Chapter 226: Can pretend and act

Jing Shirong put his finger to his mouth and said "shush", motioning her to look next door.

 “I took you to the theater specially.”

Sister Ying opened her mouth in a low voice, "Isn't it?"

I didn’t expect Brother Rong to have such a naughty side.

He actually took her to watch a show?

 Or is it the kind of real person?

So Sister Ying immediately leaned into the small telescope and curiously looked at Murong Yun and Jing Han next door.

Murong Yun pretended to be drunk and dizzy, so he leaned on Jing Han's shoulder half-heartedly and breathed at him with his drunken eyes.


 The more he spoke, the closer he got to Jinghan deliberately, his nose almost touching her mouth.

Jinghan's face suddenly turned red as he was no match for him.

“Yun, Brother Yun, you, you, you, are you drunk?”

Murong Yun blushed and waved his hands pretendingly, "No, I'm not drunk. How could I be drunk? I'm not drunk."

 After saying that, he leaned his head back again.

The more he said that he was not drunk, the more Jinghan decided that he was drunk.

 She looked down at the man on her shoulder.

His nose is really straight and his eyelashes are really long, even longer than hers.

Jinghan accidentally reached out and touched Murong Yun's nose, and then touched his smooth face.

  murmured to himself, "Di Yun's skin is so good, it's actually smoother than my face."

I don’t blame my mother for saying that she wants to eat swan meat.

 Looking at it so close, Yun Di is really good. Not only is he handsome, but he is also very capable, his grandfather always praises him.

It seems that it would not be a bad idea to find him as a husband.

Even though Murong Yun has a bad reputation. In the eyes of outsiders, he is the son of an outsider, but there are still many girls who flock to him.

There is no way, anyone can be a good parent and have money. The key is to be charming.

Just like those close friends of hers who came to her every day to ask about Yun Di, they seemed to want to get the best first.

Jinghan didn't feel that before, but now when he thought about how those close friends in his boudoir coveted Murong Yun, he immediately felt sour.

 Hmph, you are not worried about getting married, but you are worried about what her brother Yun will do.

They are not like her, tall and thick. Even men despise her for not being gentle. Otherwise, no one would want to marry her at such an old age.

Even if there are people who are willing to marry her, they are all crooked melons and cracked jujubes.

He said he wanted to marry her on the surface, but he might have said bad things about her behind his back.

Unlike her brother Yun, who has been with her since childhood, he never disliked her and even bought her a lot of delicious food.

 He will also give himself a gift every year on his birthday.

Such a comparison, Yun Di is really good everywhere.

I just don’t know if he really likes me, or if my cousin heard it wrong?


Murong Yun took the opportunity to call her, and Jinghan came to his senses immediately.

 “Forget it, never mind. Let’s catch up first and then talk about it!”

It doesn’t matter whether Yundi likes her or not, as long as she catches him, she won’t have the final say then?

Didn’t her mother chase her father first and then become the head of the family?

 Since she is a biological mother and daughter, she must be able to do it too.

Hmm, come on!

Sister Ying peeking next door.

 “Why do you think your cousin is naive?”

Jing Shirong lowered his head and smiled, "Yes, that's why her name is Hanhan."


 It really suits Jing Han’s temperament. A silly girl.

Jing Shirong knew that he didn’t need to worry about that pair, so he didn’t let Sister Ying see them.

"Okay, do you want some snacks? If you want, I'll ask the kitchen to bring snacks." Sister Ying shook her head and said, "Can I go to the kitchen and take a look?"

Jing Shirong thought for a while and nodded, "Yes, yes, but you can't cook Yipinzhai's dishes after seeing it."

 The kitchen of Yipinzhai has always been a forbidden area. Unless they are people inside the kitchen or the boss, most people are not allowed to enter.

Sister Ying understood and said, "Don't worry, I won't steal it. I'm just curious about your structure."

Every inn owner is curious about what other people’s kitchens look like.

For the sake of fairness, Sister Ying took the initiative and said, "Next time I will take you to see the chef of our inn."

 One come and two go, fair.

Jing Shirong rubbed her head so hard that his fingers dug into Sister Ying’s scalp.

“Brother Rong, why are you inserting your fingers into other people’s hair?”

 The technique is like that of a shampooer, and he also scratches people’s scalp

Jing Shirong coughed and hurriedly explained, "Just, I don't realize it."

 He adopted a cat before and put it in the yard where he bought it.

That cat was extremely fat, with a round belly and was very clingy. He asked Jing Shirong to scratch it every day.

Jing Shirong petted a cat for the first time, and he liked it very much.

 The fat cat kept asking him to scratch it, so he tried harder to relieve it.

When he arrived at Sister Ying's place, he saw that her hair was soft and soft, and there was a lot of velvet hair on her forehead. He couldn't control it for a moment and just grabbed it a little harder.

 “Does it hurt?”

Sister Ying touched her head and said, "It doesn't hurt, it just feels weird."

 She only gets her scalp scratched when she washes her hair. Normally, she doesn’t get scratched.

However, I thought Brother Rong didn’t do it on purpose, so I didn’t worry about it.

Jing Shirong coughed and changed the subject, "Let's go, I'll take you to the kitchen."

Approaching the kitchen, Jing Shirong gave her a curtain hat, and each of them took one inside.

Many people don’t know who the boss of Yipinzhai is.

 Including the employees of Yipinzhai, no one has seen the true face of the boss, only a few stewards know it.

Jing Shirong didn’t want people to see his and Sister Ying’s faces, so he wore a hat.

He knew where the back door of the kitchen was, so he took Sister Ying to the window to look at it.

Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, and the kitchen is very busy, so Jing Shirong doesn't take her in and just watches from the middle door.

Sister Ying lay down by the door and looked around, sighing that the kitchen in the big inn was really big.

There are only about twenty people cooking inside, not to mention those who pick vegetables and make fires, there must be at least forty people.

 From the kitchen utensils to the presentation, everything is very delicate and skillful.

 The space including the kitchen is also very large. No wonder the food comes out so quickly.

Sister Ying glanced at their kitchen utensils and stopped looking at the ones left for cooking.

 This is someone else’s cooking secret. She also runs an inn, so she doesn’t want to see this in case she accidentally sees it.

Jing Shirong saw that she stopped looking, so he took her for a walk in the backyard.

The backyard of Yipinzhai is also very large. There are three floors inside and three floors outside, which are the residences of the workers.

  Some people live here with their families, and there are partitions in each yard.

The remaining ones actually have entertainment facilities, such as chess market, tea market, or drinking.

 There are also classes where children go to school.

 There is even a place for girls to learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Sister Ying looked surprised and secretly thought that Murong Yun must have been abroad?

 Otherwise, how can you run such a business?

Jing Shirong did not hide it from her and told her, "Brother Yun has indeed gone to many places, and his ideas are much more sophisticated than ordinary businessmen."

 That's why he became the youngest wealthy businessman in the world at a young age.

Sister Ying also admired this kind of talent very much and couldn't help but applaud to express her praise.

 (End of this chapter)

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