Chapter 241, near miss

The old miracle doctor felt that he was almost ninety and already had half his feet in the soil. He was too lazy to go out and make trouble anymore, so he might as well find a place to retire.

 Brother Shun happened to bump into me, so I asked him to provide for me in old age.

 Brother Shun was overjoyed when he heard this, "It's my honor to be able to support you in your old age."

Today, my wife was lucky enough to be saved by the old miraculous doctor. Brother Shun couldn't thank her enough, so he was naturally willing to support the old miraculous doctor in his old age.

In addition, Lin Xiangxiang's body still needs to be recuperated, so it is very convenient to have the old miracle doctor at home.

So Brother Shun respectfully arranged a new yard for the old miracle doctor, and got the things he liked. He even went to Sister Ying's inn to order an extra meal that the old man liked, so that the old miracle doctor could eat happily every day. Heartfelt.

Seeing that he was very good at getting things done, the old miracle doctor took good care of Lin Xiangxiang's body.

Lin Xiangxiang came over after a nap and drank the medicinal soup prescribed by the old miracle doctor. After drinking it, she found the strength to speak.

By this time, the delivery room had been cleaned up and the baby had been washed. The midwife smiled and held the baby over, "Madam, this is the young master."

Second Sister Wu thought of her grandson now and took the child over with a smile.

“Oh, poor grandma, I forgot about you just now.”

Although the little guy was born prematurely, he weighed 5 kilograms and 5 taels, so he was not too small. When no one paid attention to him, he only cried once and then fell asleep with his little fists clenched.

Just now, everyone was worried about Lin Xiangxiang. Now that Lin Xiangxiang is fine, everyone has time to think about this little guy who was born prematurely at nine months.

Second Sister Wu hugged him with a loving look on her face, and the more she looked at him, the more she liked him.

Mrs. Wu also came over to take a look, "Hey, he looks exactly like Brother Shun when he was a child."

When Sister Wu gave birth, her mother's family was all present, so naturally they all saw Brother Shun's appearance as a child.

 When you see this little thing, you will naturally think of Brother Shun when he was a child.

Sister Wu also said, "They are very similar. The little nose is very straight. It is exactly the same as Brother Shun."

Sister Ying also came over to take a look curiously.

 “He is so small.”

The little face and the little hands make the hearts of those who look at it melt.

Mrs. Wu also took the baby and hugged her, lovingly saying, "This baby is enough. The miracle doctor said that there will be no more babies within five years, so don't give up. It's really scary."

As long as this child is raised safely, An Ge'er and Bai Ling'er can have as many children as they want in the future.

 The couple are young and in good health, so they can have more children.

But it’s better to forget about Lin Xiangxiang’s thin physique. It’s not enough to have one child, let alone two in three years.

Sister Wu also said, "I didn't plan to let her have a baby in the first place. One baby is enough, and I can't stand the scare."

Sister Ying asked, "What is my nephew's name? Has he already chosen a name?"

Second Sister Wu nodded and said, "Take it. The young couple went to the temple to draw lots and let the master pick the child's calligraphy."

“The boy’s name is Wu Teng, and the girl’s name is Wu Shi.”

 Wu Shi said "Huh?" and laughed a little, "What are these words?" It sounded weird.

 But Sister Ying understood it instantly.

“Cousin Shun and cousin sister-in-law mean that they want their children to be free from illness, disaster, and pain, right?”

 Second Sister Wu raised her eyebrows, "You're right, you're so smart."

  Wu also understood and smiled instantly.

 “These young couple are really thoughtful.”

Just as he was saying this, Lin Xiangxiang woke up.


Second Sister Wu hurriedly went over to help her, "Don't get up. It's not easy to give birth. Please rest more."

Lin Xiangxiang shook her head and asked with a worried look, "Where is the child?"

Mrs. Wu hurriedly brought the child over to show her, "Here it is, five pounds and five taels, not too big, not too small, just right."

Lin Xiangxiang took the child, her hands still shaking.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly dragged the child and helped her half-hold the child to show her.

Lin Xiangxiang looked at the child's soft face, tears streaming down her face. Sister Wu hurriedly comforted her, "Don't cry. We just gave birth, and our vitality is still hurt. Crying too much will hurt your health, so don't dare to cry anymore. Otherwise, your health will not be good in a while, and the baby will be pitiful, right?"

 Lin Xiangxiang stopped crying immediately when she heard that she was a child.

 “Okay, I won’t cry anymore. Where is my husband?”

Second Sister Wu said, "We are arranging a residence for the miracle doctor. It would be good for the old miracle doctor to live at home and he can also take care of your health."

“As long as the confinement period is completed, I guarantee you a long life.”

In the past, Lin Xiangxiang never thought that she would live a long life, but now looking at her child's little face, she didn't want to die.

 She wants to live a good life and strive to raise her children to adulthood. She won't be worried if she doesn't see her children get married and start a family.

Second Sister Wu asked her to relax, "Don't worry, as long as you stay in confinement for two months, your health will get better day by day.

It is said that after confinement is done well, it is rebirth. As long as Lin Xiangxiang's confinement is done well, Second Sister Wu firmly believes that she will be healthy.

For the sake of her children, Lin Xiangxiang is full of faith, "Okay, I will take good care of myself."

“By the way, is the child a boy or a girl?”

Second Sister Wu smiled and said, "Boy, haven't you always wanted a boy?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiangxiang smiled lovingly, "Actually, both men and women are good. It's just that if I give birth to a girl, I'm afraid that she will suffer the consequences of having a daughter's family in the future, so I want to give birth to a boy."

 But the moment the child is born, it doesn’t matter whether he is male or female. As long as the child is healthy, it doesn’t matter whether he is male or female.

 Brother Shun arranged the residence of the old miracle doctor and then hurried over.


He hurriedly walked to the bed and looked at Lin Xiangxiang with a worried look.

 “Does it still hurt?”

Lin Xiangxiang had just stopped crying, but when she saw him, she started crying again.

 “Mr. Xianggong~”

 Pounced over and hugged Brother Shun.

 Brother Shun also hugged her tightly, and the two of them hugged each other and couldn't help crying.

 After they cried for a while, Second Sister Wu said.

  "Okay, don't cry, it will hurt your eyes."

Brother Shun quickly wiped Lin Xiangxiang's tears, "By the way, where is the child?"

  They all look after the adults, and even the father forgets about his own cubs.

  Wu smiled and took the child over, "Here it is."

 Brother Shun carefully took the child over and looked at his monkey-like son, who also felt cute.

 “So cute, wrinkled, like a little old man.”

Lin Xiangxiang gave him a cute look, "Don't talk nonsense, he doesn't look like an old man."

Brother Shun laughed, "Yes, everything you said is right."

 The couple are in a much better mood now that they have a child.

 Second Sister Wu and Mrs. Wu looked at each other and took Sister Ying out.

 After a while, Sister Wu brought the nanny over.

 The child was taken to be fed by the wet nurse. After eating, he went back to sleep.

Second sister Wu was frightened all day and was very tired, so she took Mrs. Wu and lay on the couch.

Sister Ying went to talk to Bai Linger.

Bai Ling'er is also four months pregnant and is still bouncing around picking fruits in the backyard.

She was in good health, but she was jumping up and down even when she was pregnant, which made An Geer very angry.

But even if a person has a temper that can’t sit still, there’s nothing he can do.

Today, Lin Xiangxiang gave birth, and she was also frightened. She was eating fruit in the house out of fear.

 (End of this chapter)

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