The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 256: , a long-lost recollection of the past

Chapter 256: Reminiscing about the past

Jing Shirong glanced coldly at Chen Lin, who was lying on the ground holding his **** and moaning, snorted coldly, then tapped his toes to the ground and left quickly.

After arriving at Liang's house by a familiar route, Jing Shirong was used to going to Sister Ying's window, but suddenly remembered that she came here specifically for a visit, so she turned around and entered through the front door for the first time.

The concierge saw him coming with large and small bags, looked at each other, and asked him, "Who are you?"

Jing Shirong shrugged with a gentle attitude, "My name is A Rong. I am Mr. Liang's former neighbor. I came here specifically to visit today."

His face had changed appearance, and it was far from his original handsome appearance.

There is also a goatee on his mouth, and he looks like a middle-aged uncle.

The concierge had never seen Jing Shirong, so he naturally couldn't tell that he was disguised. He just thought he was really Liang Jin's neighbor. After all, the goatee-bearded Jing Shirong looked about the same age as Liang Jin.

“Then please wait here for a moment and I’ll go ask.”

Jing Shirong nodded, holding a gift in both hands, waiting obediently outside the door.

Just as Sister Ying was about to go out, she heard this familiar voice and asked the concierge suspiciously, "Who is talking outside?"

The concierge replied respectfully, "He was your former neighbor. He was quite tall and had a goatee. I was about to ask my wife."

 “Former neighbor?”

Sister Ying tilted her head and thought for a moment, ‘What kind of neighbors did their family have before? ’

 Forget it, don’t think about it anymore, just go take a sneak peek.

She and Xiao Zi walked quietly to the door, and secretly glanced at the man outside the door with her two big eyes.

 “Huh? Why do you think you’ve seen that person somewhere?”

He has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his height seems a bit familiar, but his rough skin and goatee are not impressive to Sister Ying.

If he is her father's friend, she probably doesn't know him. After all, adults don't like children eavesdropping when they talk, so they go to the study to talk.

 So she doesn’t know all her father’s friends.

As for whether this person was their previous neighbor, Sister Ying really couldn't remember.

 They went to so many places and there were many neighbors around them.

The neighboring women can basically see him, but the men can hardly see him, so Sister Ying is not sure whether he is their former neighbor.

 Wu came out after hearing the words.

But as a female, it was not convenient for her to stay with a man of the same age for too long, so she could only ask someone to talk to Liang Jin.

 It just so happened that it was getting dark and Liang Jin was about to come back.

Mrs. Wu asked her servants to invite Jing Shirong in. She only looked at him briefly and then said to him, "You have a sip of tea here first. Please wait for a while. My husband will be back soon."

Jing Shirong nodded, and sat obediently in the main room, waiting.

Mrs. Wu was amused by his honest and honest demeanor, and thought to herself: Why does this eldest brother act like a child? Looking very respectful and obedient to her? It's as if she is the elder.

The other person clearly looks older than her, could it be her imagination?

And do they really have such a neighbor?

Wu Shi looked at Jing Shirong's gentle attitude and was not sure whether the other party was.

  If the other party is lying, there are still some clues, but she just sits there obediently when she comes. The expressions on her face are exactly the same as those of Kang Ge'er and Seng Ge'er when they see her, which makes her look like a tigress.

 Wu couldn’t help but wonder if she had scolded her children at home before and was heard by the next door? Otherwise, why would people be so afraid of her?

 But he was embarrassed to ask this, so he could only wait for Liang Jin to come back and let him ask.

 After a while, Liang Jin came back.

 The concierge told him about this, and Liang Jin came straight in.

As soon as Jing Shirong saw that he was back, he stood up, bowed to Liang Jin respectfully, and said respectfully, "Uncle Liang, Aunt Liang."

Liang Jin and Wu were confused when they heard this, "Who are you calling?"

Hey guys, you call them uncle and aunt when you have such a big goatee. This is going to scare people to death. Seeing them like this, Jing Shirong quickly took off his goatee, tore off the stickers on his face, and faced them with his original face.

 “Uncle Liang, it’s me.”

Liang Jin and Mrs. Wu looked at each other, their eyes widening in surprise.

 “You, you are?”

  I still can’t remember it for a while.

 Wu Shi hissed, feeling a little impressed.

 “Are you the rich businessman Murong?”

The year before last, she had seen this wealthy businessman Murong. From a distance, he looked like a handsome young man. Now that he was in front of her in person, he looked even more beautiful than from a distance.

 Speaking of this, Mr. Wu suddenly thumped and reacted immediately.

 “Are you Rong Geer??”

Sister Ying had a conversation with Mrs. Wu last year. Because it had been too long, Jing Shirong never came to see Sister Ying again, so Mrs. Wu forgot about him for a while.

 This suddenly occurred to me, and I was quite confused.

 “Brother Rong, what are you doing?”

 Why did you come here suddenly?

Jing Shirong replied respectfully, "I came here to handle cases before, so it was not convenient for me to reveal my identity. Now that the case is over, I thought I could finally visit my uncle and aunt, so I came here in disguise."

  Wu understood it, but Liang Jin was confused.

 “Wait, who did you say you are?”

Mrs. Wu had heard Sister Ying talk about Jing Shirong before, so she was still very impressed by Jing Shirong.

 On the other hand, Liang Jin had never heard about Jing Shirong before, so he was naturally confused.

Mrs. Wu told him in a low voice, "He is the son of Brother Jing's family. Have you forgotten? Brother Rong."

Liang Jin was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered it immediately.

 “Oh my God, it’s Brother Rong?”

 After so many years of absence, he really forgot.

It's also because he was so busy every day, and the Jing family never contacted him, so Liang Jin gradually forgot about it when he was busy.

When Jing Shirong heard this, he smiled gently and said it was okay, "This is something wrong with our family. We haven't contacted each other for so many years, and my father misses you. He even wrote you a letter this time when he returned to Beijing. Can you read it?" "

Liang Jin was really happy when he heard that Jing's father wrote to him.

 “Okay, let me take a look.”

Jing Shirong gave him the letter, and also took some books and brushes, which Jing's father gave to Liang Jin.

“My father asked me to bring these to you. He said he would come down to Jiangnan to sit with you when he had time.”

Liang Jin was very happy after hearing this and said, "Okay, okay, you can stay for dinner tonight and we can have a good chat."

Jing Shirong said gently, "Okay."

Mrs. Wu was also reading the letter Jing gave her, and the whole family was in a high mood.

Sister Ying heard the movement and lay beside the door to peek.

When she saw Jing Shirong's long-lost handsome and clear face, she immediately jumped up and down excitedly, as if she wanted to run in and hug him.

Jing Shirong didn’t feel much when he came. Now that he saw her, he was a little excited.

He turned back to look at Liang Jin and Wu who were busy reading the letter. He raised the corner of his mouth, walked gently to Sister Ying's side, hugged her, and flew directly to the dense banyan tree.

 (End of this chapter)

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