Chapter 244, Lady’s Party

Liang Jin sighed and said, "I always feel that these things are not that simple this time."

That imperial envoy gave him the feeling that he was very shrewd, not easy to mess with, and not easy to fool.

Liang Jin was not stupid. He could tell that the imperial envoy came here to cause trouble.

Looking through the account books in the warehouse one by one, he also saw some clues. He thought that several corrupt officials in Prefect Lin were involved in the corruption, embezzling a lot of money and making false accounts.

They officials protect each other, and the accounts they make are fake and real. I think the imperial envoy must have noticed it.

 In order to avoid being involved, Liang Jin wisely chose to stay alone.

 He has no power of his own in Jiangnan, and he has no backers. Some of them are only clever.

Either he is pretending to be stupid, or he is pretending to be stupid. Anyway, he does not want to participate in corruption matters.

Mrs. Wu was also very melancholy after hearing this, "I just hope that if the court wants to investigate, they can uproot them. Otherwise, arresting one or two will be useless."

 If the root causes are not eliminated, a steady stream of corrupt officials will grow.

Liang Jin nodded, "I hope the imperial envoy can be more helpful."

 Wu Shi smiled, "Sister Ying's words are really easy to use, and you have used them all."

Liang Jin also laughed, "By the way, if the daughter of the prefect Lin's family asks Sister Ying to go out to a party recently, please ask Sister Ying to be careful and don't let others take advantage of her."

Mrs. Wu responded, "Okay, I'll go tell her."

Sister Ying was playing with Ah Fei in the courtyard. Mrs. Wu came over to sit with her. While she was talking about the Lin family, Lin's maid came over.

“Ms. Liang, our lady is visiting the lake right now and is inviting you to come over.”

Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying looked at each other and said, "Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here."

Sister Ying adjusted her makeup and sighed, "Just come."

 After all, people came to invite them personally, so she couldn't just refuse them.

 “Mom, I’m going out.”

Wu Shi hummed, telling her to be careful.

Sister Ying nodded and said, "I understand."

Xiao Zi went with her, and the master and servant followed the Lin family maid to the lake to find the group of ladies.

 The ladies who came today are still the same.

They will get married next year, and while they can still be at their parents’ home this year, they will hang out together from time to time.

 Otherwise, if you want to be someone's wife next year, you will have to ask for permission, which will be troublesome.

As soon as Sister Ying came, the ladies immediately looked at her.

“Sister Xiaoying, I haven’t seen you for a few months, but you are so beautiful.”

 Before, Sister Ying still had the appearance of a yellow-haired girl. Although her facial features were good-looking, she was only cute as a child.

  Unlike today, she already has the beauty of a girl.

Sister Ying put on her veil and smiled sheepishly, "No, I just have bigger eyes, just follow my mother."

 When you are with girls, it is better not to be too narcissistic, so as not to arouse jealousy.

Other ladies remembered that Mrs. Wu also had big eyes, and immediately said with envy, "My mother's eyes are not big, so my eyes are also small."

 The other ladies laughed and said, "My parents gave me this gift, so just give up."

“Hahaha, yes, but Sister Li, you are also good-looking.”

Ms. Li smiled and said, "Yeah, that's good. I'm afraid I'll look ugly."

 The other ladies smiled and said no, "We are not ugly. Girls from the south of the Yangtze River are very good at running water. There are no ugly ones. Don't be modest."

"By the way, have you prepared your dowry? Our family is almost ready, but the Qiangong bed has not been built yet, and it will take some time."

 In ancient times, young ladies from wealthy families received generous dowries when they got married.

Of course, the betrothal gift is only a little more.

 Some of the more sophisticated ones would even buy a girl a thousand-gang bed as a dowry. The craftsmanship of Qiangong Bed is complicated, and the finished product is very stunning and luxurious. Girls have this as a dowry, which is very respectable in their husband's family.

Ms. Li also said, "Have you finished collecting your dowry?"

 In ancient times, many dowries needed to be made of wood. Cabinets, dressing tables, etc. all needed to be customized in advance.

Several ladies nodded one after another, "It's almost done. I can definitely finish it before we get married."

After saying that, he looked at Lin's first daughter-in-law.

"Sister Lin, after you get married and go to the capital, you should bring more maids with you, otherwise you won't know what the scene will be like when you go to your husband's house."

They all married locals, and their natal families are all close by, so they naturally have nothing to fear.

On the other hand, Lin's legitimate daughter had traveled thousands of miles to get married in the capital, and she looked quite lonely.

Lin's daughter-in-law knew that this matter was a certainty, so she accepted her fate.

Her father asked her if she wanted to bring the concubine as a dowry, but she immediately refused.

It is not enough to take care of a concubine at home. It is disturbing to think about bringing a concubine with you after getting married.

 Besides, she didn’t have the tolerance to give her husband to others, so she naturally refused to take the concubine with her.

 Furthermore, her father said that the Shi family had a lot of dealings with her family and would not look down upon her.

Her sister-in-law is still the daughter of the Shi family. The two families have been together for so many years and she has never been embarrassed, so she is not worried about the hardships she will face if she gets married.

 The other ladies were relieved after hearing this.

 And other topics were opened.

"Sister Lin, have you seen your future husband? Does he look good?"

Lin’s daughter-in-law nodded, “I’ve seen her a few times.”

 Grandma’s 60th birthday was celebrated before, and her future husband came here a few times. Although he didn’t chat with her, he had met her in person.

As for a person, it is enough that he is neither ugly nor handsome, but tall and polite.

 Other ladies also said, "Actually, as long as the person is good, it doesn't matter if he is good-looking or not."

 “Yeah, as long as you’re nice to us.”

After saying that, he looked at Sister Ying and said, "Sister Ying, you are also fourteen. Has your mother shown you her husband's family?"

Sister Ying shook her head, "My mother said we'll have a look next year, it's not urgent."

The ladies looked at her soft little face and said with a bad smile, "Yes, our sister Ying is so good-looking, she can get married at any age. If I were a man, I would be fascinated by you."

Other ladies all agreed and began to covet Sister Ying's facial features, skin, and even her hair.

“Oh my God, sister Ying, your skin is so smooth and tender. I remember when I was in a women’s college, you were quite dark, but now you are so white.”

 “Tell me, what kind of useful grease did you secretly use?”

“That’s right, and you smell so good, tell me what incense you bought, I want to buy it too.”

“And this hair is too fluffy, unlike my hair, which is as thick as straw.”

Sister Ying was buzzing with what they said, and her head was buzzing.

“Okay, okay, I bought all my things at Ningzhifang. You can try it next time too.”

As he was talking, a boat swam from a distance with two men sitting on it.

A lady with sharp eyes said, "Hey, isn't that Qi Qinchen?"

Sister Ying also looked over.

 It was indeed the square-faced imperial envoy I met in the alley that day.

Even though he has a square face, he is really handsome. He is the kind of man with northern charm.

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 (End of this chapter)

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