Chapter 237, Hibernating

Sister Ying looked towards the imperial envoy.

The taller person is taller and has a square face.

Handliness is out of the question, but power is real.

Second Sister Wu also said, "She looks like a northerner, quite rough and arrogant. I think she is very strong."

Mr. Wu nodded, "On the way here, we also encountered caravans from the north, and they were indeed very tall and majestic."

The people here in Jiangnan are neither tall nor short. Most of them are slender and slender, and there are few rough and arrogant men.

The imperial envoy looked like a man who grew up on the grassland.

 Some people said, "This imperial envoy looks really fierce. He is different from the weak scholars in the past."

“It looks pretty exciting, but I don’t know if he mentioned his wife.”

As he spoke, he laughed gossipily.

 One girl said, "This imperial envoy looks very fierce. He looks a bit like a military officer, but not like a civil servant."

 The other girls nodded and said yes.

The second sister Wu asked Mr. Wu, "Will my brother-in-law be very busy when the imperial envoy comes down?"

Mr. Wu nodded, "He should be very busy. He said he wanted to check something. He has been busy until late at night in the past two days."

 In fact, it means arranging all the accounts from previous years and handing them over to the imperial envoy for review. "

 Perhaps matching the accounts with the imperial envoy.

Liang Jin has never done this kind of work before, and now he is a little confused.

 Fortunately, he is smart, and once he gets started, it won't be so confusing.

Perhaps they were looking at people too obviously, so the imperial envoy turned back to look at them.

Sister Ying looked familiar to the imperial envoy.

She remembered that Jing Shirong said that she also knew this imperial envoy.

 But after thinking about it, she felt that she didn't know this imperial envoy.

How could Brother Rong say that she knew this imperial envoy?

She thought for a long time, but couldn't remember who the other party was, so she shook her head and forgot about it.

I thought I might as well ask Brother Rong next time.

 A few more days.

 After Sister Wu took Bai Ling'er back, Sister Ying went to the women's college to practice abacus.

 There is a new lady in their academy who is very good at abacus.

 Most of the female housekeepers of large families also need to be able to count abacus.

Especially since these female students are children of wealthy families, they must know how to keep accounts.

Sister Ying also followed suit.

 After school, she went back with Sister Yang.

On the way home, I happened to meet the square-faced imperial envoy I saw last time.

At this moment, he was standing at the entrance of the alley, as if waiting for someone.

Sister Ying and the others needed to enter through the alley entrance, so they walked over and politely gave way to each other, "Can you please give way?"

After hearing this, the other party looked back at them and saw two little girls. He smiled and gave them a step.

Sister Ying thanked Sister Yang and walked in from the alley.

The imperial envoy seemed to suddenly remember something, and turned back to look at Sister Ying again.

"It's you?"

Sister Ying, huh? After making a sound, I looked back and thought I heard wrongly.

 But the other party didn’t look at her again, as if the voice just now was an auditory hallucination.

Sister Ying shook her head and took Sister Yang back without thinking much.

Jing Shirong, on the other hand, after informing the emperor that there was a problem with the historian, the emperor immediately asked someone to investigate, and the clues were indeed found.

 The emperor told him to act secretly and not to alert others.

Jing Shirong naturally knew that he had arranged an engagement with his cousin at home and wandered on the roof of Shi's house every night in the middle of the night.

Historia has been busy marrying a wife recently, with servants coming in and out every day, and Jing Shirong also disguised himself and sneaked in.

He pretended to be a servant carrying vegetables every day and went in every day, but no one noticed him.

 I think he is pretending to be too similar to other people. He lowers his head and hunches his shoulders, sits down anywhere, and behaves rudely. No matter what, he looks like a low-quality servant. So no one doubts it.

 He went in and out of historians and finally got the basic and important account books.

 Then they changed things, replaced the account books prepared in advance, and took away the real account books.

 Then he went to find Murong Yun.

 Ask Murong Yun to go to the Guan family to look for clues.

 Historians are easier to check, but Guan family is more rigorous.

  Perhaps knowing that the emperor was suspicious of them, the Guan family destroyed the evidence early.

 The basics of the account books have been burned, and many accounts are not reconciled at all.

However, it is precisely because the account books are not correct and many amounts are unknown, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of other corrupt officials.

After all, everyone wants to eat an extra piece of fat. If one of the pieces is missing, everyone will definitely wonder whether the other person has swallowed it for himself.

 So internal strife began.

 When the Guan family was in a mess, Jing Shirong took advantage of it and made their relationship worse.

 In the end, corrupt officials began to doubt each other and even began to distrust each other.

So everyone began to keep something secret, as long as they kept any evidence of the other party's corruption, and they also kept the witnesses.

 Just wait for the day when you are threatened, you can take out these things and threaten the other party.

 What Jing Shirong wants is internal chaos within themselves.

Now that he has the evidence of the other party's corruption, he will be able to capture them all when the time comes.

Jing Shirong is waiting.

 He had already established good relations with the emperor, but there was only one opportunity left.

Jing Shirong thought that the day when Shi Jia got married might be a good opportunity.

  It was a big day, and there must have been a lot of drinking when the guests were present.

 When the time comes, all we need to do is fan the flames and worsen the relationship between a few corrupt officials to the extreme, without fear that they will reveal their secrets themselves.

The emperor thought so too, so he asked Jing Shirong to lie dormant, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Jing Shirong thought that those corrupt officials in Jiangnan also needed to be given eye drops in advance, so he rushed over again without stopping.

By the time he arrived in Jiangnan, preparations for the Lin family's marriage had been made.

 In three months, the Lin family's legitimate daughter will also get married.

Jing Shirong didn't come back for a long time, so he rushed to find Sister Ying while he was free.

More than half a year has passed and a new year has arrived.

 After the Chinese New Year this year, Sister Ying has grown one year older.

 She is now a fourteen-year-old girl.

Not to mention his tall and slim appearance, his originally active temperament has obviously become much gentler.

Wu has not allowed her to go to a women's college this year. Tell her to behave like a lady at home.

Sister Ying responded well one second, and the next second she and maid Xiaozi sneaked to the inn to play.

 Their inn is becoming more and more prosperous now.

 Although the store is located in a deep alley, there are always regular customers.

 Occasionally, some middle-class people, who are not very wealthy, would criticize a few things when they come to buy things.

Why is there wood chips in your marinade, which makes him hungry?

Perhaps, your marinade is too salty and makes him thirsty and uncomfortable.

Sister Ying sometimes hears people coming to cause trouble at the back window and sits to see how the steward handles the matter.

The people they recruit at their inn have clear divisions of labor.

 There are people who specialize in entertaining guests, and they are also good at dealing with such picky guests.

There is also a waiter who takes orders at the window. He has an excellent memory and has a photographic memory.

He remembers clearly no matter what dish someone ordered, the appearance of the guest, the time and date when the dish was ordered, including the taboo items.

Sister Ying was very satisfied with the workers her mother had recruited, so she went back after one patrol.

  Start stocking up on articles and see when I’ll update you.



 (End of this chapter)

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