Chapter 243, Pretending to be sick

 The female painter's painting skills are very good. In half a day's work, she painted Sister Ying's facial features vividly.

And she didn’t need Sister Ying to stand all the time. She let her stand for a while and then let Sister Ying rest.

Wu's painting is also finished, so I'll take a look.

 She looked closely at Sister Ying's portrait and was very satisfied.

But I still told the female painter, "This painting cannot be passed on to others, and you should not draw portraits of my daughter without authorization in the future. Do you understand?"

 Because some painters will sell the portraits of girls without authorization, many perverts will find other girls based on their portraits and harass them.

Perhaps some unscrupulous matchmakers will go to some wealthy families with pictures of the girls, and then sell the girls directly.

As long as a high-ranking official or a wealthy family likes a girl and comes to force a marriage proposal, what can you do? Or will you be forced to marry?

 So Wu should still be careful.

The painter didn't expect that Mrs. Wu would see her thoughts, and suddenly coughed in embarrassment.

 “I know, I won’t.”

The painters are naturally not interested in painting ordinary ordinary portraits.

 But the portraits of beautiful women are always pleasing to the eye.

Mrs. Wu saw that the female painter was eager to paint Sister Ying's portrait, and she looked like she wished she could paint more pictures. I don't understand her thoughts.

She told the female painter, "If you want to paint, you can only send the scroll to my house. If the painting is circulated, I will come to you as soon as possible, do you understand?"

Having been an official's wife for several years, Mrs. Wu has a lot of majesty in her body.

The female painter was so warned by her that she naturally did not dare to spread Sister Ying's paintings around.

Originally, painters love beauties, so they are naturally willing to share their portraits.

But the master didn’t agree, so they naturally didn’t dare to spread it secretly, otherwise they would be in trouble and be in trouble, and they would still be the ones in trouble.

 So the female painter could only interrupt this idea.

After finishing the painting, Sister Wu came over to share it with the children.

“Sister Ying’s painting is pretty good, the painting is lifelike, and it looks really refreshing.”

Mrs. Wu also liked Sister Ying's attitude. "When I get back, I will get you a wooden box and keep it. You can still remember it when you get old."

Sister Ying smiled and said yes.

A few days later, Lin Xiangxiang's energy recovered a little, and Sister Wu's heart also dropped.

Seeing that they were fine, Mr. Wu took the children back.

 They arrived home at night, and Liang Jin had just returned.

 When I came back, I saw him sighing.

 Wu asked him, "What's wrong?"

Liang Jin shook his head and told her while eating.

“Prefect Lin’s daughter is getting married recently, and everyone is sending gifts one after another. I don’t know what to give.”

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "What's there to worry about? When a daughter gets married, she usually gives her nothing more than gold and silver jewelry. I'll buy a set of noodles tomorrow and deliver them to her personally. Don't worry about it."

Liang Jin shook his head, "That's not what I'm worried about."

 Wu was puzzled, "What is that?"

Liang Jin looked outside the house and saw no one, so he whispered, "I have been in Jiangnan for more than two years, and I have discovered a lot of tricks recently."

For example, the gifts given to each other by officials were extremely generous, and anything they casually gave out would cost tens of thousands of taels.

Everyone knows very well about the salary among officials, and things worth tens of thousands of taels are not something they can easily buy.

Even if they open their own shop, the whole family has to pay for it, so giving away tens of thousands of taels for a birthday is really tricky.

Moreover, they often give gifts to each other like this without feeling distressed, which shows that they are used to giving away valuable items.

Liang Jin is not stupid, and he can see the difference.

 Some officials wanted to give him thousands of taels of jade pendants before, but he did not dare to accept them, so he declined. Some people later thought he was being hypocritical, so they refused to send him as a gift.

 But this time, people started to send him things one after another, as if they wanted to bribe him. He immediately thought that maybe his colleagues had received bribes, and they had received quite a lot.

He had heard the news that the imperial envoy who came down recently was here to investigate the matter of bribery, so he would not accept anything.

 But judging from the intentions of those adults, it seemed that they were beginning to unite to deal with the imperial envoy.

 They wanted to drag him to drink in the evening, and they probably wanted to drag him into the water.

Liang Jin excused himself from having something to do at home and came back first.

 He still needs to take up his post here. He may not be transferred within a few years, and he must continue to serve as an official here.

  If you don’t fall in line with those people, you will be excluded.

But if he joins in with them, wouldn’t he become a corrupt official?

When Mrs. Wu heard this, she took it seriously.

He whispered, "Otherwise, you should just pretend to be sick at home these days. On the way back last time, we also met that tall imperial envoy, who looked very difficult to deal with."

If people really come to investigate corrupt officials, and they accidentally get implicated, that would be bad luck.

Liang Jin felt that this method was not impossible.

“But, Prefect Lin won’t let me take a vacation, right?”

When the imperial envoy arrived, many officials were lazy and perfunctory, leaving almost everything to cooperate with the imperial envoy on him.

 It is probably not feasible for him to ask for leave.

Mrs. Wu gave him an idea, "If you really lie down at home, they can't carry you there, right?"

Liang Jin chuckled and said, "It's okay, let's try it."

Wu had many options and said, "Otherwise, you will complain that you are sick tomorrow and I will put some tofu dregs on your face. When the rash appears on your face, the doctor will come to see you and have an excuse." "

Liang Jin nodded, "That's the only way it can be."

 Since you want to pretend to be sick, you should pretend to be a little bit more like it.

Liang Jin is allergic to tofu dregs. As long as raw tofu dregs is applied to his skin, he will get a rash.

It looks very red and scary, but in fact, as long as you wash it off, it will be fine in a short time.

If you didn't have to pretend to be a little bit like me, you wouldn't have to suffer this crime.

However, in the past few days, those officials were obviously trying to form a clique to deceive the imperial envoy. Liang Jin did not want to get involved. He was afraid that causing trouble in the future would bring harm to the family, so he naturally refused to join in. Therefore, he must get rid of this disease.

 On the second day.

Liang Jinguo didn't come to the government office. It wasn't until Magistrate Lin sent someone to inquire that Mrs. Wu took the Lin family's servant to see Liang Jin, who was blushing.

"He has been saying that he is not feeling well a few days ago and has resisted seeing the doctor. Today he woke up like this. His face is red and swollen, he can't eat, and he also has a fever. The doctor said that he should take good care of himself for a month, otherwise he will be in trouble. Oops."

After hearing this, the boy went back and reported the truth.

Zhifu Lin originally disliked Liang Jin for being dull and inflexible, but he also wanted to use him to deal with the imperial envoy.

It's a pity that Liang Jin is ill now, and it's difficult for him to be used as a scapegoat.

I don’t know if that guy is really stupid or just pretending.

But now is not the time to pursue this matter, let’s deal with the imperial envoy first.

Mrs. Wu was relieved when she saw that the person was gone.

 She sat down and whispered to Liang Jin.

“If you fool me this time, it will be difficult next time.”

There will be an update tomorrow, so remember to come!



 (End of this chapter)

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