Chapter 238, Fat Cat

 At night, Sister Ying was ready to go to bed after reading the accounts.

She had changed her clothes and was getting ready to go to bed when she heard a long-lost knock on the window.

Sister Ying was stunned at first, then her eyes widened and she ran over to open the window in surprise.

 “Brother Rong~”

 She opened her mouth and called him silently.

Jing Shirong smiled and raised the corners of his mouth, jumped into the room, stretched out his hands and rubbed her head.

Because it was winter, Sister Ying shivered when the cold wind blew in.

Jing Shirong quickly closed the window, took off the cloak and put it on her shoulders.

He tied the belt on her, looked at her again, and said with a smile, "It's been so long since I last saw her. She seems to have grown a little taller."

 Speaking, he touched her head with his palms.

Sister Ying also moved closer to him and raised her hands to compare with her head. The height reached his chest.

 “Huh? I seem to be really taller.”

Brother Rong is over 18 years old, and when she reaches his chest, she must be over 16 years old.

Jing Shirong raised the corners of his mouth slightly and rubbed her head, like a big brother, "Not only did he grow taller, but he also gained some weight."

Sister Ying said "Huh?", pinched the baby fat on her face, and sighed, "Oh, during the Chinese New Year, I eat hard every day, but won't I gain weight?"

She pinched the soft meat on her belly and secretly thought that she would not eat so much next time and should exercise more restraint to avoid having three layers of meat on her belly in the future.

Jing Shirong really likes her fleshy look, she looks very cute.

"After some time, you go to your aunt's house. Lin's daughter-in-law will soon get married and go to the capital. If those ladies ask you out recently, you'd better stay away."

Sister Ying was puzzled, "Why? Is something going to happen?"

Jing Shirong stroked her hair and scratched her scalp, "I can't explain this matter in one sentence or two. You will know in three months."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Sister Ying knew what the big deal was, so she didn't ask in detail.

“I know, my cousin-in-law will give birth in a while, and we will go there together to see my nephew.”

Jing Shirong was stunned, "Cousin-in-law? Is Wu Shun married?"

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, I saw that you were busy and didn't have time to tell you that my cousin Shun is already married. He is married to a young lady from our next door family. She is very beautiful and gentle. "

Jing Shirong didn't pay attention to this sentence, but he was inexplicably relieved after hearing that Brother Shun was getting married.

 He suddenly remembered something and said, "Wait for me."

 After saying that, he turned over and went out. After a while, he came in carrying a big box.


Sister Ying was curious, "What did you bring back?"

 In the past, whenever Jing Shirong went out, he would bring her gifts. Sister Ying is not surprised.

But this time the gift seems a bit big.

That box looks quite big. “What’s in it?”

Jing Shirong, "You will know after you open it and take a look."

Sister Ying reached out and opened the box, only to find a big fat cat lying inside? ?

 “This, this is a cat?”

 Oh my God, this is the first time she has seen such a fat orange cat.

Jing Shirong looked at her with a surprised look on her face and then laughed.

“It’s called Ah Fei. I picked it up on the way. He’s lazy and greedy. He eats and sleeps every day. If he hadn’t been well-behaved, I wouldn’t have raised him.”

 But the real reason why he raised Ah Fei was that Ah Fei was so easy to masturbate, his whole body was furry, and he wouldn’t struggle no matter how hard he scratched or itched him. She even spread her round belly and rubbed it for him.

The four short cat legs are spread out on the ground, with their round bellies sticking out for you to eat. They look funny and inexplicably cute.

Jing Shirong didn’t want to keep it at first, but looking at Ah Fei’s chubby head, he inexplicably thought of Sister Ying’s baby when she was a child, so she felt compassion and kept the fat orange cat. Sister Ying bent down and picked up Ah Fei, but she couldn't move her head.

 “Let me go, how much does she weigh?”

“We weighed it yesterday and found twenty pounds.”

No wonder, a ten kilogram bag of rice is very heavy. This fat orange cat actually weighs twenty kilograms. No wonder she can’t carry it.

 “Ah Fei, come out.”

Jing Shirong saw that Sister Ying could not carry her, so she asked Ah Fei to come out on her own.

 Although Ah Fei is a fat man, his body is quite flexible.

  It jumped out of the box with one foot.

 But due to the heavy weight, as soon as he got out of the box, there was a "bump" and he fell directly to the ground, like a big piece of fat.


 Mr. Ying was laughing so hard.

It was already night, and she did not dare to laugh for fear of waking up the servants, so she had to cover her mouth and endure it.

This fat orange cat is also interesting. It doesn’t bark when it falls. It just lies on the ground with a big fat mass and stretches lazily.

Sister Ying squatted down and touched its hair, "It's so soft~"

Jing Shirong also reached out to rub the plush cat's belly and said to Sister Ying, "I've been busy lately, so I'll leave it to you for the time being."

Sister Ying knew that he was very busy and nodded, "I know, I will help you take care of it."

 After the two of them petted the cat together, Jing Shirong went back.

Ah Fei saw that he was about to leave, looked up, and finally wanted to follow him.

But it was too fat, and Jing Shirong was too fast. Just as he turned over to get up, Jing Shirong had disappeared.

Ah Fei couldn't see Jing Shirong's figure, and he was anxious to climb out of the window and chase after her.

 But it’s too fat and I can’t climb up.

Sister Ying took it over, locked the window and door, and put it back into the box for the time being. "Today you will live in the box for one night, and I will take you to play in the yard tomorrow."

Ah Fei seemed to know that he couldn't leave, so he resigned himself to his fate and lay down in the box, with a cat face that looked like he had no hope for life.

Sister Ying thought it was really interesting, so she put some dried pork in it to prevent it from getting hungry tomorrow.

Ah Fei glanced at the dried pork at first, but he had the guts not to eat it.

The next morning, while Sister Ying was still sleeping soundly, Ah Fei let out a "meow~" and saw that no one was paying attention, so she had to eat the piece of dried pork.

 Because it tastes so delicious, the cat's eyes couldn't help but light up.


He quickly fell in love with the smell of dried pork. He got out of the box and climbed onto Sister Ying's bed. He licked Sister Ying from time to time, meaning he wanted to eat.

Sister Ying was drowsily asleep when she felt something licking her.

She waved her hand in confusion, trying to get the thing away.

Ah Fei saw that it was chasing him away, so he didn’t give up and went over to pat Sister Ying’s face with a soft cat mat.


This cat meow made Sister Ying wake up.

  She had forgotten that Brother Rong fostered a cat with her.

Azi, the maid outside, also heard the cat meowing and asked strangely, "Huh? Why do I seem to hear a cat meowing?"

Because Sister Ying goes to bed late every day, Ah Zi doesn't dare to wake her up without instructions, so she only works in the yard and doesn't come in.

  But I heard a cat meowing, which was really strange, so I looked for the sound.

 (End of this chapter)

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