Chapter 255, the arrogant toad

Old Mrs. Liang is not stupid, so how could she not know the evil idea in his mind.

"The backyard is a place for women. Mr. Chen, you should go back first. It is inconvenient for you to come to the house without my son."

 When a normal person hears this, he will definitely leave in shame.

It just so happens that Chen Lin is a shameless person, and he still refuses to leave even after Mrs. Liang makes such insinuations.

 Old Mrs. Liang was also very unhappy with his bad behavior.

 Immediately made a word of invitation to him.

“Let’s go, Brother Jin may have to stay in the Yamen for a little longer tonight, otherwise you go to the Yamen to find him.”

Chen Lin's ears went in and out, and he didn't hear what Mrs. Liang said clearly. Instead, he kept staring at the backyard. Trying to see Sister Ying.

Xiao Zi had seen this traitor a long time ago. She came over angrily and stood in front of Chen Lin, glaring at him angrily with her square face.

 Opened his mouth and shouted, "Mr. Chen, are you attracted to me? Do you want to marry me? Otherwise, why are you staring at me every day!"

Chen Lin was frightened by Xiao Zi's arrogant temperament and took a step back.

I wanted to open my mouth and scold her, but I didn't dare.

 First of all, it was because Xiao Zi was taller than him, and her body looked very strong, and her dazzling fists looked troublesome, so she had to take a step back slowly.

 “You, don’t come over.”

When Xiao Zi saw his useless appearance, she became more and more bold and walked over with her head held high, "Why can't I come over? This is our home!"


 “You, you are unreasonable.”

 After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

 When Mrs. Liang saw this, she immediately gave Xiao Zi a big thumbs up.

“Well done, it seems that the rice you usually eat is still useful. I’ll add chicken drumsticks to you tonight.”

 Xiao Zi was praised and immediately raised her chin happily. "Thank you, madam. I want to eat three chicken drumsticks tonight."

Old Mrs. Liang couldn’t even laugh or cry, “Okay, okay~ I’ll add three chicken drumsticks for you.”

Sister Ying also laughed after hearing what they said.

Xiao Zi, on the other hand, was indignant and said, "Miss, next time you just act ugly before going out, otherwise there will always be toads thinking about you."

Mrs. Liang also said, "If you don't hide your pretty little face, those toads will come looking for you."

 At that time, the courtyard will be covered with large and small toads, which will make you panic when you look at them.

 Sister Ying;


It's not her fault that she is beautiful, but the toad came to her house without her consent, which is the toad's problem.

However, we should really pay more attention to this matter, lest people like Chen Lin who don’t know the rules come to the house.

 Wu Shi came back in the evening and heard that Chen Lin was coming again, and immediately became cold-faced.

  “If you are as shameless as he is, you must have learned a lot.”

Mrs. Wu was so angry that she ordered the concierge that no one named Chen would be allowed in as long as Liang Jin was not at home.

“That person surnamed Chen is already engaged, but he still has the nerve to come and see our sister Ying!”

 Wu felt sick just thinking about it.

She has also inquired about Chen Lin. He has an ordinary appearance but a confident personality. He is also very picky about women. She always feels that ordinary girls are not good enough for him.

I had heard before that when Chen Lin was twenty years old, his family met him. The other girl had a good family background and was pretty and pretty, but Chen Lin looked down on her and said she was not worthy at all. he.

  After the marriage failed, Chen’s father found several fair-skinned and beautiful girls for him. But Chen Lin was still picky, either saying that the girl had a thick waist or that her skin was not good enough. Otherwise, he just dislikes the fact that the girl is rigid and boring, which does not meet his aesthetic taste.

 After choosing so many, none of them were suitable. It was not until last year that I found one that I was quite satisfied with.

The girl's father is also an official and is two ranks higher than him. The other girl is also gentle and pleasant.

Chen Lin felt that the girl's father could help him in his official career, and their family was also rich, so they must have a large dowry.

 Coupled with the fact that the girl was gentle and lovely, it suited his taste, so he agreed to the marriage.

So the marriage was decided last year, and he also used the official change in Jiangnan to ask his future father-in-law to help him get promoted.

 This marriage was originally very good and beneficial to him. The two of them will be getting married by the end of this year.

It happened that this was the time for him to see the beautiful and fragrant Sister Ying.

Chen Lin has a high self-esteem and thinks that he will definitely become a high-ranking official in the future and the person he will marry will be a princess, so he looks down on ordinary girls.

The reason why he fell in love with Sister Ying was that he had never seen such a beautiful woman, which aroused his competitive spirit.

He thought that he was not bad looking and his family background was good, so he would be a good match for the family of Magistrate Liang who had just been promoted.

And he was sure that he would get better and better in the future. It was Sister Ying's blessing to be able to see Sister Ying, so he came over again and again.

Mrs. Wu was very unhappy with Chen Lin from the first moment she saw him, especially after learning about his evil thoughts towards Sister Ying. She became even more disgusted and naturally did not want him to come to the house.

The concierge has received instructions and will not let Chen Lin in next time.

 Chen Lin came over the next day and found that he was blocked, and he was immediately unhappy.

 “Get out of my way, I’m here to see Mr. Liang.”

The porter replied coldly, "Our adults haven't come back yet, so Chen Zhizhou should go back and wait. If our adults come back, I will inform you."

 The words were spoken so plainly that Chen Lin would be a fool if he didn't understand.

 He could see the contempt for him by the doorman, and he immediately felt resentful and complained a lot when he got back.

 “What the hell, a whole family of **** dares to look down on me, what the hell!”

 The name "concierge" means the master's house. Chen Lin didn't know that Mr. Wu didn't like him, so he despised Mr. Wu's family more and more.

He had also inquired about Liang Jin's background, but he was just from the countryside, so there was nothing special about him.

Liang Jin was able to become the prefect simply because he was one step ahead of him.

If he came to Jiangnan as an errand earlier than Liang Jin, he would definitely be the prefect, and there would be nothing wrong with Liang Jin.

And that Wu family really doesn’t know how to praise.

 He can fall in love with her daughter, which is a blessing to their family, and yet he dares to lose face with him, what the hell!

Jing Shirong just came from the capital. Because he wanted to find Sister Ying quickly, he took a shortcut.

 The so-called shortcut is to take the roof.

He has extraordinary hearing. As soon as he reached the roof of Chen's house, he heard Uncle Liang's name and stopped to listen carefully.

Unexpectedly, he would not be angry if he didn't listen. When he heard the insulting words Chen Lin said, Jing Shirong's brows turned cold, and he immediately glanced at Chen Lin who was cursing in the courtyard with icy eyes.

Jing Shirong had a stern look on his face, stretched out his hand to pull out a hidden arrow, and shot it with great force with a sound of "咻~".

 The hidden arrow suddenly pierced into Chen Lin's butt.


 Chen Lin was suddenly stabbed by an arrow in the buttocks. He was hurt and frightened. He suddenly fell to the ground and the arrow was inserted into it. He screamed out in pain again.

 “Come here!”

 Damn it, what insidious villain dared to plot against him.

 (End of this chapter)

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