Chapter 224, Cating

Mammy was very impressed, "Madam is still awesome."

Uluolan did his part, "That's right."

“Young boy Yun looks good to me. Not only is he tall and strong, he also has strong bones. He will be able to give birth to a child for our family Hanhan in the future.”

Having been with Uluolan for so many years, I still can’t help but give her a thumbs up.

Northern girls just dare to speak and act.

“Madam, what if Mr. Yun doesn’t like our lady?”

Uluolanshi hehe, "Do you believe it?"

“That kid, every time he comes over and sees Hanhan, his face can boil. Who would believe that he still doesn’t like my Hanhan like this?”

Mammy then remembered that Murong Yun was fine every time he came over, but Jing Han had appeared and he immediately stuttered.

Thinking about it this way, maybe Murong Yun really likes their young lady.

Uluolan went into the house happily, "Let's go and start preparing the dowry list. They should be able to get married next year."

Mammy smiled and followed over, "Yes, let's start preparations now."

The other end.

Jing Shirong received Wu Luolan’s letter in advance and told Murong Yun with a smile.

“My aunt said that cousin Han is already on her way, so be prepared.”

Murong Yun dropped the chopsticks in his hand, "What? Why does Hanhan come?"

 Hanhan is here to scold him?

Call him a lazy toad who wants to eat swan meat?

 Or are you here to break up with him?

The more Murong Yun thought about it, the more panicked he became, "Ajing, what should I do about this?"

Jing Shirong calmly drank a cup of Bamboo Leaf Green and comforted him, "What are you afraid of? I will help you."

As brothers, Jing Shirong also hopes that he and cousin Han will eventually get married.

“Cousin Han is a simple person. Although she has a carefree personality, she has never liked other men. If Brother Yun wants to pursue her, he will have to put more effort into it.”

Murong Yun blushed and asked, "I really don't know what to do, I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect."

Jing Shirong smiled, "How would you know it would have the opposite effect if you didn't try?"

 No matter how careless a girl is, she is still a girl, and she always has the same hobbies.

Although Cousin Han doesn't like the cheesy routine, it still depends on who does these things.

If it were Murong Yun who did it instead, the effect might not be bad.

Murong Yun was eager to give it a try, "Then, can I give her something?"

Jing Shirong nodded, "You'd better take the initiative and talk more about love. Girls always like to hear this."

 Cousin Han, no matter how boyish she is, she also has a girlish side.

 If you call her brother every day, she will naturally not blush.

 But if you talk to her every day, I don’t believe she won’t feel anything at all.

Murong Yun felt that what he said made sense, and immediately went to buy something good as a gift for Jinghan.

Jing Shirong reminded her, "Remember to be more proactive. My cousin will definitely want to save face at the beginning and may reject you, but as long as you are thick-skinned, you can get married sooner or later."

As soon as Murong Yun heard that he could get married, he gained courage.

 “Okay, I get it, don’t you just have to be thick-skinned? I get it.”

 A businessman’s face should be as thick as possible.

  But when facing the one you love, you are so thin-skinned.

 Including Jing Han.

 She is usually shameless and dares to talk dirty to men.

 When I meet Murong Yun face to face later, I don’t know what kind of sparks will be created.

Jing Shirong was looking forward to seeing the two of them together and immediately went to find Sister Ying.

Sister Ying was about to fall asleep.

Her mother said that after attending a women's college this year, she will not be allowed to attend next year. She must take care of her at home so that she can be a good husband.

 At this moment she is lying on the bed reading a storybook. When Jing Shirong knocked on the window, Sister Ying immediately ran out of bed.

 Come and open the window for him.

 “Brother Rong?”

Jing Shirong came into the window with a smile and brought her a handful of spicy duck necks. "

 “Now, what you like to eat.”

Sister Ying took it with a smile, "Our family sells duck necks ourselves, and you want to buy duck necks for me?"

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "I bought it from your house."

Ying Jie'er's inn has specially launched braised food this year.

Stewed duck neck, braised chicken feet, braised chicken gizzards, braised chicken wings are all braised food that goes well with wine.

 Because of the spicy taste, the repeat rate is particularly high.

 Made 100 copies every day and sold them all, there was never any left.

 At first, some customers came to buy her braised duck neck and imitated it, but they couldn't make it spicy enough.

Sister Ying has eaten many kinds of chili peppers. Knowing that people here don’t eat spicy food, she studied sweet and spicy ones.

The sweet and spicy taste is very fragrant and slightly spicy, which makes people accept it and make them want to eat it again.

If you don’t like sweet and spicy food, you can also buy slightly spicy ones.

 They have three spiciness levels in their store.

Chili peppers are all grown at home and are self-sufficient.

Mrs. Wu thought that her four children would have to save betrothal gifts and dowries for them in the future, so she used her private money to buy hundreds of acres of fertile land.

 Specially used to produce vegetables and peppers needed by the inn.

 Now Sister Ying's inn is opening bigger and bigger, the store has not been expanded, but a large yard has been bought directly behind the store.

Xiaohong, a few cooks and helpers all lived in the backyard.

 The inn’s daily sales volume has also increased tenfold compared to before.

  Wu also asked people to raise some pigs in the countryside, and low-quality vegetable leaves could be fed to the pigs.

Sister Ying admires her mother very much every time she sees her settling accounts.

  She secretly said that her mother is also a talented person, money begets money, and she is quite capable.

Perhaps the Wu family is naturally good at business and everyone is very good at making money.

Jing Shirong praised her after hearing what she said, "You guys are all smart people."

Sister Ying covered her mouth and giggled, and asked him, "Why are you free to come here at night?"

Jing Shirong said, "The Chinese Valentine's Day is next month. Will I take you out to play then?"

 Sister Ying’s big eyes lit up when she heard the play.

 “Okay, then where are we going?”

Jing Shirong said, "Go to Yipinzhai and call all of your family members. I will reserve a private room for you on the sixth floor."

 The private rooms of Yipinzhai must be reserved in advance.

Jing Shirong is half the boss himself, so he can give them priority in booking the top floor.

 The sixth floor of Yipinzhai is not available for non-rich guests. Sister Ying was very happy after hearing this.

“Okay, see you at Yipinzhai then?”

Jing Shirong rubbed her head like a cat, "I'll show you Murong Yun then. If you don't understand anything, you can ask him."

This girl has been talking about meeting the owner of Yipinzhai before. This time during the Chinese Valentine's Day, Murong Yun will also go to Yipinzhai to entertain cousin Han. Then she will let Sister Ying see Murong Yun.

Sister Ying did not expect that he would take everything she said at heart, and she was quite touched.

 “Brother Rong, you are so kind to me.”

Jing Shirong scratched her scalp again like a cat, "You are polite, you are also kind to me."

Sister Ying smiled in shame, "That's far from it. I just gave you a hairpin. What you gave me is much more valuable."

Jing Shirong disagreed, "It's okay. I'm older than you, so I'll give you more. You're younger than me, so you don't need to give so much. This is only fair."

Sister Ying was amused by him, "It's unreasonable."

   Forgot to tell you that this is a very explosive update, a sin, a sin (///▽///)



 (End of this chapter)

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