Chapter 230, listen to the corner

Jing Shirong has not thought about his life-long events.

 He has always been calm and self-possessed, as if he has never been attracted to anyone.

 The mood has been very calm.

Even when faced with a passionate girl, his mood is very calm and does not cause any disturbance.

 So he doesn’t want to mention emotional matters now, and he doesn’t think so for the time being.

He just wants to find out the basic real account books, otherwise this case will not be solved.

 There was an imperial envoy who lurked here for two years before. After two years of searching, he could not find the real account books, which was a headache.

 The emperor also meant to give him two years, or three years.

Within three years, the case must be understood and all the money embezzled by the corrupt officials must be found, otherwise the imperial mission will almost be over.

Jing Shirong has already found some brows, and has to continue looking for the rest.

It was late at night, but he couldn't sleep, so he put on black clothes and a black scarf and went to the corrupt official's house to discredit him.

 He first went to Magistrate Lin’s house and eavesdropped on the wall.

 Mrs. Lin was dressing Magistrate Lin while saying, "The imperial envoy sent by the superiors this time is said to be very young. I think he is young and ignorant, so he should be easier to fool."

Prefect Lin said confidently, "No matter how many times they send people here, they can't find anything fishy. It's been so many years and I haven't seen any imperial envoy with this ability, so don't worry."

After hearing this, Mrs. Lin felt relieved.

“Yes, I have always been capable, so I’m not worried about it.”

Zhifu Lin laughed loudly after hearing this, obviously very confident.

"Just wait, let him come and leave empty-handed, and see how he delivers."

Mrs. Lin was worried, "However, the emperor calls for people to check every year. Wouldn't it be bad if nothing can be found?"

If the emperor was not suspicious, it would be impossible for him to call people to check every year.

 It must be that they leaked some information and the emperor noticed it, otherwise they wouldn't keep doing this every year.

Zhifu Lin is not afraid.

“Don’t worry, it’s a requirement to conduct inspections every year. Our taxes are paid every year, so there’s no problem.”

“I handed over the account books and found nothing on them. Even if they were suspicious, what could they do without evidence.”

Zhifu Lin has been an official here for ten years, and he is not afraid at all that he will be found out. He is obviously well prepared.

Jing Shirong listened in the corner for a long time, but could not hear any useful information.

But he was very patient and continued to squat.

I know that Magistrate Lin said, "Those account books are well hidden. Unless I die, they will not be transferred. No one will ever know about that place."

 Because the amount of corruption is large and large, these corrupt officials need to write down their accounts every year to avoid confusion.

 This is the matter of account books.

However, these corrupt officials are very cunning. Jing Shirong searched many places but could not find the account books, and he also had a headache.

He thought for a while, even if he didn't find the account book, he should find the place where the money was hidden.

Account books are easy to hide, but large amounts of money are not easy to hide.

Even if they were placed in the bank, some of them must have been hidden by themselves.

Jing Shirong listened for a while, and was about to leave and go to other corrupt officials' houses to listen to others, but heard what Mrs. Lin said again.

“Ms. sir, Yu’er came to me crying in the evening and told me that there are many rules in the capital. When a daughter-in-law comes to the house, she has to stand and wait on her mother-in-law even when eating. She can only eat leftovers after the whole family has finished eating.”

“I think, why don’t we let Yu’er marry the capital?”

 After all, I only have such a precious daughter, but I still can’t bear to let her go to Beijing.

After hearing this, Magistrate Lin thought for a while and then said, "Our family has cooperated with others for so many years, and they won't worry about the relationship between the two families if we don't get married. There is nothing we can do about it."

The two families have been mutually beneficial for so many years. Without marriage, they don't trust each other, so they had to make this decision.

Mrs. Lin said distressedly, "But Yu'er has been spoiled since she was a child. I'm afraid that she will suffer hardship if she gets married."

Zhifu Lin sighed and thought for a while, "Otherwise, how about asking the concubine to marry her together? The two of them can be companions?"

 Originally it was common to marry a concubine, but I was afraid that the sisters wouldn't get along and they would quarrel.

Mrs. Lin didn’t want to marry a concubine. She felt uncomfortable even thinking about it. In fact, their family had high hopes for this marriage, but it was still a bit reluctant to marry their daughter away for the first time.

But after much calculation, she couldn't find the bride with a lantern, so she thought about it and forgot about it.

“That’s it, the worst we can do is give Yu’er some more dowry, and the servants who will give her the dowry will bring more servants to prevent her from being bullied.”

Zhifu Lin nodded, "Go and do it. Give her more dowry shops, so she won't have any money to spend."

Mrs. Lin hummed, and then they went to sleep together.

Jing Shirong listened carefully.

I also heard something fishy.

 It turned out that Lin's legitimate daughter was going to marry a family that cooperated with the Lin family.

But just now, Magistrate Lin didn't say who the other party was, so he had to find out about it himself.

 Once you find out who is going to marry Lin's daughter-in-law, things will be easier to handle.

 It’s August.

Mrs. Wu finally called a few children to go to Sister Wu’s house.

 Because the day for An Ge'er to get married is coming soon.

 They have to go there in advance to help.

Liang Jin wanted to stay to handle the case and couldn't leave, so they had to go first.

Although Liang Jin couldn't go, the children were still very happy.

 After all, I study every day and it’s rare to take leave. Even if I take a few days off, of course I’m very happy.

Seeing how happy her two sons and daughters were, Mr. Wu was speechless and asked, "Why don't you like reading so much? Who are you following?"

 Obviously my husband likes reading very much, but why are none of the four children like him?

Sister Ying and her children were all smiling and asked her, "Mom, how many days are we going to stay at Second Aunt's house this time?"

 She is having the easiest time studying now, and she feels as if she is about to graduate.

This time I came to my second aunt’s house and wanted to spend a few more days.

Mrs. Wu thought for a while and said, "Let's stay for five or six days."

Although he can stay longer, he doesn't feel at ease leaving Liang Jin alone at home.

 Five or six days, no more, no less, is just enough.

After hearing this, Brother Kang, Brother Sen and Sister Yang suddenly let out a disappointed "Ah~".

 Obviously I want to stay a few more days.

   Wu glared at them, "Don't push me further!"

If she didn’t want to give the second sister’s family more relatives, she wouldn’t have brought these stinky kids here.

 I know how to play every day.

 Kang Ge'er and the others were all smiling, not annoyed at all.

 When the boat arrived at Sister Wu’s house, several children ran in familiarly.

 “Second aunt~~”

Second Sister Wu heard the sound and immediately ran over to pick them up.

 “Yo, my darlings are here.”

Sister Ying ran over to hug her with a smile, each holding an arm.

Second Sister Wu was very happy, "Okay, okay, we are all here, hurry up and cook inside, Second Aunt has prepared a lot of delicious food for you."

 The four children immediately ran in with smiles on their face.

Second Sister Wu was very happy and hurriedly asked her servants to bring food.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Don't spoil them too much. They are spoiled to the limit."

Second Sister Wu gave her a cute look and said, "The children are still young, and you are just too strict. It's rare for me to come here, why should I love them more?"

 After that, continue to get food for the children.

  Subscribe and go for it, dear ones, forget it if you have no money, haha ​​Y(^_^)Y



 (End of this chapter)

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