Chapter 254: The toad wants to eat swan meat

after a while.

After Jing finished writing the letter, he took it out and gave it to Jing Shirong.

He also packed something for him and said, "You can take these with you to eat on the way."

 He pointed to another box. "Bring these to your Aunt Wu for me. There are letters from your father and me in them, as well as some things I want to give them. When the opportunity arises, they can also come to the capital to be our guests."

 Or if they have time, you can go to Jiangnan to play with them.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, I'll leave first. You and dad should take care of yourself at home."

 He was not at home and could not show filial piety. Fortunately, Jing's father and Jing's family were both in good health, and his younger brothers and sisters were all here, so he felt relieved.

Jingshi patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said it was okay.

“My relatives are all here, including your grandfather and the others. We have people to help us with everything. Unlike you, who is alone outside, we don’t know if anything happens, alas.”

Had it not been for her son being so important to the emperor, Mrs. Jing would not have been able to bear him running around like this every day.

Jing's father, on the other hand, was more open-minded, "As a son and an official, of course I have to do something for the people of the world. If everyone complains about hard work, who will protect the family and the country."

Jing family knew this, otherwise he would not have let his two sons become officials.

 She just said it casually because she felt sorry for her son.

Jing Shirong comforted her, "My son is fine. A son whose parents are good has nothing to worry about."

 As long as his family members are good, he can do anything.

Jing said to him, "How can that be done? You can't just care about us. You are an upright young man and haven't married yet. Don't say those senile words."

My son is only twenty-one years old. He is just past his prime and in his prime. How can he be so old-fashioned?

Jing Xin jumped over and said, "It's just that you are older than me and haven't even married yet. People of the same age as you have already married and had children. You are lagging behind."

Jing couldn't help pinching her arm, "You girl, you're already married and you're still yelling like this. You're making so much noise. Go back to your house. You're making me have a headache."

Jing Xin laughed loudly, "I don't want it."

After saying that, he took Qi Yuanling and ran away.

Jing Shi shook her head and sighed, "That girl is nineteen and still so childish. She really hasn't made any progress at all."

Jing Shirong smiled, a rare indulgence, "That's fine for her."

 Innocent and carefree.

 There is no need to live by the rules every day like those ladies in the world.

If it were Sister Ying, he would also hope that she could remain innocent and innocent.

Jingshi flashed his happy and doting smile and asked curiously, "What are you thinking about?"

Jing Shirong quickly came to his senses and said, "No, I should go."

 After saying that, he said goodbye to his parents and set off in a hurry.

 This head.

Sister Ying was checking the accounts at home, and Mrs. Liang came over to chat with her.

“Sister Ying, have you noticed that the new little magistrate has been secretly making love to you and comes to our house every day?”

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Isn't it?"

 She doesn’t even know the new Zhizhou, okay?

Mrs. Liang smiled mischievously, "You don't know them, but they know you."

“Yesterday I went to drink tea with other old ladies, and they asked all kinds of questions about you.”

"I also helped you get to know their grandchildren later, but they were not very good. Finally, I got tired of chatting, so I came back." "On the way back, I saw the new magistrate talking to your father outside the door. , I saw how Zhizhou wanted to come in. "

Liang Jin was the immediate boss of Xiaozhizhou. It happened to be time for dinner, so he kindly asked, "How about we have a light meal at home tonight before leaving?"

After hearing this, Nazhizhou not only did not refuse, but agreed immediately.

Old Mrs. Liang came in with them. The junior respected her very much and flattered her in every word.

Mrs. Liang felt strange at first, but later she understood when she saw the young man frequently looking towards the backyard while eating with Liang Jin.

Sister Ying said strangely, "But, I'm not familiar with him at all."

She only heard a few mentions of the new officials from her father, but did not remember them in particular, nor did she meet them in person. How did the magistrate know her?

Mrs. Liang was also surprised by this, so she went to check it out.

"I have a say in this matter. The three of us went to the temple fair together before, and when we came back, we happened to meet the new officials enjoying tea on a cruise ship."

It was at that time that a group of officials saw them.

But Sister Ying had been wearing a veil at that time, and the other party couldn't see clearly.

It was the little Zhizhou who, when he was face to face with Sister Ying, who wore a veil and had a graceful figure, he became deeply fascinated by the fairy-like veiled beauty - Sister Ying.

Since then, whenever the other party is free, he will come to Liang's house to find Liang Jin, trying to meet Sister Ying.

  Wu is not stupid either. One look at the look in Xiao Zhizhou's eyes and you can tell what he is thinking. Immediately take control of the backyard. Whenever Xiao Zhizhou is there, Xiao Zi must keep an eye on the backyard and prevent him from entering.

Sister Ying opened her mouth wide when she heard this, "So that's it."

 No wonder her mother suddenly said, "I'm a disciple" as she faced the door that day. It turned out to be this.

However, Mrs. Wu has been busy in recent days and has not had time to talk to Sister Ying about this matter. However, Mrs. Liang was free and came over to chat.

“I’m telling you, if you see that little magistrate in the future, stay away from him. He’s just a disciple. It’s really not serious.”

How can I come to a girl’s house every day and look like a toad trying to eat swan meat? It makes people feel frivolous.

Just as he was saying this, the little magistrate actually came again!

This time he was under the pretense of borrowing and returning the book.

Liang Jin hasn’t come back yet, but this guy came over early, thinking he came here specially to take a peek at Sister Ying.

Mrs. Wu has gone to the shop now. Before she comes back, Mrs. Liang and Sister Ying are the only ones left at home.

Old Mrs. Liang was having a good chat with Sister Ying, but when she saw the sneaky man at the archway in the front yard, she immediately gave a cry and went to greet him personally.

 “Who is it? Who’s being sneaky over there?”

Mrs. Liang has been staring at this little magistrate for many days and has long wanted to meet him.

The name of the small magistrate is Chen Lin. He was promoted from a small place.

This man is twenty-five years old, with an average build and appearance.

According to Mrs. Liang's investigation, Chen Lin's family is relatively wealthy, and his father is also an official. He may have been flattered a lot in his hometown, so he is particularly confident.

The little Zhizhou thought that as long as he could let Sister Ying see him, she would definitely be attracted to him and marry him.

However, I did not see the fairy many times when I came to the Liang family many times.

Mrs. Liang didn't like his sneaky look at all, so she said angrily, "What are you doing here? We're almost in the backyard."

  It means to ridicule him for having no rules.

After hearing this, Chen Lin, instead of being shy, looked like he was keeping an eye on the backyard.

“Madam, you didn’t go shopping today? It is said that several stores downstream are selling things at bargain prices. Why don’t you go and take a look?”

He wished that all the Liang family members were gone and only Sister Ying was left at home, so that he could come over and get close to the beauty.

 (End of this chapter)

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