Chapter 236, Tricky

Sister Ying yelled, "My mother likes my father's beauty?"

 But what her mother said was that her father admired her mother's beauty and wanted to marry her, so that this could happen.

 Why is the story version different when I get to my second aunt?

Seeing her doubts, Second Sister Wu burst into laughter.

"Although your father likes your mother's beauty, your mother is not bad. She also likes your father's beauty, and she cried and insisted on getting married. Otherwise, the family would not be so happy and easy."

 The two families were not very compatible to begin with.

 A pig farmer and a scholar are not a good match no matter how you look at them.

Moreover, it is inevitable that people will look down on you in a country or a town.

The Wu family originally did not agree with Mrs. Wu’s marriage, fearing that their daughter would be disliked by others.

 But Mrs. Wu is crying and shouting that she wants to get married. What can you do? I can only agree.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and snickered, "Is that so? Then I will make a good joke on my mother when I get home, hahaha."

 Let her mother say every day that she is looking for someone to look after her.

This time she also wants to go back and talk to her mother and see how her mother reacts.

 Second Sister Wu laughed loudly when she heard this, and only said, "Be careful of getting scolded."

Jing Shirong heard their voices and turned around to see Sister Ying smiling like a cat.

 He moved his fingers. They felt a little itchy for no reason, and he wanted to pet the cat.

 The wealthy businessman opposite asked him, "What are you looking at?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, I heard people talking about the imperial envoy."

When the wealthy businessman heard this, he looked around and told him mysteriously, "Every year, the imperial envoy comes to inspect, but they can't find any difference. Those corrupt officials should be greedy and they should be corrupt."

The wealthy businessmen in Jiangnan have long complained about the corrupt officials. They have secretly united together and are eager to help the court to expose the corrupt officials' behavior.

It's a pity that the imperial envoys come here every year, but they don't find anything fishy.

Jing Shirong asked him, "Do you know where in the capital the daughter of Magistrate Lin's family is going to marry?"

The other party thought for a while and said, "I know this. It is said that she married a historian who moved to the capital and was transferred to the Salt Transportation Department."

The salt transporter not only manages salt affairs, but also purchases valuable items for the palace. It is a good and lucrative job.

They did not dare to make more money from the palace, so they often plundered the people's fat and anointing when buying things.

However, the other party was also a smart man and did not dare to go too far for fear of causing protests from the people, so he took up the idea of ​​​​a businessman.

They buy goods in large quantities from merchants, but they often lower the prices. The wealthy merchants do not make much profit, but they dare not speak out.

  After all, he was from the third rank, and he was still working for the emperor, so how could the wealthy businessmen dare to say anything.

When Jing Shirong heard this, he immediately thought of the historian Lin Zhifu who married his daughter to the capital. He thought that these two families had been colluding for many years and made a lot of profits from wealthy businessmen, so they continued to marry and consolidate their relationship.

It is said that the legitimate son of Magistrate Lin also married a girl from the capital, presumably from the Shi family.

These two corrupt officials did not dare to plunder the people's wealth, fearing that the people would complain and complain to the emperor, so they conspired to squeeze the wealthy businessmen, leaving the wealthy businessmen speechless and afraid to speak up.

 After all, officials protect each other, so this letter was handed over, but it was intercepted halfway, and there would be retaliation afterwards. It was simply not worth the gain.

 So wealthy businessmen can only silently recognize the looting of corrupt officials, making less and less every year.

 The emperor had already suspected collusion between officials a few years ago, which is why he sent so many people down to investigate.

  Previously, Jing Shirong focused on the Guan family.

  After all, the Guan family manages the goods at various terminals, and there is a lot of oil and water in them.

 The emperor naturally knew that the Guan family had to deal with it, but he also needed sufficient evidence.

 The Guan family, Magistrate Lin and the salt transport envoy must have colluded.

 The emperor wanted Jing Shirong to uproot them and annihilate them in one fell swoop. The province has no deterrent effect.

In recent years, corrupt officials have exploited wealthy businessmen, and they have also extended their hands to taxation. The emperor's treasury is empty, so naturally he cannot tolerate it.

 But he governed with benevolence and paid attention to human and material evidence.

Jing Shirong is already showing some signs of success. He immediately wrote a letter to Murong Yun, asking him to investigate more about the Guan family in the capital.

 On his side, he needs to keep a close eye on the dealings between Magistrate Lin and the historian.

Presumably Prefect Lin had transferred the account books to the capital, otherwise he would not be so confident.

 The so-called most dangerous place is the safest.

If you make a bold assumption, those account books may be hidden among historians!

Historians needed to keep accounts for their daily purchases. Almost all of those bills were for palace purchases, and no one dared to check them.

 After checking, no problem could be found. As time went by, no one understood the account books in his house.

Even if Magistrate Lin puts all the account books in the historian, others will not doubt it.

 No wonder Magistrate Lin is so confident.

After Jing Shirong figured it out, he immediately wrote to the emperor.

The flying eagle transmits messages very quickly, and it also knows how to avoid arrows.

Especially since it flies very high, its arrows cannot reach that high in the air, and it has no fear of being robbed.

After Jing Shirong wrote the letter, he wanted to go to the capital to see it in person, so he left overnight.

Sister Ying saw him coming and going in a hurry, so she thought she had something urgent to do, so she didn't bother him.

They were originally here to see the new imperial envoy today, but they didn't see him after taking the boat for a while.

Sister Ying said to Second Sister Wu, "Second aunt, since you haven't seen it, let's come and see it tomorrow. Shall we go back for dinner?"

Second Sister Wu nodded, "That's okay, then I'll stay at your house for two days."

It just so happened that An Ge'er wasn't here these two days, so Bai Ling'er didn't have to go back.

So the three of them went back to Liang's house together.

When Mrs. Wu saw them coming back, she quickly took the second sister Wu and Bai Ling'er to cook.

  Normally, the servants do the cooking. When the sisters get together, they like to chat while cooking.

 Bai Ling'er was familiar with them and had a great time chatting with them.

 On the second day.

Mrs. Wu suggested that she take Second Sister Wu and the others to see a small-character play.

There are many kinds of operas here, including real ones, paper ones, and string operas.

It’s colorful, yet very interesting.

Sister Ying also went with them.

 She now finally realizes the joy of not having to go to school. She plays or eats every day. This is the proper Bai Fumei.

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "The inn's account books are all piled up. Go back and reconcile the accounts for me right away."

Sister Ying said, "I know."

It seems that Bai Fumei also has to work~

 After watching the play, they drank herbal tea at the riverside inn.

While I was drinking, I heard the girls on the street shouting, "Look, there is a handsome young man~"

 After saying that, everyone looked at a boat on the riverside.

Sister Ying also looked over.

I saw two rows of cold-faced and serious soldiers standing on the large ship.

In the middle of the commission troops stood a tall and mighty "Imperial Envoy??"

 Because the other party was wearing official uniforms, and the soldiers were also wearing formal attire, it was difficult for people not to know that they were officials.

 The common people seemed to have seen the imperial envoy's attire in the early years, and they would immediately guess it when they saw the other party's attire.

"Is he the imperial envoy? It turns out that the legends are true. This year's imperial envoy is indeed very young and handsome."

 (End of this chapter)

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