Chapter 249: Find the dirty silver

Qi Yuanming looked disgusted when he saw his infatuation.

“I asked you whether it’s okay or not, but others don’t know whether you like it or not?”

 Fortunately, he was also called Xiao Panan by the ladies in the capital, a great talent.

Even Xixi didn't like the little girl, but she was still talented.

 “I think you’re just a nerd.”

 I only know how to study and handle cases, but I don’t know anything about love and love, so what’s the point?

Jing Shirong was like a blow to the head when he said this, and something was slowly becoming clear.

For a moment, something deep in my heart seemed to be ready to come out.

But it feels vaguely incredible.

It turns out that he likes playing with Sister Ying so much because he "likes her?"


 He still felt that she was like the little girl next door, and she really couldn't get along with the older girls.

Qi Yuanming was angry and funny when he saw how stupid he looked.

"Okay, don't think about it. If you want to confirm whether you like her or not, just see if you get angry when she is with other men."

 Men, whenever they see a woman they like with another man, they will get angry and want to hit her.

There is no need to try this. Just thinking about it makes me angry.

Jing Shirong imagined Sister Ying enjoying flowers and eating mooncakes with other men. It was indeed quite uncomfortable, but not to the point of beating her up.

Qi Yuanming said "Huh?" "Aren't you angry? Are you just uncomfortable?"

Is it possible that he thought wrong?

“Do you really only regard Sister Ying as your little sister?”

Jing Shirong frowned, "I'm not sure either."

 The two of them sighed deeply, obviously helpless.

Qi Yuanming said, "Forget it, let's finish the case first. Put the matter between you and Sister Ying aside for now and talk about it later."

Jing Shirong sighed, "Okay, let's do this first."

 Let’s solve the corruption case first, and then think about Sister Ying’s matter later.

 A few more months.

 The day finally came for the Lin family’s daughter to get married.

The Lin family was bustling early in the morning.

Mrs. Lin was busy dressing her daughter, while Magistrate Lin was talking to people from the Shi family.

He hid all the stolen money in his daughter's dowry box, including the priceless bribes.

When the historian knew about it, he took the dowry list and wrote it down one by one.

 “The bride is getting married~~”

Since she was marrying far away, the Lin family chartered several ships and carried large and small bags on board.

Jing Shirong hid in the crowd of servants and followed him all the way.

 When they arrived in the capital, the historian took the bride in and carefully put the remaining dowry into the house.

Jing Shirong took this opportunity to go in, find the room where the stolen money was hidden, marked it, and went back to follow the plan.

 The emperor had already grasped the situation, and when the historians were still at home in the evening and the corrupt officials were drunk, they were ready to start arresting people.

At night.

The Shi family was really lively, and everyone in the courtyard was very drunk.

 Finally, the two officials quarreled because they were suspicious of each other.

He muttered, "Obviously you should have divided the stolen money from me last month at 20,000 li, but you only gave me 5,000 liang and said, you didn't keep the 15,000 liang for yourself!"

Because the account books were burned, many accounts were unclear. Corrupt officials did not trust each other and felt that the other party had embezzled their own money.

The corrupt official who was scolded was also very angry and said loudly, "You fart, obviously you can only get 4,800 taels for that payment, 5,000 taels is still a round number that I collected for you out of consideration for the two families." , don’t be greedy.”

             ∣                             ∣              lumous in insatiable greed??》

 Because of this sentence, the drunken corrupt official was directly offended.

He shouted angrily, "Who here is not greedy? Everyone has the right to criticize me, but you are not! You are more greedy than me. You even stole five thousand taels from Mr. Li the year before last. How shameless are you to criticize me? greedy."

These words immediately aroused Mr. Li’s dissatisfaction.

 “What? You dare to take my money?”

 “I, I don’t.”

That corrupt official had a guilty conscience, but he thought, "Everyone is so greedy, why should they only blame me?"

"You are not the same. Every time you don't do the accounting, you charge so much more, and I don't say anything, but you bully me as a junior official."

That Mr. Li also drank too much, his face was red, and he banged the table angrily.

“Whoever bullied you for being a junior official was clearly your fault for taking advantage of the loopholes in the account books. Otherwise, how could you still have money to buy a yard this year? You must have stolen our share.”

They thought that all the guests here today were grasshoppers on a rope, and with the influence of alcohol, they became even more unscrupulous.

There are a few who are not that drunk, so quickly come and cover their mouths.

 “Stop talking, be careful, the walls have ears.”

The emperor has been checking the accounts recently. If these words are spread to the emperor's ears later, they will be doomed.

Those drunk officials were not afraid at all and were very arrogant.

“What are you afraid of? How many years have we been greedy? If not ten years but five years, in which year have we been found out?”

How smart they are, even burning their account books so they are not afraid of being discovered.

Even if they are found out, as long as the stolen money cannot be found, the emperor will have nothing to do with them.

 After other officials heard this, they felt confident.

"That's right, what are you afraid of? Anyway, the house is clean. If you have the ability, come and check."

 They thought that their stolen money was well hidden, but they did not know that Jing Shirong had already found those things.

 Almost all the stolen money was placed at the dock, and it was placed in the most obvious place.

 The wharf is managed by the Guan family, and the Guan family is also the main culprit in this corruption incident.

The hidden silver in Jiangnan is also hidden at the dock.

Because there are a lot of goods at the dock and people come and go every day, you just need to put the hidden silver in a box and lock it, get a few old boxes to put them in, and finally put them on the dock casually, and find someone to watch them day and night, and you will be fine.

 There are so many cargo ships coming and going at the dock every day. Everyone is only busy with their own goods, and no one pays attention to those old and worn boxes.

 In addition, there are thugs watching the dock day and night every day, so there is no need to worry about things being stolen.

Jing Shirong also searched many places before suddenly thinking of the dock.

 Because Sister Ying accidentally mentioned, "The most dangerous place is the safest."

 So when he was passing by the pier, he noticed those boxes of old boxes.

At first he just leaned in front of the box to take a look, but was driven away fiercely by the thugs.

If it were an ordinary box, the thugs wouldn't care.

 So the thug's nervousness directly attracted Jing Shirong's attention, and only then did he get the following clues.

Now that the dock has been surrounded, Jing Shirong is the only one left to give the order.

These corrupt officials in the courtyard still don’t know anything and think they are hiding it well.

 After they had a quarrel, they started drinking again.

 “Come on, come on, keep drinking.”

But while drinking, they started whispering again.

“Have you seen the Lin family’s dowry today? There should be a lot of it hidden in the carts.”

"That's right, I think the Lin family is more greedy than us. There is a lot of oil and water in Jiangnan, and the Lin family has married twice with the Shi family. It can be seen that the two families here have made a lot of money without telling us."

 (End of this chapter)

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