The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 227: , don’t want to marry far away

Chapter 227: Don’t want to marry far away

Jing Shirong felt a little uncomfortable for no reason when he saw the admiration on her face.

“You just admire Brother Yun that much?”

 Shouldn’t we admire him more?

Isn't he better than that kid Murong Yun?

Sister Ying couldn't help laughing when she saw how jealous he was.

 “Okay, I’m afraid of you.”

 After saying that, he took out a gift from his sleeve and handed it to him, "Nuo~ It's for you."

Jing Shirong’s eyes lit up, “What is this?”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "You'll know just by looking at it."

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth, opened the bag, and found a trigger finger.

That wrench looks no different from an ordinary wrench, the only mechanism is inside the ring of the wrench.

"Just press it lightly, and the medicine, powder, etc. inside will fall out."

 These are all bought from Shun Geer.

Brother Shun didn't understand why she was looking for this thing at first. He just thought she was a child and playful, so he kept an eye on her. If he saw any strange things, he would sell them to her cheaply.

Sister Ying roughly guessed that Jing Shirong was working for the emperor and needed to keep a low profile and use some tools.

 So she would find good stuff for him from time to time.

 “How was it? Do you like it?”

Jing Shirong put the ring on his thumb and nodded, "I like it."

This girl, her pain was indeed not in vain, she even knew how to buy things for herself.

Sister Ying smiled when she saw that he liked it, "Then let's go shopping?"

They happened to be wearing curtains and hats, so others couldn’t see their faces.

Jing Shirong hummed and took her for a walk on another street.

 Because it was Chinese Valentine's Day, there were many young men and women on the street.

Sister Ying’s female classmates also came out.

Several children of Magistrate Lin’s family are also outside at this time.

Sister Ying and the others had just found a teahouse to sit down and drink, when they saw Lin's legitimate daughters also walking in.

 Fortunately, there is a screen between the two tea rooms, so Lin's daughter-in-law and the others cannot come in.

 Several ladies of the house sat together and began to talk about recent events.

 This year, these ladies have stopped going to women’s colleges.

 They are all fifteen years old, and each of them is looking for her husband's family.

 Because they are all the legitimate daughters of officials, they are looking for people from the right families.

However, the girls don’t seem to be very satisfied with their marriages, and they are all picky.

The girl from the Huang family said, "Well, the legitimate son my mother found for me is not tall at all and is shorter than my brother. I don't like him at all."

Here you can even look at each other when you are looking for your husband's family. The girls are also bolder and want to see what the husband chosen by the family looks like.

 Obviously, none of them are satisfied with what their family has chosen.

A certain lady also sighed and said, "It's okay for you. The family hasn't made a decision for you directly and is still looking for you. I can't do it. My mother has always wanted me to marry my cousin. She is so angry with me. I obviously She doesn’t like my cousin and insists on marrying me.”

 Because the two families have been in contact all year round and have a good relationship, her mother always wanted to marry her there.

 But she and her cousin had no relationship at all, so she didn't like it.

Hearing this, the other ladies sighed, "There's nothing you can do if you don't agree, unless your cousin doesn't agree either, so the family won't force you."

When the lady heard this, she stood up in a hurry and went back.

“Then I’ll go talk to my cousin and see what he thinks.”

 After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

 When other ladies saw this, they all smiled with their handkerchiefs. "Really, Sister Chen is always so arrogant."

“Even so, I don’t know if she can explain the matter.”

 The other ladies nodded, then looked at Lin's daughter-in-law, "Sister Lin, our marriage has been discussed. How is your marriage going?"

 Speaking of this, Lin's first daughter-in-law is also very melancholy.

“I heard that my parents wanted me to marry into the capital. But I don’t know how to marry someone from a place I’m not familiar with in Beijing.”

Her father was a fourth-rank magistrate and had only a few friends in the capital, so he wanted to marry her to the capital.

 But she is a little girl who has traveled thousands of miles to get married in the capital, and she always feels insecure.

 After hearing this, other ladies also sympathized with her very much.

“Everyone says that the capital is good, but there are many rules in the capital. It is said that a daughter-in-law has to stand and serve her mother-in-law even when eating, and she can’t even take a bite of rice.”

"And it is said that the daughter-in-law has to get up before dawn every day to pay her respects to her mother-in-law."

“If the mother-in-law makes things difficult, she can make her stand in the ice and snow all morning, which will make her shivering with cold, which is scary.”

 The other beauties opened their eyes wide when they heard this, "Isn't it?? So bad?"

They don't have so many rules here, most of them just do whatever makes them feel comfortable.

The capital city is too strict.

It’s too frustrating to be someone’s daughter-in-law like this.

Lin's heart felt cold when she heard them describe it like this.

 Her eyes immediately turned red, "I'm not getting married. I'll go back and tell my mother."

 After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

When the other ladies saw this, they were all a little embarrassed and asked the lady, "Is what you said true?"

The lady nodded, "Of course it's true. My eldest aunt married in the capital, have you forgotten?"

“During the Chinese New Year, she came back and told my grandmother a lot of bitterness, which I had never heard of.”

Originally everyone thought that her aunt's marriage to the capital was regarded as a high marriage.

  She didn’t expect that her life in her husband’s family would be so difficult.

 Get up before dawn every day to greet my mother-in-law.

Her aunt's mother-in-law was a tricky old lady. She deliberately made her aunt wait outside the door every day, which made her aunt sick several times.

  After giving birth to a son, the old lady took him directly to the house to raise him. Even seeing her son became a luxury.

 The other ladies were dumbfounded when they heard this, "Oh my god, it's so terrible. I never want to marry Jingcheng again. It's so scary."

Especially because their natal family is still so far away. If they get married, they will be bullied and have no place to go. It would be too miserable.

The other ladies sighed, "I suddenly felt that what my mother found for me was not bad. At least the two families are close to each other and they know everything about it. It is much better than marrying far away."

 Other ladies said yes, "Yes, now I think our marriage is okay, much better than Sister Lin's."

 Everyone agreed, and now they were no longer picky.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were listening next door and were very sad.

Sister Ying looked at Jing Shirong and asked him, "Do you really have so many rules in the capital?"

Jing Shirong recalled carefully, "It seems so."

 The capital is at the feet of the emperor, and rules are the most important.

No matter how carefree her mother is outside, she still has to take care of herself every day after returning to the capital.

Some in-laws’ families are strict and have many more rules than ordinary families.

Sister Ying wrinkled her nose and hummed, "It seems that it is better not to marry far away. You will suffer if you are too far away from your natal family."

 This is not modern and there is no developed communication.

If she marries far away in the future and is bullied by her husband's family and her mother's family is not around, it would be really frustrating, so she won't consider marrying far away.

 (End of this chapter)

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