Chapter 225, help matchmaking

Jing Shirong raised his head and smiled, "If it's wrong, it's wrong."

“Okay, go to sleep and see you on Chinese Valentine’s Day.”

Sister Ying hummed and asked quickly, "Then shall we go directly to Yipinzhai then?"

Jing Shirong said, "When the time comes, go to the back door of Yipinzhai, and I will have someone wait for you there."

Sister Ying was relieved.

“That’s good, I’m afraid that if our whole family goes, others will see us.”

Even though their family has made money, they still have to keep a low profile.

Especially the sixth floor of Yipinzhai, where only distinguished guests can go up.

Her family went up there so openly, of course people would gossip.

Jing Shirong had already guessed this and asked them to enter through the back door.

Sister Ying said, "You are still careful."

I don’t know if Brother Rong is so gentle and considerate, which girl will he benefit from in the future?

If he has a sweetheart in the future, will he still treat her so well?

Sister Ying suddenly fell into deep thought.

 It’s the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

Sister Ying told her family in advance that she would invite them to Yipinzhai.

As soon as Mrs. Liang heard about Yipinzhai, of course she wanted to go.

Sister Yang, Brother Sen and Brother Kang also wanted to go to Yipinzhai to eat.

Yipinzhai can be regarded as a famous brand inn in Jiangnan.

 The whole family is very happy to go out for a meal during the Chinese New Year.

Mr. Wu himself had never been there, so he thought it would be a good idea to go there once.

 But I also wonder where Sister Ying got the money to treat guests?

“I have all the money at home, where do you get the money to treat guests?”

Sister Ying. "Well, it was my friend who made the reservation for me, but don't ask who it is. Anyway, he is a serious person."

Mrs. Wu didn't expect that the little girl had a secret for herself, so she immediately narrowed her eyelids.

“Tell me, what friend invited you?”

Sister Ying:

“Oh, I can’t tell you now. I’ll tell you later, so don’t ask, otherwise I will be in a very difficult position.”

  Wu was dubious, "At least let me know whether your friend is a boy or a girl, right?"

Sister Ying. "Oh, I won't be a bad learner anyway. Just trust me once and don't ask. It's really inconvenient to say."

Wu Shi was surprised, "Who on earth told you to be so secretive? I wouldn't worry if you didn't tell me."

 She is a daughter after all, if she is deceived, it will be over.

Sister Ying had no choice but to sigh and tell her quietly.

"It's Brother Rong. He came to Jiangnan to do some business. Don't tell me, and don't tell your family, otherwise it won't be good for him."

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard it, she understood it immediately.

Jing Shirong also went to Qianjiazhuang incognito for a private visit back then. Now he came here again, presumably to handle a case.

So she really stopped asking, and even helped Sister Ying lie to her family, saying that she paid for it.

 The family knew she was rich, so they had no doubts.

Sister Ying breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that the incident had passed smoothly.

 It’s the evening of the Chinese Valentine’s Day.

Sister Ying and her family were all dressed neatly and went out to the street beautifully.

 As soon as we got to the street, the crowd was really lively, almost a sea of ​​people.

Jiangnan has a large population, especially during festivals, when everyone comes out and the streets are full of people.

Sister Ying took them to the back door of Yipinzhai with ease.

 As soon as they got there, someone was waiting for them.

 “Follow me.”

Having said that, ask them to go up to the sixth floor of Yipinzhai from the back. "

When they got to the private room upstairs, Mrs. Wu told her family, "Don't say we are on the sixth floor when you go out, otherwise people will say we made a fortune and brought bad reputation to your father. Do you understand?"

 Children are sensible, so naturally they won’t speak.

Mrs. Liang would not say anything for the sake of her son. Everyone was sitting happily in the private room, laughing and looking at the scenery on the street.

 Because the food was prepared in advance, it was served soon.

Mrs. Liang looked at the delicacies on the table and took a bite with a smile.

 “Well, it still tastes the same, delicious.”

The children also tasted it and narrowed their eyes in delight.

Sister Ying also ate very happily.

While they were eating, Jing Shirong next door had already arrived.

Today Jinghan took a boat to the south of the Yangtze River, and Murong Yun came out to pick him up early.

  When the two of them first met, they both blushed unnaturally.

 After all, after the window was punctured, their worries were revealed, and both of them were a little embarrassed.

Especially when Jinghan saw Murong Yun, his little heart started beating fast.

  In the past, she regarded Murong Yun as a brother, and she didn't think it was anything wrong with him.

 But ever since Brother Rong said he liked her, she felt a little shy and didn't know why.

 The two of them used to talk and laugh when they were together, but now the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

 Fortunately Brother Rong is here too, otherwise it would be even more embarrassing.

Jing Shirong came out specially to act as a matchmaker for them and said to Jing Han, "Cousin, why did you come so directly?"

Of course he knew why Jing Han came here, but he pretended not to know and asked because he wanted to help her get closer to Murong Yun.

Jinghan's face turned redder when he heard his cousin ask this question.


 She came in a hurry that day and didn't have time to communicate with her cousin. When he asked her this question, she didn't know how to answer.

Murong Yun glanced at Jing Shirong and saw that his face was calm, so he also calmed down and sang a double act.

“Yes, why did Hanhan come down suddenly?”

The two of them deliberately sang in harmony, pretending to make Jing Han think that they didn't know the purpose of her coming to Jiangnan.

Jinghan looked at their innocent faces and his heart beat faster.

That's right, she was so busy arguing with her mother that day that she forgot to ask Brother Rong whether this was true or not.

If she asks now, it turns out that Yun Di doesn’t like her at all, and she will be embarrassed and disgraced.

 But if she didn't ask and just went back in such a dejected state, she would definitely become the laughing stock of her mother.


 She cannot lose.

 She has to fight to get Yun Di.

So she coughed, suppressed her shame, and put her arm around Murong Yun pretending to be generous.

“Yun, Brother Yun, we haven’t seen you for a long time. Let’s have a few more drinks tonight and you won’t come home until you’re drunk.”

Murong Yun's ears were also very hot, but fortunately there was no blush on his face, so he forced himself to calm down, hummed, quietly moved his buttocks, and got closer to Jing Han.

Jing Shirong saw this and stood up with a smile, "You drink first, and I'll get you some wine."

Murong Yun grunted and said, "Go back quickly." But in his heart, he wanted him to get out quickly.

Jing Shirong smiled and said nothing. He went directly to the next door and coughed as a signal.

Sister Ying heard the noise and came out immediately.

By now, everyone in their family had eaten enough and had gone out to play long ago, leaving Wu and Liang Jin in the private room.

Liang Jin thought she wanted to go out and play, so he let her out.

Mrs. Wu knew what the little girl was doing. She glanced at her and said nothing in the end.

Sister Ying coughed and ran out. She saw Jing Shirong. Just as she was about to say something, Jing Shirong yelled, and was taken to the private room next door.

There are six private rooms in this corridor. Wu and the others are in the front, Murong Yun is in the middle. Jing Shirong takes Sister Ying to the third room, which is next door to Murong Yun and Jing Han.

Sister Ying asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

 Is it possible that we have to come here to have a meal alone?

Asking for a round of votes~(▽`)



 (End of this chapter)

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