Chapter 218, Murong’s story

Sister Ying sniffed his clothes like a puppy.

 “Not only your hair, but your body smells good too.”

Jing Shirong saw that she was as cute as a kitten, smiled and rubbed her head, "If you like the smell of this fragrant leaf, I will bring it to you next time."

Sister Ying hummed and suddenly said, "By the way, who is with you today?"

Jing Shirong, “Have you seen him?”

Sister Ying hummed, "I see, that person is quite tall, almost as tall as you."

Jing Shirong smiled and pinched her ears, "Guess what he does."

Sister Ying huffed and started to guess.

 “Yes, your partner?”

Jing Shirong nodded and shook his head, "Guess again."

Sister Ying's curiosity was piqued by him and she made a bold guess, "Could he be the legendary Murong wealthy businessman???"

Jing Shirong was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

He reached out and rubbed her head, "I can't tell, but you're pretty good at guessing."

Sister Ying's eyes widened suddenly, "No, I guessed it right? Is that person really Murong?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "It's him, he's the boss of Yipinzhai you've always wanted to meet."

 “How is it, do you think he looks good?”

Sister Ying said "Huh?" She was a little unable to react when he asked this question suddenly.

She thought about it carefully and realized that the man named Murong was indeed pretty, but his temperament was a bit cold and harsh. Compared to Jing Shirong, the eldest brother next door, the two of them were like water and fire.

I really don’t know how these two people get along with each other.

Jing Shirong smiled, "Murong is a cold-hearted person, but he is not bad, he just needs a beating."

Murong Yun has lived in Jiangnan with his mother since he was a child.

His mother was originally the daughter of an official family, but due to her family's financial difficulties, she later left the capital. Move to Jiangnan.

Later, Murong Yun's father, Murong, was going to Jiangnan. The two fell in love at first sight, and finally went to the church here to get married.

However, the Murong family could not accept a young lady from a poor family as a daughter-in-law, so they naturally did not allow Murong Yun's mother to enter the family.

Murong Zheng knew that his family did not agree, so he did not want to go back and planned to settle down in Jiangnan.

But his parents deceived him into returning home on the pretext of poor health, and finally forced him to marry a well-matched young lady from a well-matched family.

Murong Zheng originally disagreed, but his parents threatened him that if he did not obey the family's arrangements, they would kill Murong Yun's mother.

Murong Zheng had no choice but to be nodded and agreed.

 This matter was later discovered by the Yun family far away in the south of the Yangtze River, and naturally they couldn't bear it.

Murong Zheng's wife was a ruthless woman. After learning that Murong Zheng was still thinking about the Yun family in Jiangnan, she sent people to Yun family in an attempt to break up the relationship between Yun family and Murong Zheng.

Yun believed in Murong Zheng, but it was true that Murong Zheng married another woman behind her back. She could not tolerate being an outcast, so she secretly left Jiangnan overnight.

Before leaving Jiangnan, Yun found out that she was pregnant, so she had no choice but to settle down here in the upper reaches.

  After giving birth to Murong Yun, the Yun family did not intend to let him return to Murong's family, but raised him by herself.

  Until one year, Yun became ill and the family had no money to see a doctor. When young Murong Yun was desperate, he happened to meet Grandpa Jing who was going to the south of the Yangtze River.

So he went to ask Grandpa Jing, hoping that he could lend him some money to help his mother see a doctor.

Grandpa Jing saw that he was a smart boy with upright features and clear speech, so he gave him money.

Later, as Yun's health gradually improved, Murong Yun decided to make money on his own in order to support his mother.

So he went to that street again with firm belief, intending to see if he could meet Grandpa Jing again.

The amazing thing was that Grandpa Jing happened to pass by that street that day, so the two met like that. Murong Yun knelt down in front of Grandpa Jing with a small face and begged him to accept him as his disciple. He also said that he was willing to give Grandpa Jing seven cents of every money he earned in the future.

Grandpa Jing saw that he had a good head and was not like a child born in an ordinary family, so he took a gamble and planned to take him back to train him.

 They have many sons and grandsons, and their business methods are good and not bad, but he always feels that something is missing.

 It wasn’t until he trained Murong Yun that Grandpa Jing knew what was wrong.

 The descendants of the Jing family are too mediocre and lack a little business acumen and innovation.

Murong Yun is different. This kid is adventurous and hard-working, and his thinking is more sophisticated than ordinary people. He is a good candidate for big business.

So Grandpa Jing began to teach him without leaving any room, and he didn't even hide his clumsiness.

Murong Yun was not a fool, so he could naturally see how good Grandpa Jing was to him.

 Later scene Shi Rong comes to his grandfather's house. The two boys meet for the first time, but they are surprisingly fond of each other.

So after two visits, the two became good friends.

As Murong Yun said before, every business he does now goes to Jingwai Gong’s family and he only gets three-tenths of it.

Grandpa Jing left two more layers of money for him, and the rest was given to Jing Shirong for later use.

 He is a visionary.

The descendants of the family already have their own shops, so there is no need to give more.

 If you give too much, they will become lazy.

Murong needed funds for business, and Jing Shirong also needed money when he went out to handle cases, so Grandpa Jing saved them for them.

 He never puts all his eggs in the same basket, leaving many options for his descendants. Can be used at critical moments.

For example, this time Jing Shirong needs to play the role of the youngest wealthy businessman in Jiangnan. Doesn't this require capital?

Sister Ying nodded and asked curiously, "You said Murong Yun had been with your grandfather since he was a child, so why did I hear that he is now the son of a high official's wife?"

 Speaking of this matter, Jing Shirong felt sorry for his friend.

“It’s a long story, so I’ll tell you slowly.”

 Originally, Murong Yun was taken in by Grandpa Jing and had no intention of returning to Murong's home.

 But somehow Murong Zheng’s wife found out about it.

  That mistress was called Guan, and she was a domineering and unreasonable mistress. He was unruly and willful since he was a child, and he couldn't get married even when he was twenty years old. Finally, he was not allowed to marry Murong Zheng.

Both families were from wealthy families, so they were supposed to be well-matched, but the Guan family was unruly and willful, and Murong Zheng didn't like them at all.

 Mr. Guan didn't like Murong Zheng either. She liked the Third Prince.

It's a pity that the third prince did not become the emperor and was expelled from the capital. In the end, she had no choice but to marry into the Murong family.

 Two people who dislike each other eventually become bitter couples.

Guan Shi couldn't tolerate sand in her eyes. Murong Zheng was not enthusiastic about her, so she went to trouble Yun Shi.

Later, Yun left on her own. She searched for it for several times but couldn't find it, so she thought she would just forget it.

 But later she heard about a young and promising wealthy businessman in the capital who actually looked exactly like a member of the Murong family.

 Some ladies even asked her quietly, "Did your husband-in-law accidentally leave seeds outside? Otherwise, why would that young wealthy businessman look exactly like Mr. Murong?"

After hearing this, Mr. Guan immediately thought of Mr. Yun.

So she immediately sent someone to find out the background of the wealthy businessman who looked exactly like her husband.

Later, it was found out that the child was actually Yun's child.

Evi Badi, vote~



 (End of this chapter)

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