The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 240: , Lin Xiangxiang was born prematurely

Chapter 240, Lin Xiangxiang gave birth prematurely

Sister Ying is also very curious whether this cat really acts based on his appearance? Then he squatted down, imitated Xiao Zi's behavior just now, pinched the cat's face with both hands, and tugged on Fatty's cat whiskers.

Ah Fei was a little irritated by being squeezed, but when he saw Sister Shang Ying's soft and smiling face, he immediately softened. He didn't get angry at all, and he even lay down and took the initiative to show off his white belly, flatteringly. He called out, "Meow~"

That scream is so irritating~ It seems to seduce Sister Ying to come and touch it.

Xiao Zi and Wu looked surprised, then looked at Ah Fei with contempt.

Ah Fei accepted their contempt without being affected at all, and continued to enjoy the belly-masking service of the little beauty Ying with peace of mind.


The cat face should be more flattering and more flattering.

 Xiao Zi was so despised that she complained to Mrs. Wu, "As you can see, this fat cat only cares about his appearance. He is a perverted cat!"

Wu Shi didn't even know whether to laugh or cry. She also squatted down and stretched out her hand to Ah Fei, "Come here."

Ah Fei raised his head, looked at Wu's charming face, and immediately came over biting his tail, looking like a dog.


Very shamelessly, he moved his head towards Mr. Wu to touch him.

  Xiao Zi;.

 Hmph, what a wretched cat, I hate this kind of creature that looks at faces the most.

Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying looked at each other and said "poof~" and became happy.

Mrs. Liang heard the commotion and came out to watch.

 “Huh? Why is there such a fat cat at home?”

Sister Ying made an excuse, "My friend fostered it. Let me help raise it for the time being. It won't bite."

Mrs. Liang frowned, "Really?"

 After saying that, the old **** came over, stretched his legs and touched Ah Fei’s little butt.

Ah Fei was naturally unhappy about being kicked in the butt. He immediately said "呲~" to Old Mrs. Liang, and let out a loud sigh of relief.

Mrs. Liang was startled and hurriedly ran behind Xiao Zi.

Xiao Zi suddenly had a teammate, and she immediately started complaining to Mrs. Liang.

 “Old lady, this fat cat is not cute at all, it’s so annoying.”

Old Mrs. Liang nodded in agreement, "That's right, you actually breathed at me. You really don't have the eyesight."

After hearing this, Ah Fei was not affected at all and continued to wag his tail next to Wu, like a dog.

 Wu Shi didn’t dare to approach it originally, but now that he sees how human it is, he is no longer afraid.

A few days later, news came from Second Sister Wu.

 The person who came to deliver the letter was the servant of Sister Wu’s family.

"Madam, it's not good, the young lady will have difficulty giving birth. Madam, please come over and have a look."

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she panicked, "What? Xiangxiang is about to give birth?"

 Isn’t it the time yet?

The boy said, "The young master was walking with the young lady this morning. For some reason, the young lady suddenly felt a stomachache and was about to give birth."

Second Sister Wu became a grandmother for the first time. She had little experience and felt uneasy, so she had to ask Mrs. Wu to accompany her.

Hearing this, Ms. Wu told Mrs. Liang and took Sister Ying over.

 The mother and daughter hurried over and arrived at Sister Wu’s house before the sun went down.

As soon as I arrived in the courtyard, I heard the midwife’s shouts.

 “Young madam, use more force, you’re about to see the end.”

But Lin Xiangxiang obviously had no strength and could no longer scream.

Second sister Wu was worried to death. When she saw Mrs. Wu coming, she hurriedly held her hand, still fearful in her heart, "Sister, there are gradually no sounds inside. What do you think we should do?"

 Lin Xiangxiang’s body was already relatively weak. Although she had taken good care of her in the past nine months, Second Sister Wu was always worried that she would not survive.

Mrs. Wu held her hand and comforted her, "It's okay. She has her own destiny. Don't get confused yet. She's still busy inside."

With her by her side, Second Sister Wu slowly breathed out, "Brother Shun asked about the address of a miracle doctor before, and he has already gone to find it. I just don't know if I can successfully invite the miracle doctor here." I just hope that Lin Xiangxiang is safe. When it comes to childbirth, it is best to give birth to the child before Brother Shun comes back, otherwise the longer the childbirth takes, the greater the risk will be.

Wu also clasped his hands together and chanted "Amitabha, God bless you."

 “No, the young lady fainted.”

The midwife's cry came from the house, and Sister Wu was frightened and hurried in.

  Wu also hurried in.

As soon as they entered the room, the two of them saw Lin Xiangxiang lying on the delivery bed with a miserable look on her face, looking very bad.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly pushed her into the middle of the body, and Sister Wu also hurriedly woke her up.

“Xiangxiang? Wake up, Xiangxiang!”

Lin Xiangxiang was half asleep and half awake, feeling as if she was going to die.

Second Sister Wu was so worried that she cried, and kept calling her, "Wake up soon, the baby's head is coming out, and the little head is purple from holding it back. It looks so pitiful. If you don't wake up, it will die soon." "

 The purpose of saying this is mainly to stimulate Lin Xiangxiang's maternal instinct.

Having been pregnant with a child for so long, Lin Xiangxiang was really reluctant to let anything happen to her child. She suddenly woke up with a cry of pain, "Ah!" and with a little force, the child came out.

 After the child came out, she fainted.

So the delivery room suddenly became chaotic again.

 Fortunately, Mrs. Wu was still reasonable and asked the maids to boil water for those who asked for it, and those who asked for a doctor to use styptic tablets.

Sister Ying was running around anxiously outside, and just as she was about to ride out to find the doctor, Brother Shun came back on horseback with the miracle doctor.

The horse rode directly into the hospital. As soon as he arrived at the delivery room, Brother Shun hurriedly dragged the miracle doctor in.

This miracle doctor looks like he is almost over 100 years old, his beard is white, and his movements are slow and leisurely.

 The delivery room has been tidied up now. As soon as Brother Shun entered the room, he smelled the smell of blood.

He hurriedly went to see Lin Xiangxiang, but found that Lin Xiangxiang was unconscious.



He thought Lin Xiangxiang was dead, and his eyes turned red with fear.

In the end, the miracle doctor couldn't stand it any longer and pushed him away. He sat down in front of the bed and took Lin Xiangxiang's pulse.

 Finally, she gave Lin Xiangxiang a few more injections, took out a bottle of elixir from her arms, and fed it to Lin Xiangxiang's mouth.

 Brother Shun reacted and quickly gave Lin Xiangxiang water and asked her to swallow the elixir.

 After a while, the miracle doctor spoke slowly.

“It’s okay, it’s just that my vitality has been damaged. I can’t have any more children in the next five years, so it’s basically no big deal.”

When Brother Shun heard that it was okay, his tense shoulders relaxed.

Mrs. Wu and Sister Wu also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Sister Ying saw everyone going in. She wanted to go in, but was stopped by the maid.

“Cousin, my wife has told me that you cannot go in.”

Sister Ying had no choice but to ask outside, "Mom, is my cousin okay?"

Mrs. Wu responded to her, "It's okay. You go and wait in the room. We will be back in a moment."

 After a while, Brother Shun saw that his wife's pale face slowly turned rosy and her breathing gradually became steady, so he knelt down on one knee to apologize to the miracle doctor.

"I was rude today. It was an emergency, so I had to be rude to you. I'm really sorry. As long as my wife is fine, you can do whatever you want with me."

That miracle doctor is also a kind-hearted person. He has saved many people in his life and is very generous.

 He touched his white beard and waved his hand very generously.

"It's okay. It's your luck that you found me. I'm not as experienced as you, but you have to support me in these six months."

 (End of this chapter)

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