Chapter 232, Confinement Meal

 “Young madam, the hot and sour noodles are here.”

The maid picked up the hot and sour noodles, and a spicy and sour aroma greeted her.

Lin Xiangxiang's appetite suddenly opened up, and her mouth became extremely greedy.

 “Sir, I want to eat.”

Seeing that she had an appetite, Brother Shun opened his eyes happily, "Want to eat? OK, OK, I'll feed you."

After saying that, he immediately took the hot and sour noodles from the maid's hand and sat on the bedside to feed her personally.

Lin Xiangxiang glanced at Mrs. Wu and her mother-in-law, feeling quite embarrassed.

 “I, I will do it myself.”

 Normally Brother Shun dotes on her and feeds her everything, but at that time there was no one else in the room.

Her mother-in-law and third aunt are both here now, so Lin Xiangxiang will be embarrassed.

Seeing this, Ms. Wu smiled and said, "Hey, you eat first and don't worry about us. We are going out for snacks too. You are delicious."

Lin Xiangxiang blushed and nodded, pushing her brother forward with her little hand, "You go and see off your third aunt and mother."

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "No need to give it away. We are a family and don't need these false gifts."

Brother Shun smiled and said, "That's right, Third Aunt is like our own mother, so you're welcome."

Mrs. Wu and Sister Wu looked at each other, smiled, and then went out together.

 After the elders left, Brother Shun fed his wife with a spoon.

 “Try, try Sister Ying’s craftsmanship.”

 Lin Xiangxiang smelled the hot and sour noodles and really thought, "It smells so good."

 She has been taking medicinal food for about a month, and she always vomits after eating.

 Today, when I smell the hot and sour rice noodles, I don’t even have the slightest idea of ​​vomiting.

 Brother Shun took a spoonful of the hot and sour rice noodle soup and gave it to her to try.

Lin Xiangxiang lowered her head and took a sip, her eyes lit up, "Well, it tastes good."

 Having said that, I still want to drink.

 Brother Shun was overjoyed and hurriedly fed her.

The meat in the hot and sour noodles was quickly given to her.

Lin Xiangxiang ate more than half of the bowl before she was full.

Brother Shun looked at her for a while and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she didn't vomit.

“Sister Ying, that girl is really nice.”

 Good guy, so many doctors couldn’t cure morning sickness, but this girl cured it.

Lin Xiangxiang didn’t expect that she didn’t vomit today, and she was very happy.

Originally, the doctor said that it would take three months before I would stop vomiting, but I didn’t expect that eating was going so smoothly today.

Brother Shun was worried until night, but Lin Xiangxiang didn't even vomit, so he went to find Sister Ying.

Sister Ying handed him the hot and sour snacks, "Hey, it's for my cousin."

Brother Shun was overjoyed when he saw that she still had something to spare. "You're fine, girl. You're a filial girl. I'll give you a big red envelope during the Chinese New Year."

Sister Ying laughed after hearing this, "Don't worry, I won't be polite to you then."

Brother Shun rolled his eyes at her and quickly brought the side dishes in.

Lin Xiangxiang smelled the smell of the side dishes and felt very appetizing.

With pumpkin porridge, I ate four plates of side dishes, including spicy and sour bamboo shoots, spicy red kelp, and soaked chicken feet. The more I ate, the more delicious they became.

Brother Shun saw that she loved Sister Ying's cooking so much, so he asked Sister Ying for the recipe.

Sister Ying said, "Go to my inn and make a reservation. I'll write down a meal list later. If you ask someone to take it over, just say it's from me."

 Their inn also has some special services, specifically opening windows for people with poor appetites.

Or a person who is on confinement can order meals from her for a month.

Sister Ying studied for a long time before finishing the confinement package.

  Many women were famous and came to make reservations.

 After giving birth, Sister Ying had her delivered to the mother’s home on time every day, and her reputation was as good as ever. Brother Shun saw that she had such a good confinement meal, so he ordered it immediately.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll give my cousin sister-in-law food for free."

Brother Shun laughed loudly when he heard this, "You don't have to save money for me, just pay as much as you need. Brother is not short of money."

Sister Ying glanced at him and said, "It's great to be rich~"

Brother Shun will be happy as long as Lin Xiangxiang is in good health.

“As long as your cousin-in-law can give birth safely, I’m willing to spend any amount of money.”

Sister Ying nodded and said to him, "Then remember not to waste your business."

I heard from my second aunt that Brother Shun hasn't gone to see the business recently, and the shop is almost deserted.

Hearing this, Brother Shun scratched his head and said, "Isn't it because you are afraid that your cousin-in-law misses me at home, so she doesn't dare to go out?"

At first, Lin Xiangxiang was pregnant and emotionally unstable. Brother Shun was worried about her, so naturally he didn't dare to go out.

Now that everyone at home is here, he really wants to go out and check the shop.

 In the evening, Lin Xiangxiang had eaten and drank enough. Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying went to sit in her room, and Brother Shun took the time to visit the shop.

Lin Xiangxiang feels more energetic now that she has finished her meal.

Second Sister Wu was very happy to see it.

“If I had known that Sister Ying’s presence would make you so energetic, I should have captured her to accompany you earlier.”

Lin Xiangxiang laughed when she heard this.

 “She has to be busy with her studies, so I didn’t ask her to come.”

 She knew that girls should learn more about music, chess, calligraphy and painting, so as not to displease their husbands.

For example, after she went to her aunt's house, she never picked up a pen again, let alone playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Until she got married, people saw that her writing was so unskilled and crooked, and they disliked her even more.

 So she also hopes that her children in the future can learn more things and not be like her, knowing nothing.

Sister Ying saw her sad expression and quickly changed the subject.

“Cousin, before three months you stayed in bed to nurse the fetus. After three months, you have to go out for a walk from time to time. It is good for your health and the baby.”

Mrs. Wu also said, "Yes, you need to move around more to give birth easily."

  She has given birth to four children herself, so she naturally has experience.

“Walking as much as possible while you can. If your body feels too uncomfortable later on, you can stretch your muscles in bed. It doesn’t have to be a lot. It’s good to move.”

Lin Xiangxiang remembered everything she said.

Sister Ying also said, "When you get better, go out shopping more and buy some clothes for your children. Buy some for both boys and girls. Then you won't have to worry about anything."

 Lin Xiangxiang touched her belly with a motherly look on her face when she heard that she was buying clothes for her child.

 “Okay, I also want to buy something for my child.”

 Second Sister Wu saw that she loved the child so much, and she prayed in her heart that God would allow her to pass the pregnancy safely. It is best if mother and child are safe and everyone is doing well.

 On the second day.

  Sister Wu’s house is getting more and more lively.

Tomorrow is Angor's wedding day, and the whole family is very happy today.

Sister Wu was also very happy and was busy preparing new clothes for Mrs. Wu and others in the evening.

“Come on, come on, these belong to Sister Ying, these belong to Sister Yang, and these belong to Brother Kang and Brother Seng. Try them on and see if they suit you.”

After Mrs. Wu saw it, she said to her, "I have brought them new clothes, why are you still buying them?"

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "I'm happy. I had these clothes made long ago, and they are just waiting for the children to come and wear them."

Mrs. Wu couldn't help her, so she could only try for the children.

 The four children wore new clothes and looked brand new as expected.

Especially Sister Ying and Sister Yang, they look like little fairies in what they wear.

 (End of this chapter)

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