The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 231: , cousin sister-in-law is pregnant

Chapter 231, Cousin-in-law is pregnant

Mrs. Wu shook her head, knowing that her second sister doted on her children, so she had no choice but to let her go.

 Kang Ge'er and the others ran to Sister Wu's side laughing and joking, begging for hugs in various ways.

Second Sister Wu also likes to hug them and give them a hug and a kiss.

Mrs. Wu couldn't help but laugh and cry. She waited until they had had enough fun before asking, "How are the preparations for the wedding going?"

Second Sister Wu patted her chest and assured, "Don't worry, everything has been arranged."

 The invitations, the wine table, and the wedding room are all decorated.

The only regret is that I can’t ask my parents to come over with my eldest brother and younger brother.

Mrs. Wu sighed, "There is no way. The journey is far away. My parents are not suitable for long distances. We can only wait until we have time to go back to see them."

Second Sister Wu also said, "Last time, Fourth Sister said that Sister Qing gave birth to two big fat boys this year. Have you received the letter?"

When Mrs. Liang heard this, she was surprised and said, "What? Sister Qing has given birth? Two more?"

 Old Mrs. Liang has just come from home and hasn’t received the letter yet.

Second Sister Wu said, "The letter was expected to arrive by now, but when you came here, I thought it was missed."

Mrs. Liang said happily, "It's okay. It'll be the same when I go back and take a look."

The two of us often write letters and are used to it.

 Second Sister Wu said to Mrs. Wu, "Our fourth child and Sister Qing's relationship is getting better and better."

Although the two are county magistrates in a small place, their relationship is getting better year by year.

 Wu Laosi was also a man who cared about his wife. Liang Qing followed him and did not suffer much. On the contrary, Wu Laosi did a lot of the hard work.

Old Mrs. Liang will be relieved as long as her daughter lives a good life.

On the eldest daughter’s side, the whole family has an annoying sister-in-law, which is really annoying.

 Fortunately, my grandson is studying well now. If he gets a Jinshi in the future, the eldest daughter will be able to get rid of those sisters-in-law.

Second Sister Wu also said, "Don't worry, your eldest daughter's good fortune is yet to come."

Mrs. Liang hummed, "I'm looking forward to it too."

Mrs. Wu came over and asked, "How is Xiangxiang's health these days?"

 Speaking of the eldest daughter-in-law, Second Sister Wu suddenly remembered.

 “I forgot to tell you that Xiangxiang has a body.”

Mrs. Wu said "Huh?" and was very surprised, "Yes? Her body?" She actually has it. It's really incredible.

Sister Wu also said, "Who can say it's not the case? She is so thin that I don't even dare to think about it, but it happened."

 It does exist, but the harm is very serious.

"It's only been two months, and I'm already vomiting so much that I'm so scared that Brother Shun doesn't dare to go out."

Mrs. Wu was worried after hearing this, "Have you seen the doctor? What did the doctor say?"

Second Sister Wu, "I've seen it. When I first found out she was pregnant, Brother Shun was shocked and frightened, so he quickly went to find a famous midwife nearby. He even found a female doctor."

“The female doctor came over and said the fetus was weak, so we should be mentally prepared.”

 It means that the child may not be well.

But Brother Shun didn't give up and called many doctors to see him.

Sister Wu said, "Actually, the doctor suggested that if the child is gone, then the child will be gone, so as to save one body and two lives. But Xiangxiang refused and insisted on protecting the child no matter what."

"Brother Shun has no choice but to listen to Xiangxiang and try his best to save the child."

Second Sister Wu was worried, "This is what I was afraid of at the beginning. If she couldn't give birth, she would be able to live peacefully for a few more years. But now she is pregnant and in such poor health. It makes me nervous every day, let alone Brother Shun." "

Brother Shun, who used to be high-spirited, now stays in the boudoir every day and dare not go out at all, for fear that something will happen to Xiangxiang.

Mrs. Wu didn't expect that things would turn out like this, so she was worried.

 “Then will the fetus be stable?”

Second Sister Wu sighed, "It's a little more stable, even if the vomiting is severe, otherwise they would want to come and sit with you."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wu said, "Then I and Sister Ying will go to see her." Sister Wu agreed, "That's okay, she doesn't have any relatives, so I'll take you to see her."

With that said, Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying went to the backyard to see Lin Xiangxiang.

“Xiangxiang, look who’s coming to see you.”

Lin Xiangxiang got busy when she heard her mother-in-law's voice.

 Brother Shun helped her up and let her sit on the bed.

Sister Ying walked in to see her.

He asked concernedly, "Cousin, are you okay?"

Lin Xiangxiang hasn’t been out for a long time. When she first saw Sister Ying, she felt as if she was seeing her mother’s family, and she was very happy.

 “You are here.”

Sister Ying sat on the edge of the bed, hummed, and looked at her face.

“Cousin, you have lost some weight and need to eat more nutritious meals.”

Lin Xiangxiang thought about it too, but she couldn’t stop stuttering.

Sister Ying asked, "Do you like sweet and spicy food or sour and spicy food? I'll make it for you."

Lin Xiangxiang was surprised, "You can still do this."

Sister Ying said of course, "Yes, what flavor do you want? I'll make it for you. If you like it, you can ask Cousin Shun to order it at our inn, and you can have it every day."

Lin Xiangxiang thought for a while, "Well, I want to eat something sour and spicy, something very sour and spicy."

 But Brother Shun has been refusing to give her food for fear of making her stomach upset.

After hearing this, Sister Ying blinked and said, "Don't worry, I secretly made it and brought it to you to eat."

 Pregnant women can eat what they like, which is better than not being able to eat anything.

Sister Ying asked them to talk in the room while she went to the kitchen to show off her skills.

When Brother Shun heard that she wanted to make food for Lin Xiangxiang, he was grateful and gave her another good product.

"This is a smoke egg. Throw it on the ground in a critical moment to buy time to escape."

Sister Ying laughed and accepted it happily.

“Cousin Shun, Sister Xiangxiang is so lucky to marry you.”

It is really rare to see a man who loves his wife so much.

 Brother Shun raised his lips, looking like a happy married man, "I am lucky to marry her."

“Okay, you can make the noodles and bring them hot later. I’ll pay for it then.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Who cares about your money? Go ahead and don't disturb me."

 Having said that, drive Brother Shun away and roll up your sleeves to make hot and sour noodles.

Lin Xiangxiang said she likes hot and sour noodles, so make hot and sour noodles and see if she has the appetite to eat them.

The Wu family's kitchen has everything. I think it was to give Lin Xiangxiang an appetite, so they bought almost all the dishes.

Sister Ying asked the maid to prepare ingredients for her, including sweet potato vermicelli, pepper powder, light soy sauce, vinegar, and some pepper oil.

Also prepare the remaining coriander, spring onions, ginger, garlic, and crispy peanuts.

Put hot water in a pot and cook the sweet potato vermicelli, then mix the seasoning and put it in a bowl. Finally, after the sweet potato vermicelli is cooked, take it out and put it into the seasoning bowl.

Finally, burn some hot pepper oil and pour it on the surface to make a sizzling sound.

 Finally sprinkle with crushed peanuts and chopped green onion.

“Okay, you bring it to the young lady first, and I’ll make some side dishes.”

The pregnant woman’s appetite was unstable. Sister Ying was afraid that Lin Xiangxiang wouldn’t be able to eat too much, so she made some spicy and sour side dishes for her.

 What about spicy and sour bamboo shoots, spicy and sour kelp with red oil, and pickled cucumbers.

 (End of this chapter)

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