the Bai family yard.

Seeing that Second Sister Wu was so sincere and came in person, Mrs. Bai immediately came over to greet her with a smile.

 “Why did you come here in person?”

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Since we are going to be in-laws, of course we have to pay attention to Ling'er's reputation."

Being valued by the husband's family is also good for the girl's family. People will say that this girl must be very good, otherwise the husband's family would not pay so much attention to her.

Mrs. Bai saw that she was such a good person, and the more she looked at her in-laws, the more satisfied she became.

 Smiled and asked her to come in for tea.

“This is a tea that I have treasured for a long time. I can’t bear to open it during the Chinese New Year. I’m just waiting for the day when I can greet my in-laws in person.”

Everyone has something good hidden away, but they usually don't take it out easily.

The tea leaves were a gift, specially sent by one of Uncle Bai's students after he passed the imperial examination. Mrs. Bai had been reluctant to open them.

 When her sister-in-law's family came over during the Chinese New Year, she refused to take it out because she didn't want to take advantage of her sister-in-law's family.

Even though my sister-in-law’s family is not that bad, she just doesn’t like them.

Who asked her sister-in-law to always squeeze her with her mother-in-law, which made her very unhappy, and naturally she was unwilling to give good things to her.

Second Sister Wu also heard about their family's affairs, but she smiled and didn't say anything.

The more Mrs. Bai looks at Sister Wu, the more she likes her. She feels that this in-laws are generous and not hypocritical at all, and they are not garrulous. They are very lovable.

In the future, when Ling'er gets married, not to mention how friendly she is to her mother-in-law, at least this enlightened mother-in-law will not embarrass her daughter, a junior.

 As long as Ling'er lives well, Mrs. Bai will be happy.

 Mrs. Bai is happy, but Mrs. Bai is not happy.

  When Second Sister Wu brought Mr. Wu to visit, the old lady Bai, with her chrysanthemum face, was very unhappy and looked unhappy.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "I heard from the neighbors that you are dignified and virtuous. Not only do you manage the house in an orderly manner, but the children are also taught well by you. Now when I see you in person, it is true that you are as high-end as the rumors say." atmosphere."

Mrs. Bai saw that she was flattering her as soon as she came up, and said disdainfully, "Don't flatter me, I don't agree with this marriage anyway."

Second Sister Wu didn't argue with her and just said, "Actually, marriage is all about fate. We have been neighbors for several years, but we don't see each other very often."

“I didn’t expect that my sister’s family would come over this year, and the two families would be destined to be together. Isn’t it just destiny?”

Mrs. Bai always smiles when she sees her, and she doesn't make her angry even if she gets angry, but it's not a good idea to hit the smiling person again, otherwise it's something wrong with her.

But if this marriage is done like this, then she will not have any dignity in this family from now on!

So she wanted to be tough again and try to turn things around.

Before I even opened my mouth, I heard what Second Sister Wu said.

"I forgot to introduce you, this is my sister, the wife of the Zhizhou family of the fifth rank. I specially came to your house with me today to deliver the engagement gift."

Mrs. Wu came over at the right time and said with a smile, "Sorry to bother you today, your granddaughter is so lovely. This time my brother An is lucky enough to marry your granddaughter. It is also a great blessing for him. It is really a blessing for you." ”

They say you should never hit someone with a smiling face, not to mention that Mrs. Wu is the wife of Zhizhou.

Uncle Bai has been teaching all his life, but he has only reached the level of educating people, and he can't go up any higher.

 In small places, you may still have a chance to become an official, but in an area full of talented people, you may not be able to do so.

 So the Bai family is now placing their hopes on their grandchildren, hoping that the children can come back as Jinshi.

 Lao Madam Bai still has a good impression of Jinshi.

 After hearing that Mrs. Wu was the wife of Zhizhou, her face straightened up.

In addition, Mrs. Wu can speak, and she attributes all the advantages of Bai Ling'er to her, as if she has taught her well, which smoothes down Mrs. Bai's angry hair.

 She has been angry since last night, and now she has a good face. “Madam, you don’t know, I feel so miserable.”

He actually complained to Mr. Wu about his feelings.

Mrs. Wu's face was gentle. She sat down and listened to her talk about their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, and would comfort her from time to time.

Seeing that she was willing to listen to her, Mrs. Bai started talking more and more eloquently.

"Tell me about my daughter-in-law, do you still have eyes for this mother-in-law? She only bullies me."

Mrs. Wu nodded and comforted her, "Hey, juniors are confused sometimes, so I want you to teach me."

Mrs. Bai said, "No, what would this family be like without me watching over it?"

Mrs. Bai was angry when she heard this, but she didn't want to cause embarrassment in front of her future in-laws, so she refrained from interrupting.

    Mrs. Wu was always good at persuading people, so she saw the opportunity and said it.

“I asked the matchmaker yesterday, and she was full of praise for you. It makes my second sister and I want to be your in-laws even more.”

“These days, it’s hard to find a good relative like you with a lantern, so we came here in person. Even my mother came here specially.”

 After saying that, he winked at Mrs. Liang.

Mrs. Liang came over immediately like a spirit, "Old sister, seeing how young you are, you are not younger than me, are you?"

Mrs. Bai immediately became happy when she heard her complimenting her youth.

 After all, being complimented on her youth by an old lady doesn’t mean that she looks really young, which is why people can’t see her age.

 So she immediately became energetic and asked Mrs. Liang, "I'm the same age."

 Hands gesticulated.

Mrs. Liang exaggeratedly said, "Oh my god, you are six years older than me. I can't tell. I thought you were one or two years younger than me."

Mrs. Bai was indeed very happy after hearing this.

 “No, I’m old.”

Mrs. Liang smiled and said, "You are not old, I look quite young, and your hair is very black, not white at all."

Mrs. Bai raised her chin proudly and said, "I am dissatisfied with you saying that I have taken great care to maintain my hair, otherwise it would not be so dark and thick."

 Old Mrs. Liang immediately leaned over to ask for advice.

 The two old men started chatting like this.

 Second Sister Wu and Mr. Wu looked at each other. Then he went to get the engagement order and matters with Mrs. Bai.

In the end, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liang had a good chat. Seeing that the engagement ceremony was completed, it was not appropriate for her to refuse the marriage now, so she had no choice but to accept it.

 The marriage is scheduled to take place in mid-August, which is a good season that is neither too cold nor too hot.

 Second Sister Wu asked Mrs. Wu and others to come over in advance to help, otherwise she would not be able to do it alone.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "I know, I will come in advance when the time comes, so don't worry."

Second Sister Wu hummed and said, "When Brother An gets married, you will have to look after Sister Ying next year. If the matchmaker has a good family, I will keep an eye on you."

Mrs. Wu, "It's okay, but you have to check the character of the other party's family, otherwise I won't be at ease."

 Marrying a daughter-in-law is different from marrying a daughter-in-law.

 The daughter-in-law is married in, so she has nothing to worry about based on her own status.

 But her daughter was married into someone else's territory, and she had to face a large family alone. Mrs. Wu felt uneasy just thinking about it.

 (End of this chapter)

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