The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 246: , I am my mother’s little public servant

 Chapter 246, I am my mother’s son-in-law

Sister Ying giggled, hugging Mrs. Wu’s belly and acting coquettishly, “How can I do that?”

 She had always slept with Mr. Wu when she was a child.

At that time, her father was away studying, and he rarely came home. As a baby, she was always held by Mrs. Wu to put her to sleep.

 Later, when she grew older and Kang Geer was born, she began to sleep with Mrs. Liang.

 Later, Brother Sen and Sister Yang were born. She was older and had her own house.

Now that I am a grown-up girl, sleeping in the same room with my mother makes me miss my childhood.

Mrs. Wu touched her face and said, "When I was little, I thought you four siblings were noisy. Now that you are older, I miss you even more when I was little."

Sister Ying rested her head on Wu's chest, feeling the unique motherly fragrance on her body, and felt warm in her heart.

“I also want to never grow up and never leave my mother.”

She is so relaxed and comfortable at home, life is simply not too good, and she doesn't want to grow up.

Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "That won't work. You are already fourteen this year and will be fifteen next year. I will definitely find a good in-law for you by then."

 Sister Ying has a headache when it comes to finding her husband's family.

“But I don’t really want to get married, mother~~”

Mrs. Wu pinched her delicate oval face and said to her, "That won't work. It would be such a waste if you don't get married and have children with your beauty."

 Sister Ying? ? ?

“Shouldn’t it be better for me to keep my beautiful face privately at home? If I go to other people’s homes, others won’t know how to care for and maintain it.”

 “It will be a disaster if I wilt by then.”

If good flowers are planted in pots and are suddenly uprooted and transplanted to other pots, the flowers may die.

Hearing her absurd reasoning, Ms. Wu glanced at her and said, "I think you just have an itchy skin. If you are so reluctant to marry someone, is it possible that my mother will harm you?"

Sister Ying pouted and acted coquettishly, "Of course you won't harm me, but I really don't want to get married."

“What’s so good about getting married? How can my husband’s family be as comfortable as my mother’s family? I don’t want to go to my mother-in-law’s family, mother~~”

  Who would want to live in someone else’s house if they are so happy living in their own parents’ house? I feel uncomfortable thinking about it.

Mrs. Wu sighed and touched her head, "You can't just die at home. With your appearance, wouldn't it be a pity not to get married once?"

“Besides, both parents will grow old. When the time comes, your father and I will leave. What will you do?”

“Your brother will be the one to get married. Will he be able to accommodate you when he has a wife and children?”

Even if she is tolerated, she is not her biological father and mother, but just a sister-in-law. Can the relationship be good enough to provide for her in her old age?

 Furthermore, the sister-in-law’s natal family may also have objections.

“So, you should marry a man who loves you and have a few more children in the future. In this way, you will have someone to take care of you when you are old.”

Sister Ying knows that people of the older generation are afraid that no one will care for their children when they are old, so they always hope that their children can get married and start a career.

 But not all people who get married can grow old happily.

 Some people become decadent after a few years of marriage, and even a beautiful flower withers, let alone the end of their lives.

Mrs. Wu glared at her, "It's not as miserable as you said. Even if it is, it can't be like this for everyone, right?"

This child is too pessimistic.

It’s not that Sister Ying is pessimistic, it’s mainly because many of the daughter-in-laws she has seen before are not living a very good life.

Whether it is modern or ancient times, it is quite difficult for a daughter-in-law to live in her husband’s family.

 Unless the natal family is particularly strong and capable, it will be difficult for a daughter-in-law to live in her husband's family.

 In recent years, neighbors and streets have heard so much news about the misfortune of their daughter-in-law, so Sister Ying was not surprised by the news of her marriage. Instead, she was very panicked.

Especially as she gets older, she also gets headaches.

 “It would be great if I could find a son-in-law who comes to my house.”

 Wu Shi Yi Leng. "Son-in-law?" It's not impossible, but it's a bit strange.

 After all, he has a son at home, so it would be strange for him to recruit a son-in-law.

Although there are families in this situation, Ms. Wu feels it is not appropriate.

“If you don’t want to marry too far away, let’s find someone close to home.”

“Your father has said that he may continue to serve in Jiangnan, and he should not be transferred in the next few years.”

If Liang Jin stays here as the magistrate and his family settles down here later, he can find someone from here as a husband for Sister Ying.

The people in Jiangnan are pretty good, and their ideas are much more enlightened than those in other small places.

Many women from Jiangnan also have more freedom and can easily return to their parents' homes, so Mrs. Wu really wants to find a son-in-law from Jiangnan for her daughter.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and said, "That's okay. But I want to find someone who can live alone, so that the two of us can move out and live by ourselves. I don't want to live with my parents-in-law and my sister-in-law."

As long as she lives alone, she doesn’t have to deal with her in-laws and sisters-in-law, so she doesn’t have that much of a mental burden.

Mrs. Wu thought this was a good idea, so she said, "Okay, I understand. I will look for you in this aspect later."

 As long as the family conditions are better, the young masters basically have their own yard outside.

If you are willing to move out and live alone with Sister Ying, Mrs. Wu would also think it would be good.

She told Sister Ying, "Although I won't start looking for you until next year, I have already started preparing a dowry for you this year."

 Qiangong Bed must be booked in advance.

Boxes, cabinets, and dressing tables all had to be ordered. Mrs. Wu was afraid that she might not be able to make it in time, so she had already started to order them.

 She bought several hundred acres of land this year, and together with the previous vegetable plots, the total is over a thousand acres.

 The vegetables grown on the land are all produced and sold by the family, and the rest is fed to pigs, cattle and sheep.

 When the pigs, cattle and sheep are old enough, they can be used for work and their meat can be sold. They can also produce and sell their own meat.

 She also included several ponds and an orchard.

 Fruits are grown according to the seasons. If you can’t eat them all, just make them into dried fruits, candied fruits, or fruit jams, and they will basically be sold out.

 Now that the business of the inn is getting better, her wallet is naturally getting richer.

Once a person is rich, he has the confidence to do anything. After Mrs. Wu became rich, she set a dowry for Sister Ying even more generously. She only chose the best, and her wallet was half empty.

 But as long as you give your daughter enough face, she doesn't feel bad whether she has money or not.

After hearing this, Sister Ying was very moved and rested her head on Mrs. Wu's heart again.


It’s great to be the Wu family’s child. I will be my mother’s son for the rest of my life.

Wu Shi also smiled and raised his hand to touch her face, "You, you loved to act like a spoiled child when you were a child, and you still love to act like a spoiled child when you grow up."

As he was saying this, the window in the house suddenly rang.

 “Knock knock!”

Wu was stunned and asked strangely, "What is the sound?"

Sister Ying groaned and said hurriedly, "It's okay, maybe it's Ah Fei."

She hurriedly ran out of bed and said loudly on purpose, "Ah Fei, stop making trouble, mother and I are going to bed, go back quickly."

Jing Shirong outside the window heard this, smiled inaudibly, and quickly exited.

It was rare for him to come back, and he just wanted to talk to Sister Ying, but he didn't expect that Mrs. Wu was also in her room, so he had to come back next time.

 (End of this chapter)

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