The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 235: , come back to see the imperial envoy

Chapter 235, come back to see the imperial envoy

As soon as Sister Ying heard that there was something fishy, ​​she and Second Sister Wu quietly leaned over and eavesdropped.

 Just listen to Mrs. Zheng talking to her daughter.

“You should try your best not to come out of the house in the past six months, and cover your face a little whiter. Then the young master of the Sun family will like it after seeing it.”

Zheng Tingting nodded shyly after hearing this.

She looked outside and asked quietly, "Mom, no one will find out about this, right?"

Zheng said confidently, "What are you afraid of? Lin Xiangxiang's broom star has died outside a long time ago. When the time comes, you will marry into the Sun family in her place. I will only say that you are Lin Xiangxiang. Anyway, they haven't seen each other for so many years. Who knows if you are."

Zheng Tingting nodded and said worriedly, "But what if someone asks about me? What would you say?"

Zheng said confidently, "Don't worry, I will tell you that you went to your grandmother's house. As long as you get married, I will also tell the outside world that you are married. How can the Sun family check this."

"So what if they find out? As long as the rice is cooked, they can't regret it even if they want to."

Originally, the Sun family had an arrangement with Lin Xiangxiang.

But because the Sun family and Lin Xiangxiang's family were both in decline, the two families each retired and returned to their hometowns, and then they separated.

But the young master of the Sun family had always been thinking about Lin Xiangxiang's good qualities, so he worked hard to marry her.

Now that he has passed the imperial examination, he can give his sweetheart a better life by taking the Jinshi exam next year.

 But he was afraid that Lin Xiangxiang would not be able to wait too long to get married, so he wanted to marry her home first.

In this way, no matter whether you can be successful or not, you can stay with her.

Zheng was shocked when the Sun family came to propose marriage.

 Fortunately, Zheng Tingting happened to be at home, so he pulled her out and said she was Lin Xiangxiang.

The Sun family’s housekeeper was newly hired. He had never seen Lin Xiangxiang before, so he had no suspicion immediately.

Then they exchanged the marriage certificates between the two families, decided on a date, and prepared to come and get married in half a year.

Mr. Zheng saw that the Sun family was very generous, so she didn't want to miss this good marriage.

She was thinking that if Mr. Sun won the Jinshi and became an official in the future, their family would also be able to benefit.

He wanted his daughter to marry instead of Lin Xiangxiang.

Zheng Tingting has been jealous that Lin Xiangxiang is prettier than her and has a better background than her since she was a child.

Now that Lin Xiangxiang is in a state of poverty, she still wishes she could step on Lin Xiangxiang more often.

In addition, Butler Sun said that Young Master Sun was handsome, so she wanted to marry him immediately, and of course she would not let go of this good marriage.

Moreover, the things given by Butler Sun were quite expensive. At first glance, it showed that the family was a bit low-income, so I felt that this marriage would be a good match. Of course, I had to dress myself up so that I could have a child immediately after getting married.

 As long as he has a child, even if Master Sun discovers it, he cannot divorce himself.

Otherwise, her mother will make a fuss and see if the Sun family has the guts.

Sister Ying and Second Sister Wu were speechless as they listened.

   This mother and daughter are actually plotting this.

They have to go back and talk to Brother Shun about this to see what he plans to do.

 When Brother Shun heard about this, he just said to leave it alone.

 Wait until the wedding is approaching before telling the young master of the Sun family.

To avoid harming one person more than once.

 I'm just afraid that Master Sun will ask where Lin Xiangxiang is going.

 If we really come over then, Brother Shun will have a headache.

Second Sister Wu comforted him, "What are you afraid of? When he comes over, both of your children will be born. Is it possible that he can still steal the mother of another child?"

 That said, it’s true.

 If Brother Shun cares about you, there will be chaos.

Bai Ling'er also heard about this. The Wu family didn't hide it from her. She was also smart and knew what to do.

 A few more days.

Sister Ying will be the sweetheart of Second Sister Wu for a few days and then she has to go back.

 Because she received a checkered letter from Brother Rong, saying that the imperial envoy was coming soon, and asked her if she would come and see him? Sister Ying, of course, wanted to go see her, so she said to Second Sister Wu, "Second aunt, I heard that the imperial envoy from the capital is coming over, shall we go and see it together?"

Hearing this, Second Sister Wu asked Bai Ling'er, "Do you want to go take a look?"

 Bai Ling'er nodded, "Yes, I want to see it too."

 She has an active nature, so of course she has to go and see her.

Not only did they want to see it, but many people in Jiangnan were also waiting for the day when the imperial envoy arrived.

 There is no way, the common people love to be lively, and they will join in the fun wherever there is some trouble.

Lin Xiangxiang’s pregnancy is not stable yet, so she can only stay at home.

 Fortunately, Brother Shun was with her, so she was fine.

So the next day, Second Sister Wu took Sister Ying and Bai Linger to Jiangnan.

They took the boat out, and as soon as they reached the middle reaches, they saw Brother Rong in another boat.

Second Sister Wu saw her looking straight at her back and asked her with a smile, "Little girl, what are you looking at?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Before, the ladies said that the imperial envoy who came this time was very handsome. I was thinking about how handsome he is, and whether he is as handsome as that little Pan An."

Jing Shirong's appearance is more like that of ethnic minorities, and his elegance is a bit mysterious.

 The mystery is a bit deserted.

 At first glance, he looks quiet and dignified, but if he gets closer, he feels that this person is so cold and hard to get close to him that he is not as easy to get close to as he imagined.

Second Sister Wu is used to seeing many rich people, but when she saw Jing Shirong, she felt that this person was something special.

 She asked Sister Ying, "Do you know that little Pan An?"

Jing Shirong’s status as a wealthy businessman and the second sister Wu have also heard of it.

But she hasn't come into contact with him yet, so she doesn't know his background. She only heard that he is the son of a high official in the capital, but she doesn't know anything else.

Sister Ying nodded, half-seriously, half-falsely, "We had dinner together before, so we know each other."

 Sorry, Second Aunt, I can’t tell you yet.

Sister Wu had no doubts. She took another look at Jing Shirong's back and said, "This young man seems to have a noble temperament and a bit of nobility. He looks different from ordinary businessmen."

 Elegance cannot be accumulated with money.

 Unless it is the aristocratic temperament cultivated from a high official's family since childhood, a businessman with little cultural background will not have such nobility.

Sister Ying nodded and agreed very much.

"I also think he is a bit noble, like the son of a high official."

 It’s not like that, it’s just like that.

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Okay, don't look at it. Such a handsome son may have already got married. You'd better wait for the next one."

Sister Ying was ashamed and muttered, "Why should he be the next one? Aren't I a good match for him?"

 Although there is a difference of six years, it is not much different.

Second Sister Wu clicked her tongue and looked her up and down, "You girl, don't you have a crush on that good-looking wealthy businessman?"

Sister Ying coughed and waved her hands quickly, "No, I just think he looks good."

 Her thoughts about Brother Rong are quite pure.

  I just like my big brother as much as I do.

 As for getting married, she seems to have not seriously considered it yet.

 After all, I am only thirteen, and I always feel like I am still a child, and I don’t want to get married so early.

Second Sister Wu nodded, knowing that she was still a child at heart, and said with a smile, "Don't always look at other people's good looks. When looking for a man, look at his character."

“But you have to follow your mother’s will. Your mother thought your father was good-looking and wanted to marry him.”

I suddenly felt dizzy today. I don’t know if it’s cervical spondylitis.



 (End of this chapter)

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