The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 228: , discuss the issue of marriage

Chapter 228, discussing the issue of marriage

Jing Shirong was a little amused when he saw her being so scared, "Didn't you tell me about your husband's family yet? Are you worried about this?"

Of course Sister Ying said, "Girls are not as free as boys. They have to be ordered by their parents to get married. The matchmaker's advice is not up to us."

Of course, Mrs. Wu cannot let her marry far away. But hearing about the disadvantages of marrying far away today made her feel a little uncomfortable.

  After all, the word "marriage" always makes people feel a little embarrassed.

Jing Shirong didn’t understand, “Why do you say that?”

Sister Ying took a sip of scented tea and said, "Because when a woman gets married, she needs to leave her comfortable home and go to someone else's home to live with a group of strangers. She also has to call two strangers dad and mom and look at their looks. "

“I feel comfortable at home, but when I go to other people’s homes, I feel restricted everywhere.”

“The whole family sits down to eat, while the daughter-in-law stands. She doesn’t even have the right to look after the child. It’s really sad.”

It’s no wonder that women in later generations don’t want to get married. It turns out that the fundamental reason is that they don’t want to depend on others and look at their looks.

Sister Ying didn’t understand it before, but now she understands it a bit.

Seeing her worried look, Jing Shirong comforted her, "Things are not so absolute. Some mothers-in-law are indeed petty-minded and intolerant. But not all mothers-in-law are like this, just like your mother, isn't she?"

 “My mother?”

Sister Ying then thought about it and said, "That's right. Not every mother-in-law is a bad person, but not every woman is lucky enough to meet a good mother-in-law."

 For example, she may not meet a mother-in-law as good as her mother.

 You don’t have to go to other people’s homes to see how they look.

Jing Shirong was really dumbfounded and advised her, "You, you, haven't even gotten married yet, so you are starting to worry about the future."

"Didn't your mother say that? As long as a woman has her own money shop and connections, she doesn't need to look at her husband's family. You have your own property now, so what are you afraid of?"

Sister Ying is still a little unsure.

“But, in the future, I will still be weak in my husband’s family.”

 She is just a foreigner, and compared with a large family, she will definitely not be able to compete.

 There is no way, she was a child before she came here, and she has not yet been involved in the adult world.

 The sudden mention of getting married will make you anxious.

Jing Shirong saw that she was as timid as a little rabbit, so he reached out and rubbed her head, "Don't worry, you still have me, I will protect you."

If this girl gets married in the future, he can choose some girls with strong martial arts skills to accompany her.

You can also find a few guards with strong martial arts skills to follow her, and there will be no problem.

When Sister Ying heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up.

 “Really? You want to find a master for me?”

 That would be great.

If there is a master by her side to protect her, then she will indeed not be so afraid, and even have a little confidence.

“Brother Rong, you really love me, I love you so much~~”

Jing Shirong smiled after hearing this, "Okay, I got it, I'll start preparing for you next time."

This girl is also thirteen, and will be fourteen next year. She should really prepare someone for her.

The two of them chatted for a long time, and then they heard the ladies talking again.

“By the way, have you heard? The imperial envoy from the capital will be coming down in the next few days~”

“Besides, I heard that this year’s imperial envoy is very young, only in his early twenties. I don’t know if he is married yet.”

 When the other ladies heard this, they became energetic.

“Really? How young are you? Twenty-two?”

The lady smiled and said, "It should be. I heard what my father said, and I think it's not much different."

“And I heard that the imperial envoy is very handsome.”

 Other ladies immediately gossiped, "How handsome? Are you more handsome than little Pan An?"

The lady smiled and said, "I don't know about that."

"But it shouldn't be bad. It seems that all the noble men from the capital are quite handsome." The other ladies all laughed, "Then let's go take a look secretly and see who is more handsome, the imperial envoy or little Pan An. "

“Okay, let’s go together then.”

After saying that, they all laughed.

Sister Ying also heard it in the tea room and looked at Jing Shirong.

 “Do you know that imperial envoy?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "I know him, and you know him too."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Isn't it right? How can I know you?"

She didn’t know anyone in the capital, so how could she know the imperial envoy?

Jing Shirong smiled and did not explain, "You will know when the time comes."

Sister Ying thought about it over and over, but still had no idea, so she gave up.

"Okay, then I will also take a peek at the imperial envoy's face to see who is better-looking, him or you."

Jing Shirong snorted and raised his chin, "Of course I am good-looking."

   It actually stinked.

It was the first time Sister Ying saw him being such a stinker, and she also laughed.

 “We should go back, otherwise my parents should look for me.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, I have to go see how my cousin and Murong Yun are doing."

If this couple gets married, there will be a wedding banquet next year.

Speaking of the wedding wine, Sister Ying suddenly thought, "My cousin is getting married next month, and I will go upstream to stay for a few days."

Let him know in advance, otherwise he won't be able to find anyone at home.

Jing Shirong hummed, "I understand."

 The two of them waited for the group of ladies to leave, and then they also left.

 They went up to the sixth floor of Yipinzhai from the back door together.

As soon as they went up, the two of them went their separate ways. Sister Ying went back to the private room to find her parents, while Jing Shirong went to the next private room to see Jing Han and the others.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw that Jing Han and Murong Yun were already hugging each other.

 And it was Jing Han who took the initiative! !

If Jing Shirong hadn't come in, these two people would have kissed! !

 He coughed, not knowing whether to go out or stay.

 Finally, after thinking about it, I decided to stop them.


Having already gotten married before they even got married, it didn't seem right.

Jing Shirong walked over angrily, picked up Murong Yun, and threw it aside like trash.

 Then he pulled Jinghan's back collar and dragged her home like a parent.

  I immediately criticized her severely when I got home.

“Cousin, you’re not married yet, how can you mess around!”

Jinghan was blushing very much, and he hesitated to explain, "I, I, I just wanted to see if Yun Di was awake, not to kiss him."

Jing Shirong looked at her with a confused expression, "Do you believe this?"

You have four people on your lips, how dare you say you didn’t kiss?

 Jinghan twirled his little fingers, the tall man swaying, acting coquettishly.

"Ajing, just pretend you didn't see it. Don't tell my mother about this."

Although her mother shows off how she chased her father every day.

 But when she gets here, she will definitely not be allowed to kiss a man.

 Yes, her mother has such double standards.

  I can kiss her father, but she is not allowed to do so. It's really annoying.

Jing Shirong looked at her like an idiot again, "Anyway, you are not allowed to mess around until you are married, otherwise you will go to the capital."

 (End of this chapter)

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