Chapter 250, catching stolen goods

"In the past two years, we were afraid of Your Majesty's suspicion and have been cautious. But I didn't expect that Mr. Shi was so shady that he actually married the Lin family without telling us. We don't know how much money he made secretly from us."

 Other officials nodded in agreement.

“Even so, I don’t think the Shi family and the Lin family are good birds either.”

As he was talking, Jing Shirong brought someone in.

 “No one is allowed to move!”

The guards rushed in furiously and surrounded all the corrupt officials in the courtyard.


 The corrupt officials were so frightened that they were half sober.

Jing Shirong came in majestically, still wearing a fox mask on his face.

At first he wore a fox mask because he was afraid that he would not be a deterrent because he was young.

Now he wears a fox mask because he doesn’t want others to see his true face. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to handle cases in the future.

At this time, the guards with knives surrounded all the corrupt officials in the courtyard, and torches illuminated every corner of the courtyard.

Jing Shirong, wearing a fox mask, yelled, "Take them all!"

As soon as those corrupt officials saw the fox mask, they knew it was the emperor's henchman who was coming, and they immediately stumbled and tried to run away.

However, the wine we drank tonight was all drugged. Now everyone wanted to run but fell to the ground, without any strength to run.

Mr. Shi inside heard the noise and quickly sent someone to notify the Guan family.

He pretended to be calm and came out with a smile. He bowed to Jing Shirong and said, "Master Rong is here?"

  The emperor did not announce Jing Shirong's true identity to the outside world, only saying that his surname was Rong. Therefore, the civil and military officials did not know Jing Shirong's true identity.

 Just think of him as the emperor's secretly cultivated right-hand man.

Mr. Shi was quite panicked when he saw the guards with swords all over the yard. In previous years, when he was called to check the accounts, he only handed over the account books. There had never been such a big battle.

Now not only the guards with swords are coming, but also the emperor's imperial guards are dispatched. It can be seen that the emperor has discovered the clues about this matter.

Mr. Shi tried his best not to panic, walked over to Jing Shirong and smiled, "Sir Rong, today is a happy day for our historian. If you have anything to do, can we wait until tomorrow?"

Jing Shirong wore a fox mask and gave him a cold look.

He raised his thin lips and said, "Okay."

He said it was okay, but ordered, "Take them all away!"

 Including the boxes where the stolen money was kept, all were taken away.

 As for Mr. Shi, "You can come too."

In this way, all the corrupt officials in the courtyard were brought to Jinluan Palace Mountain together with their stolen goods.

At this time, the street was busy. When the people saw the guards dragging a cart of officials, they seemed to have guessed what was going on.

“Look at the boxes and boxes of stuff, can it be stolen money?”

 Publicer A, "I think so. The box looks tattered, but every corner of it is filled with gold. It must be gold obtained by greed."

Jing Shirong glanced at the guard. The guard immediately understood and pretended to throw the box.

With a clang, the gold and silver jewelry in the box immediately appeared in front of the people.

The crowd immediately exploded.

“Let me just say, how can these corrupt officials eat and drink so much every day even though their salaries are not high? I have been to Yipinzhai countless times, and it can be seen that they have plundered a lot of people’s wealth and wealth.”

 Public person B, “Not only the common people are plundered, but all merchants are victims.”

Although corrupt officials are plundering merchants, as long as merchants' profits are damaged and they cannot make ends meet, the prices of the things they sell will definitely increase.

 When commodity prices rise, it is the people who suffer.

 So the prices in recent years have caused people to complain a lot.

Now that the emperor has arrested corrupt officials, of course the people are very happy. Once the matter is resolved, prices may come down.

 People live at home, and what they want is good quality and low prices so that the family can eat and drink well. Of course, they are very happy to see corrupt officials caught.

Mr. Shi didn't expect why he fell into trouble?

Everything is obviously the same as before, how did this 'Master Rong' find him?

 When he arrived at Jinluan Temple Mountain, the emperor saw the thirty boxes of stolen goods. He immediately slapped the dragon table and said angrily, "With all the witnesses and material evidence gathered, what else do you have to say!"

He said that the harvest would be good every year, but the tributes and taxes would be greatly reduced every year.

It turns out that there are so many greedy insects sucking the blood of his tax money. No wonder the national treasury is not full.

Those officials still wanted to quibble and shouted, "Your Majesty, we are wronged. Master Shi and Master Guan asked us to do this. In fact, we didn't get much. Your Majesty, please spare your life."

They had been drinking all night, and they were already drunk and would talk out of their mouths.

“Your Majesty, this matter was all caused by Mr. Guan and Mr. Shi dragging us into the water. We are unjustly accused~”

When other officials saw him begging for mercy, they all recognized him as a hero and knelt on the ground begging for mercy.

 “Your Majesty, please spare my life~~”

Mr. Shi was betrayed by them at the same time and wanted to make a few quibbles, but all the stolen goods were found at home, and he could not refute even if he wanted to.

"Your Majesty." In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

 The last one left is the Guan family.

 Qi Yuanming has gone to the Guan family to arrest people.

 The Guan family was also a thief. As soon as he found out something was wrong, he immediately packed up his bags and ran away.

Because the Guan family had spies in the palace, and they felt a sense of crisis, they immediately ran away by boat as soon as they noticed something was wrong.

 The Guan family is very powerful in the dock. Even if they are supervised by Qi Yuanming, there are still many ways to escape.

What made the emperor angry was, "They actually have spies around me, and the information is so accurate?"

It can be seen that the eyeliner is the person who is serving him closely, otherwise it would be impossible to understand him so clearly.

Qi Yuanming especially went to the Guan family to arrest people, but failed to catch anyone. The whole family had moved to another place a month ago.

 The emperor was furious and immediately asked Qi Yuanming to capture the man.

 And asked Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming to find the fugitives from the Guan family.

As for the informants in the palace, he wanted to catch them personally and give the secret informants a blow.

Jing Shirong was saved and rushed to join Qi Yuanming overnight.

Liang Jin also took note of Magistrate Lin's family.

Qi Yuanming has left many secret guards here, and they will immediately take down those corrupt officials as soon as there is any trouble.

Liang Jin got Qi Yuanming's instructions and token and went there early to keep an eye on Magistrate Lin.

As soon as the signal from the capital came, he would arrest people immediately.

 Seven days later, signal fireworks were set off in the sky.

Zhifu Lin also received news that his in-laws had been arrested and they were about to run away.

 After Liang Jin found out, he made a prompt decision and captured everyone.

The secret guards received the order in advance and immediately captured all the people, and also grabbed all the stolen money at the dock.

  Why it is said to be robbery, because there are many thugs ambushing the dock.

The number of secret guards was small, but each one was worth fifty. In addition, there was drug on them, so they were all knocked unconscious immediately after being lightly sprinkled.

 After getting the stolen money, they **** the corrupt officials together and took them to the capital together.

This incident was a big fuss, and many people in the south of the Yangtze River came out to watch the fun.

 (End of this chapter)

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