Chapter 217: Meeting Murong by chance

Sister Ying took the opportunity and said, "Otherwise we can find a son-in-law who comes to our house."

It is best to find someone who is alone, so that there is neither a cluttered in-laws nor a cluttered relatives.

 At that time, the young couple can live their own lives behind closed doors and avoid a lot of trivial matters.

Wu Shi glanced at her and said, "You are the only one who can say it."

 But what my daughter said is not impossible.

It is indeed much more satisfying to have no messy relationship with the in-laws.

However, it is not easy to find a man who is outstanding but still alone.

 Furthermore, not all in-laws' families are bad, so Mrs. Wu didn't take any chances and just asked Second Sister Wu to keep an eye on her.

They have been staying with the second sister for more than ten days, and it is time to go back.

 Liang Jin will have to go on errands in a few days.

 After the New Year, she has to get busy again. Mrs. Wu plans to take the children back tomorrow.

Second Sister Wu was very reluctant to leave them and wanted to keep the children to play for a few more days.

  Wu said. "If they continue to play, they will become wild. We have to let them start writing and reading when we go back, otherwise they will forget all their lessons."

Second Sister Wu didn't force her to stay, she just said, "Then remember to come and see me when you have time."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "I know, you can just relax and prepare for the wedding at home. Once Brother An's daughter-in-law gets married, she may let you have a grandchild next year, and you will be busy by then."

Second Sister Wu also hoped that would be the case, and was happy in her heart, "I hope so."

On the third day, Mrs. Wu and her family were dressed neatly. After breakfast, they said goodbye to Sister Wu and her family.

Second Sister Wu came out with her two sons to see them off, and didn't go back until they were far away.

 After returning to the Liang family, Mrs. Wu went to check out two shops and an inn.

Sister Ying also went there together.

 While passing by Yipinzhai, I happened to see Jing Shirong.

Sister Ying looked towards him and saw a tall and handsome man standing next to Jing Shirong.

However, the handsome man's eyebrows were cold and stern, and his temperament looked much colder than Jing Shirong's.

The other party felt Sister Ying's gaze and looked over coldly.

Jing Shirong also saw Sister Ying's figure. Just as he was about to go over to say hello, he saw that Mrs. Wu was also there, so he calmly stepped back.

When the real Murong saw him like this, he raised the corners of his mouth coldly, as if he were laughing at him, "What? Do you like that yellow-haired girl?"

Jing Shirong turned around and glared at him displeasedly, "You're just a yellow-haired girl!"

He didn't even let anyone say a word.

Murong Yun roughly knew that this guy cared about the yellow-haired girl.

 Because every time they went out on the ship, this guy always carried a cloth bag with him. Once he saw any good antiques or jewelry, he picked them all and kept them for himself. And put it in a bag and take it back.

Those precious jewelry are definitely not for his own use, but they are given to others.

Murong Yun knew Jing Shirong’s background since childhood.

He has been hanging out with Jing Shirong's grandfather since he was a child, and he has been playing with Jing Shirong since he was a child.

 He knew that Jing Shirong didn't have a girl he liked at the moment, so those things were naturally not for his sweetheart.

Moreover, there are no relatives in Jiangnan, so those expensive jewelry are naturally not given to relatives.

 It was the yellow-haired girl who impressed Murong.

Jing Shirong went to Yipinzhai every now and then to order dishes and snacks, and then packed them up and took them away, indicating that they were given away.

 In addition, he also bought some children's toys from time to time when he went to sea. It is not difficult to guess that those things and food are given to children.

So this guy is in love with a yellow-haired girl?

Jing Shirong saw him looking at her like he was a pervert, frowned and said, "What are you looking at!" Murong Yun's cold lips slightly raised, and he hooked up with him and said, "Ajing, tell me boldly, you Do you like that yellow-haired girl? "

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him, "Don't talk nonsense, Sister Ying is still a child."

Murong didn’t believe it, “Jewelry for a child?”

Jing Shirong looked at him like an idiot, "When I met her, she only had two or three teeth and couldn't speak. What is she if she's not a child? Clear your head of all those dirty thoughts, or I will Angry."

Murong said "Huh?" "I guess you don't like me."

Jing Shirong had a look on his face: "What else?"

"I have played with her since she was a child and treated her as a child. Who is like you? You have never raised a child before. You are really worthless."


“I am an unmarried man, why should I take care of children?”

A Jing has become more and more strange in the past few years, and his thoughts are different from others. What exactly do he think?

Murong Yun looked at Jing Shirong as a weirdo, but Jing Shirong still thought he was a failure. He had never experienced the joy of raising children in his life, so he was considered the richest businessman in the world.

Murong Yun:…

"Well, I can't talk to you. I have to deliver a batch of goods today, so let's go quickly and I won't talk to you anymore."

Jing Shirong hummed and then went over with him.

Sister Ying can see clearly from the sidelines, the big brother next to Brother Rong is really cool~

  It is the cold and ruthless appearance of the male protagonist in the novel.

Tsk tsk tsk, it’s true that good-looking people only make friends with good-looking people.

I just don’t know why they are going there. Otherwise, we can still talk about it together.

At night.

Sister Ying returned to the house and was about to go to bed when there was a sound from the window.

Sister Ying was so happy that she hurried over to open the window.

 “Brother Rong~”

Jing Shirong came in with a smile, stretched out his hand and handed over a red envelope.

 “No, New Year’s red envelope.”

Sister Ying took it with a smile and gave him a New Year gift.

 “Now, let’s see if you like it.”

Jing Shirong saw that she handed over a long red box, and he didn’t know what was inside.

 He opened it and saw that it was a men's hairpin.

 But if you look closely, you can see that it is not a hairpin, but a bit like an unlocking key hairpin.

Jing Shirong was used to seeing good things, so he immediately recognized the doorway of this hairpin.

“Is this the key to a certain Jiangnan thief unlocking the door decades ago?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, it is said that this key can open a hundred kinds of locks. It is very useful in solving crimes at critical moments. Brother Rong, please wear it with you."

 After saying that, he picked up the hairpin key, stood on tiptoes, and tried to help him put it on his hair.

Jing Shirong instinctively squatted down, lowered his head, and asked her to put it on him.

Sister Ying inserted the hairpin into the top of his hair and smelled a faint fragrance on his head.

Sister Ying sniffed his hair and asked, "Brother Rong, what do you usually use to wash your hair? Your hair smells so good."

Most ordinary people use soap locust to wash their hair. Jiangnan people are better at maintaining their hair. Even the soap locust used to wash their hair is varied, and some even add some sesame oil or something to make their hair fragrant.

 The wealthy people use Polyporus cocos with some Chinese herbal medicine in it to make their hair black and thick.

Seeing her asking this, Jing Shirong recalled, "I used a kind of fragrant leaves. When washing my hair, soak two pieces in water in advance, and wash it later to make it cleaner."

 He didn’t pay much attention to whether it smelled good or not, as long as it was clean and refreshing.

New book for a wave of genuine subscriptions ~ (o ^^ o)



 (End of this chapter)

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