Chapter 245, Recognizing Qi Yuanming

 Other ladies also looked over and said, "Wow, Qin Qin is quite handsome when you look at him up close."

Although he is tall and strong, his deep eyes and high nose are still very good points.

Even though they are about to get married, the ladies cannot resist the good-looking imperial envoy.

 They didn’t know about the corruption at home, so they had no hostility towards the imperial envoy.

Instead, he discussed with an infatuated look, "What a pity, why is such a handsome man not from my family?"

 “It would be great if my husband could be such a man.”

Other ladies thought the same thing in their hearts, but they teased her, "Since you are here, you don't dare to ask for such a handsome man."

Li Guixiu said angrily, "What am I afraid of? What am I afraid of?"

 It made the other ladies laugh.

Perhaps their laughter was too loud, which caused Qi Yuanming and the others to look here.

Sister Ying looked around and couldn't remember who the face was, so she asked the ladies.

 “What’s the name of that imperial envoy?”

Lin's daughter-in-law knew who the other party was and snorted coldly, "He, he is the son of the Yushi family, his surname is Qi, and his name is Qi Yuanming."

 “Qi Yuanming?”

Sister Ying thought deeply and frowned, feeling that the name sounded familiar.

 She thought about it again and again, and finally remembered it.

By the way, when Jing Shirong moved to Ningxi Town when he was a child, a little boy came. The boy was sunny and cheerful, and his name seemed to be Qi Yuanming.

 That's why Brother Rong said that he also knew the imperial envoy?

 Is this what it originally meant?

Other ladies were also very curious about Qi Yuanming, so they asked Lin's daughter-in-law, "From your tone, it seems that you don't like the imperial envoy very much. Why?"

Qi Yuanming is from the capital, and Lin’s daughter-in-law is from Jiangnan. How can they still hate each other when they are so different from each other?

Lin's daughter-in-law didn't know Qi Yuanming at first.

 Mainly because Qi Yuanming's father impeached the historian, the feud between the two families was thus forged.

Lin’s legitimate daughter is going to marry into the historian’s family, so of course she has to stand in line with the historian’s family.

Since the Qi family and the Shi family have a dispute, she must be wary of each other.

Perhaps their voices were too loud, so Qi Yuanming also looked over.

His face looks serious now, which is far different from the lively and active boy in his memory.

Sister Ying really couldn't associate him with the lively boy in her memory.

  However, after seeing her, Qi Yuanming's fierce gaze restrained somewhat, as if he was afraid of scaring her.

 He was explaining things to his men, and after finishing them, he went ashore.

Sister Ying and the others went back after talking.

 Before going home, she took Xiao Zi to the inn and asked for some scraps of marinade, which she planned to take back to feed Ah Fei.

Before leaving the alley, I met Qi Yuanming.

Qi Yuanming also saw her, and suddenly smiled at her with a fierce face.

 “Little girl, do you still remember me?”

There was no one in the alley at this moment, only the two of them stood facing each other.

Hearing his familiar tone, Sister Ying knew that he still remembered her, so she said, "Qi Yuanming?"

Qi Yuanming smiled generously, grinning broadly, and finally looked like a sunny boy.

He smiled and looked around again. When he saw no one, he asked Sister Ying, "Let's go to Yipinzhai to chat. Let's go through the back door."

Sister Ying hummed and then followed him towards the back door of Yipinzhai.

 The servants at the back door of Yipinzhai saw their faces and remembered them, so they invited them in.

Qi Yuanming asked for a private room and closed the door before talking to her. “Mother, you are suffocating me to death.”

God knows how tiring it is for him to pretend to be dignified and polite.

Qi Yuanming himself is a talkative by nature, he is also very active, and he cannot take any time off all day long.

This time I came to Jiangnan mainly to assist Jing Shirong.

His name is the imperial envoy, but privately he brought troops here.

Just to be on guard against the corrupt officials who would fight back if they were cornered, Jing Shirong would not be able to deal with them by himself, so he could lead his troops and take down those people in one fell swoop.

But these are court secrets. He will not tell Sister Ying, only her.

“I didn’t recognize you at first. It was A Jing who told me that you were here, otherwise I would have almost forgotten you.”

Sister Ying also laughed, "I also forgot that it was Brother Rong who talked about you, otherwise I wouldn't have any memory."

Qi Yuanming waved his hand generously, "It's normal that you don't remember. When I see you later, you will be older and younger. It's normal for you to forget me."

Sister Ying nodded and asked him, "Are you also here to investigate the case this time?"

Sister Ying vaguely knew that they were here to check the accounts, but Jing Shirong would not tell her the specifics, so she didn't know what they were checking.

Qi Yuanming hissed at her, "Don't ask about this, and don't make blind inquiries. Just pretend you don't know, otherwise it won't be good for you."

Sister Ying nodded, not wanting to get involved, so she said, "Okay, I understand."

 Let them handle their official duties on their own, as long as she doesn't hold them back.

The more Qi Yuanming looked at her, the cuter she became, and he said, "You are the same as when you were a child. You look like a porcelain doll. No wonder A Jing likes you so much."

Sister Ying was overjoyed when she heard this. She raised her chin and said very proudly, "It's hard to give up on natural beauty. There's nothing I can do about being so delicate." She spread her hands with an expression that said I was also very distressed.

Qi Yuanming was amused by her, "Okay, okay, I can't tell you anything."

"But let me tell you something. I will go to your house late at night. You ask your father to wait for me."

When Sister Ying heard about this, she thought that he had something to do with her father, so she agreed.

"Okay, I understand. I will tell my dad when I get back."

Qi Yuanming stretched out his hand to rub her head and complimented her, "Good girl."

 No wonder A Jing likes it so much, he looks so well-behaved.

  After the two briefly reminisced about old times, they went back their separate ways.

 After returning home, Sister Ying told Liang Jin about the matter.

As soon as Liang Jin heard that the imperial envoy was looking for him, he perked up and told Sister Ying, "Don't tell your younger brothers and sisters about this."

The couple and Sister Ying are the only ones in the family who can keep the secret secret. The other children are still undecided and are chattering all day long.

Liang Jin was afraid that they would accidentally tell it, so naturally he couldn't let the children know.

Sister Ying nodded, "I understand."

 At night, in the dead of night, Qi Yuanming came over.

  Wu went to Sister Ying’s room in advance, leaving space for the two grown men to talk.

Sister Ying has not slept in the same room with Mrs. Wu for a long time. Now the mother and daughter are lying on the same bed, and she is beginning to pester Ms. Wu.


Wu Shi smiled and trimmed her hair, "You are so old and still acting like a baby? Are you ashamed?"

Sister Ying hid in the quilt and giggled. Then she came next to Mrs. Wu and rubbed her little head against her.

 “Mom~~, I haven’t slept with you for a long time.”

Mrs. Wu also said, "When you grew up, you started clamoring for your own house and refused to sleep with me. It's not like I won't sleep with you, but you are now relying on me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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