The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 239: , the cat who looks at faces

Chapter 239, the cat who looks at faces

“Miss? Are you up? I seem to hear a cat meowing.”

Sister Ying murmured, "Get up, come in."

AhZi sighed and opened the door and came in.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw a fat, round orange cat lying lazily on Sister Ying's lap.

 Xiao Zi exclaimed, “Oh my god, Miss, what is that!”

Sister Ying reached out and touched the cat’s belly. It felt great. She smiled at Xiao Zi and said, “It’s an orange cat.”

Xiao Zi opened her mouth in an exaggerated manner, "Isn't this too big?"

It was such a big lump that it took up half of the bed, like a pig.

Ah Fei seemed to hear Xiao Zi calling her fat, and immediately gave Xiao Zi a dissatisfied "呲~", as if to warn her.

Xiao Zi looked at the two sharp cat teeth and then backed away in fear.

 But he said to Sister Ying, "Miss, when did you bring such a big cat in? If Madam knows this, she should scold me."

Sister Ying huffed, "I forgot about it."

Her mother didn’t really like letting them keep these cats and dogs.

 Because a neighbor's child in Lihua Town was scratched by a cat or dog before, he had a fever in the middle of the night, and later became mad. Therefore, Wu was frightened that time and was afraid of cats and dogs getting close to her child.

Now that there is such a big fat cat in the house, Sister Ying doesn’t know what to tell her mother.

Xiao Zi came over to help her dress and comb her hair, while Ah Fei was still meowing for food.

Sister Ying took some snacks to feed it, and it sat down in front of her obediently. It was no wonder Jing Shirong was willing to raise it, it was really cute.

Xiao Zi was surprised and wanted to feed him.

“Miss, can I feed it?”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

Xiao Zi took the dried pork she handed over, squatted down, pinched the dried pork and handed it over, trying to make Ah Fat eat it.

But Ah Fei was very picky. He glanced at Xiao Zi with disdainful eyes, raised his chin, and turned away.

No matter how Xiao Zi tempted it, the round cat’s head was never willing to turn around.

 Xiao Zi is simply frustrated.

 “Miss, why is it ignoring me?”

 Having said that, he didn’t give up and still handed over the dried pork, but Ah Fei still refused to eat, and the cat’s head firmly refused to turn around.

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She knelt down and handed over the dried pork, “Ah Fei~”

Her voice was soft and pleasant. When Ah Fei heard that she was calling him, he immediately moved his fat body in front of her and said, "Meow~"

That fat cat face actually gives people a flattering feeling.

 Xiao Zi saw it and suddenly became angry, "Miss, why is this cat like this!"

Sister Ying didn't know why, "What's wrong with this cat? It may recognize someone, and it will be fine once it gets acquainted with you."

Xiao Zi didn’t believe it and shouted angrily, “It’s obviously a perverted cat!”

 It’s obviously about appearance!

Sister Ying didn't believe it, so she stroked Ah Fei's cat head and said, "Probably not. It will be fine once you two get to know each other."

Xiao Zi shook her head, still not believing it, "Miss, you are too naive. This fat cat is obviously a perverted male cat. You only care about his appearance."

The master and servant were shopping together on the street before, and they met some dogs. They started barking when they saw her square face. But as soon as the young lady showed her face, the dogs stopped barking and started wagging their tails at Sister Ying.

Since then, Xiao Zi has determined that all things in the world, as long as they are male, will look at their appearance.

Sister Ying laughed loudly and nodded her forehead, "What are you saying? Don't you care about your own face?"

If you see a good-looking young man on the road, this girl's smile will be brighter than the sun.

If she encounters an ugly person, this girl will turn her head away without even bothering to look at him. Let’s be real. Xiao Zi's true colors were revealed, and she smiled, "What about that, miss, it's time to have lunch."

Because she doesn’t have to go to school, Sister Ying sometimes sleeps until she wakes up naturally.

Mrs. Wu wanted her to get up early, so as not to wake up when she went to her husband's house in the future.

But I also thought that it would be hard enough for my daughter to wake up early and work when she marries to her husband's family in the future, so I might as well let her enjoy the blessings in her parents' family.

Sister Ying is used to enjoying herself. Seeing her mother doting on her, she really slept until noon.

 Occasionally Mrs. Liang would mutter a few words, but it was just a talk and she would not really ask her to get up so early.

 On the other hand, Brother Kang, Brother Sen, and Sister Yang were very envious and wished they could sleep in at home every day.

Mrs. Wu raised her chin, and the old **** was there, "When you become successful in the future, make money to support your family, and have endless money to spend, then you can sleep however you want, and I won't care about you."

But now it’s time to study and study, and if you want to be lazy, there’s no way.

The three brothers and sister all knew that their sister was already making money and had endless money to spend. In addition, she had already completed her studies before she could go to bed, so they were not jealous and just accepted her fate and went to school.

After Mrs. Wu finished checking the accounts at noon, she called Sister Ying to have dinner.

Sister Ying sighed, "Here we come."

Hold the fat cat and want to go out.

However, Ah Fei was too heavy. Sister Ying was tired of carrying it, so she got a rope to tie it around its neck.

Ah Fei was also obedient and followed her obediently.

Mrs. Wu came out to dry out her spring clothes, and saw Sister Ying bringing something over.

 Looking closer, I realized that the orange thing was actually a big fat cat.

“Sister Ying, where did you get a big fat cat?” Isn’t this too big?

Sister Ying chuckled and leaned over to play coquettishly with her, "Brother Rong fostered him here. Ah Fei is very well-behaved, shall we raise him?"

 Wu Shi heard that it was Jing Shirong’s cat, so she could accept it.

“But this cat is so big, can’t it bite people?”

Previously, in Lihua Town, a child was bitten badly by a cat, and the blood kept flowing. Mrs. Wu was still frightened by the sight.

Sister Ying glanced at Ah Fei and felt that it wouldn't bite, otherwise Brother Rong wouldn't have brought it over.

Then he said, "Probably not."

 Speaking, he stretched out his hand in front of Ah Fei, deliberately teasing it.

When Ah Fei saw her playing with him, he suddenly looked like a dog and licked Sister Ying's fingers to please her, and said "meow~" obediently.

  Wu is still not reassured.

 Let Ah Zi try it.

 Azi said "Huh?" "What's wrong?"

“This cat is only friendly to a pretty girl like me. If it were me, it would probably bite someone else.”

Hearing this, Mrs. Wu was dumbfounded and didn't quite believe it. "How is it possible? Cats don't know what is beautiful or not."

Xiao Zi saw that she didn’t believe it and immediately stretched out her hand in front of Ah Fei.

He pinched the cat's face childishly and pulled it hard.

A Fei felt pain on his face, and he opened his mouth to breathe at Xiao Zi, with his fangs exposed.

Xiao Zi took a step back in fright, "Madam, look, it only cares about its appearance. If the lady pinches it, it won't be angry at the lady."

Wu still didn't believe it, "If you squeeze it so hard, it will make people angry, let alone cats."

Seeing that Mrs. Wu didn’t believe it, Xiao Zi looked at Sister Ying angrily and said, “Miss, you hit it, otherwise Madam won’t believe it.”

Evi Badi, vote~*^O^*



 (End of this chapter)

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