Chapter 248, Do you like Sister Ying?

 “The root of love??”

Sister Ying was ashamed and said to Mrs. Wu, "I'm still young, what can I do if I need love?"

 She only likes to study food.

Or for a pair of inn projects, she is very satisfied watching the income and output every day, and she has no time to think about love.

Mrs. Wu couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this.

  "Okay, okay, go to bed first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

 The girl's heartless look made it impossible for her to run away with others, which made her worry in vain.

And Brother Rong, do you still treat such a beautiful girl like a flower as just a child?

It seems that Brother Rong is also a heartless person.

The two of them are so stupid when it comes to their first love, I don't think there will be any sparks.

Jing Shirong eavesdropped outside for a long time, shaking his head with some self-deprecation.

He was returning to Jiangnan for business, and he thought he would have time to see Sister Ying tonight, so he came over. Who would have expected that Aunt Wu would be in Sister Ying's room.

He didn't want to eavesdrop just now, but he was also afraid that Sister Ying would be scolded by Aunt Wu, so he had to stop and listen in the corner.

Aunt Wu said that it was not suitable for him and Sister Ying to live together in the same room. Jing Shirong felt a little ashamed after hearing this.

 He had always treated Sister Ying Ying as a child, so he came to see her without any scruples.

Having just been reminded by Aunt Wu, he knew that he was wrong.

Even though Sister Ying is young, she has gradually grown into a grown-up girl. He really shouldn't care about her reputation.

 However, if you are worried about this or that, how can you meet Sister Xiaoying in the future?

 Qi Yuanming also came out after chatting with Liang Jin.

As soon as he got on the roof, he saw Jing Shirong in a daze on the tree.


Jing Shirong nodded to him, pointed in the direction with his hands, and the two of them disappeared into the night together.

Jing Shirong took him to the yard he bought. The two of them entered the study and sat down to talk.

“How are you keeping an eye on the dock?”

Qi Yuanming nodded, "It's done. Now we just have to wait for the action from Prefect Lin."

Zhifu Lin knew that Qi Yuanming had been investigating closely recently and was afraid that something would go wrong. He simply put all the stolen goods into his daughter's dowry and planned to transport the stolen goods to the capital on the day of her wedding.

 He and historians have done this in previous years.

 The stolen goods are circulated back and forth between each other and sent back when necessary, so that the stolen goods can be hidden at both ends.

Qi Yuanming pressed forward step by step. What he wanted was for him to transport the stolen goods to Shijia, so that when the time came to catch the stolen goods, he would be able to make a living.

 Jing Shirong felt at ease when he was doing things.

 “You’ve been a lot more careful over the years.”

  Before, I had a careless personality and was not reliable at all.

Nowadays, I am becoming more and more meticulous in doing things, and I am also very good at observing details and people's hearts.

Qi Yuanming was praised by him and laughed heartily.

“That’s right, the sticks my father has beaten me with over the years were not in vain.”

The Qi family were civil servants, but Qi Yuanming was a military general.

Qi's father was afraid that his son would be plotted by others because he was a big boss, so he carefully taught him how to see through people's hearts and learn from Sun Tzu's art of war.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

Qi Yuanming's father was also a rough man, so how could he be careful to his son.

Every time he failed to teach, he would be beaten, and he would be cruel.

Jing Shirong had seen Qi Yuanming being chased and beaten by his father countless times when he was a child.

Now that Qi Yuanming has grown so tall, he is still being beaten by his father.

Qi Yuanming himself laughed.

"Forget it, my dad is a bigot himself, but he still has the nerve to call me a bigot."

Qi Yuanming had been training in the guards before, and then went to the military camp. Finally, he was reused by the emperor, and then he began to divide work and cooperate with Jing Shirong. They are both civil and military, and they work together flawlessly.

Jing Shirong asked him, "Over in the capital, keep an eye on the Guan family. I've already sent people to watch over the Shi family. The Guan family is the biggest source. Don't let them run away."

Qi Yuanming nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Oh, by the way. Do you still have contact with the Liang family?”

Qi Yuanming went to see Liang Jin in the evening, and Liang Jin also paid attention to Jing Shirong's family.

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No contact for the time being. After finishing this case, I can visit the Liang family."

Qi Yuanming said oh, nodded, and said, "By the way, I saw that little girl Sister Ying last time. She is a very well-behaved girl. I don't blame you for liking her."

Jing Shirong also smiled, "She is always well-behaved and very sensible." As he spoke, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

Qi Yuanming looked at his doting look and teased, "Could it be that you are interested in me?"

 “Otherwise, why would you worry about buying things for her wherever you go?”

Jing Shirong was ashamed and hurriedly explained, "No, don't talk nonsense, she and I are just like a big brother and a little sister."

Qi Yuanming doesn’t believe it.

“You and your Jingxin are also the eldest brother and the little sister. Why can’t I see you being so gentle and doting on your Jingxin?”

Qi Yuanming has known Jing Shirong for so long, and he has never seen Jing Shirong be so patient and doting on any girl.

Jing Xin is still his biological sister, and she is not so gentle.

Jing Shirong coughed and said hurriedly, "Why am I not gentle to Jing Xin? I treat her and Sister Ying the same way."

Qi Yuanming snorted, "Then let me ask you, if Jing Xin went to your study and messed with your things, would you be furious?"

 Jing Shirong imagined the scene where Jing Xin ran into his study and messed with his things. He took a deep breath and he would be angry.

Qi Yuanming took the opportunity to say, "Think about it again, if the person who broke into your study was Sister Ying, would you still be angry?"

Jing Shirong's mind turned. If the person who broke into his study turned out to be Sister Ying, he really wouldn't be angry.

If it were Jing Xin, he would probably fall out with that girl or even stop talking to her.

But if it were Sister Xiaoying, he didn't seem to be angry. Instead, he would take her for a walk in the study.

Qi Yuanming looked at him with an expression of "I knew it".

“I know you like that little girl, but you still don’t admit it.”


Jing Shirong choked. He didn't expect his friend to say this.

“But I, I clearly regard her as the little sister next door.”

Qi Yuanming laughed and said, "Let me give you an example. If one day Sister Xiaoying cries and asks you to hug her, will you be willing to hug her?"

Jing Shirong nodded without thinking. "What's so hard about this?"

As long as Aunt Wu doesn't mind, he doesn't mind either.

Qi Yuanming clicked his tongue and said disgustedly, "What if sister Jingxin wants you to hug her?"

Jing Shirong immediately gave him a disgusted look and said, "No."

He knows how annoying his sister is.

 That girl Jing Xin is just crazy on her own. She's jumping up and down all day, like an ugly monkey, so he doesn't want to hug her, it's so disgusting.

Qi Yuanming laughed loudly, "Look, you just like Sister Xiaoying and you still don't admit it."


Jing Shirong was stunned.

 Can’t help but start to doubt myself.

“Do I really like Sister Ying?”

 He has always liked Sister Ying as a neighbor's little sister.

 How could it be the kind of liking that Qi Yuanming said?

Jing Shirong was confused for a moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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