The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 234: , met Aunt Lin Xiangxiang by chance

Chapter 234: Encounter with Aunt Lin Xiangxiang

Second Sister Wu looked at her housekeeper's attitude and said helplessly, "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you, so just leave. But can Sister Ying stay with me for a few days?"

Mrs. Wu thought for a while, "That's okay. Anyway, after finishing her studies this year, I'm going to let her be raised at home."

“Then let her stay a few more days to stay with you.”

 Second Sister Wu was happy after hearing this.

“The relationship is good, I’m going to take her shopping every day during these few days.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "Don't pamper her too much. Otherwise, if I scold her in the future, she will come to you to be your daughter."

Second Sister Wu laughed when she heard this, "That's a good relationship. We are biological sisters. It's good for her to be my daughter. Anyway, you have a daughter too."

Mrs. Wu glared at her, "No, if you like it, just give birth to another one."

Second Sister Wu also glared at her, "I don't want it. I'm going to be a grandmother next year. Why don't you let me give birth to you? Isn't it embarrassing for me?"

  Wu Shi, "There's nothing shameful about this. It's not uncommon for people to be born again in their forties."

 Second Sister Wu snickered when she heard this, "I don't want old oysters to grow pearls and suffer the consequences in vain."

Mrs. Wu also laughed after hearing this and stopped trying to persuade her.

"Okay, okay, I have to toast later."


So the two went to toast together.

 At night, the Wu family was still very lively, with people coming to have wedding drinks one after another.

   People like Second Sister Wu have made many friends outside.

Especially here in Jiangnan, almost all my good friends are here.

 She is generous and has many friends, and several tables of people came in the evening.

 At this moment, everyone has been drinking and also punching.

Second Sister Wu smiled and asked them to eat more.

 The guests also said their best wishes to her.

 The saying "Two hugs in the next year and three in two years." is particularly festive.

 Some gossips are curious, "Why does the younger son marry first in their family? What about the eldest son?"

 Some people knew a little inside story, so they said, "It is said that the eldest son is already married and is a sick man. He has never been out to see anyone. I think he is not in good health."

Brother Shun just came back now. Hearing the voices of these people, his face tightened and he was in a bad mood.

But he didn’t argue with others, so as not to affect today’s good day.

Aunt Lin Xiangxiang's family is a gangster, and in order to protect her, Brother Shun doesn't intend to let her appear in the eyes of everyone.

 Lest her aunt know that she was here, it would definitely affect her ability to raise the baby.

 On the other hand, Lin Xiangxiang's mentality is much better now.

Her body slowly recovered and her mood became more comfortable.

 Brother Shun returned to the house and saw her eating fruit after dinner, and his mood immediately improved.

 “Are you eating?”

Lin Xiangxiang nodded, "Yes, these are sour plums. Sister Ying's family sells them. They are sour and sweet. They are specially reserved for pregnant women who like to eat sour fruits."

She loves sour and spicy food, and Brother Shun is confused.

“They say sour sons and hot daughters. You are sour and hot at the same time. Are you a son or a daughter?”

Lin Xiangxiang took this opportunity to ask, "Do you prefer a daughter or a son?"

 Brother Shun smiled when he heard this, "I like you."

Lin Xiangxiang’s face suddenly turned red.

 “You hate it.”

Brother Shun laughed loudly, "Whether your child is a boy or a girl, I like it, as long as you do well."

 He has been traveling around for many years and has experienced life and death several times. He has become indifferent to many things and does not care about men and women.

As long as mother and son can be safe.

Lin Xiangxiang was also very emotional when she heard this.

“I hope to give you a son so that he can travel with you in the future.”

  She suddenly discovered that people who are well-informed are more open-minded. The horizons are also wider.

Especially because his thoughts are different from others, he is highly receptive and can easily understand others. No wonder people are so eager to travel around the world.

 It turns out that I have traveled a lot and seen a lot, and my mind is indeed very broad.

Brother Shun reached out and touched her head, "After you give birth and the baby is older, I will take you out for a walk together."

Lin Xiangxiang nodded, "Okay, let's go together then."

 Brother Shun hummed and hugged her, "I will."

 On the second day.

The bride got up to serve tea, and the Wu family gave red envelopes. This was considered a success.

Bai Ling'er was not afraid of life at all when she got married. Instead, she was chattering.

Lin Xiangxiang also came over to drink her tea, and the two of them were able to chat together.

Mrs. Wu felt relieved after seeing how well their sisters-in-law got along.

 Two days later, Mrs. Wu went back with Liang Jin.

Coming with us are Kang Geer, Sengeer, and Yang Jieer.

Sister Ying stayed for a few more days.

Second Sister Wu liked her and took her shopping with Bai Ling'er the next day.

As soon as they arrived at the clothing store, Second Sister Wu said generously, "You can choose what I want to settle with you today."

As soon as Bai Ling'er heard this, she went to pick out clothes happily.

“Mom, it’s my grandmother’s birthday next month. Can I choose an outfit for her?”

Second Sister Wu said domineeringly, "Choose, pick the best one."

Bai Ling'er thanked her happily, "Thank you, mother~"

 Having said that, I happily went to pick out the good fabrics. "

Second Sister Wu also asked Sister Ying to choose, "You pick out some outfits that you like, and you can also pick out some for your eldest cousin."

 Sister Ying is well behaved and should be well behaved.

They looked at it together. Sister Ying chose a lavender pair for Lin Xiangxiang, which made her look more cheerful.

 She herself chose a lotus root starch set.

While the two were picking things up, a mother and daughter came in.

With sharp eyes, Sister Ying immediately saw that the mother and daughter were Lin Xiangxiang's aunt and cousin, weren't they?

She quickly took Second Sister Wu aside and said to her, "Second aunt, that is my eldest cousin's aunt."

Second Sister Wu looked over and saw that the mother and daughter were dressed in fancy clothes, as if they were going to a beauty pageant.

Lin Xiangxiang's aunt's name is Zheng Feizi. Not only is she tall and thick, but she is also very strong in hitting people.

When Lin Xiangxiang was a child, her uncle was not at home, so she was often beaten by Zheng.

  She was timid and did not dare to say anything when she was beaten, so she could only hide and cry secretly.

Mr. Zheng thought she was a **** who only came to the house to eat and drink, so of course she didn't want to see her.

Later, a matchmaker came to introduce her, saying that as long as she married Lin Xiangxiang to a businessman, she would get a dowry gift of two hundred taels.

As soon as Mrs. Zheng heard that there was silver, she immediately negotiated the price and said it would cost one thousand taels.

The matchmaker refused and said the price was too high.

 An ordinary girl only has one hundred taels.

Zheng said confidently, "She was originally a lady from an official family. She can read and write well, and she is good-looking. She has been raised by me in the past few years. The price is not bad."

 It's the same as selling pigs.

After hearing this, the matchmaker negotiated the price, saying that Lin Xiangxiang was starved to the skin and bones and would not be able to give birth at all.

Zheng refused to give in and would not marry her until she was given a thousand taels.

Finally, the matchmaker went back to ask for permission. The businessman was willing to pay one thousand taels, so she drugged Lin Xiangxiang to stun her and sent him there directly.

The thousand taels fell into Zheng's pocket.

When Second Sister Wu heard about this, she also hated Mrs. Zheng very much and didn’t even want to look at her.

 But she heard Mrs. Zheng talking to her daughter.

“This time the Sun family is here to propose marriage, and we are scheduled to get married in six months. During this half-year, you should read more books, so as not to expose the secret then.”

 (End of this chapter)

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