The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 257: , do you have a dog outside?

Chapter 257, Do you have a dog outside?

 “Brother Rong~”

Sister Ying was as happy as a deer, stomping her little feet and her big eyes were bright, as if she could talk.

Seeing her excited look, Jing Shirong felt extremely soft. The corners of his mouth curved upward, and his tone was doting, "Did you miss me?" He put his big hand on her head and rubbed her little head.

Sister Ying nodded, her tone softened unconsciously, "Think about it~"

 “You haven’t been back for a long time.”

Her soft words made Jing Shirong unconsciously soften his movements. The hand rubbing her head unconsciously fell on her face, and for the first time he reached out and pinched her oval face.

The delicate and soft feeling touched Jing Shirong's heart, and for the first time, she felt that she was really beautiful.

In the past, he had never paid attention to Sister Ying's skin or appearance, but tonight he noticed her increasingly beautiful facial features, as well as the lingering fragrance on her body.

The fragrance was light, like the fragrance of flowers, or sweet, and penetrated into his nose in strands. His ears, which had never been hot, suddenly turned red.

Jing Shirong's body temperature suddenly rose, and his heartbeat suddenly jumped very fast.


 He doesn’t know what’s wrong with him? Why is my heart beating so fast all of a sudden, my words are stammering, and my face is so hot it can burn? The whole person was suddenly at a loss, and he even forgot what he wanted to say.

 “Brother Rong, what’s wrong with you?”

Sister Ying didn't know what happened to him, so she stretched out her hand and waved it in front of him, "Why are you so stunned?"

Jing Shirong coughed and tried to calm down and stop his heartbeat from racing so fast.

 He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and after relaxing a little, he carried her down from the tree.

When the two of them landed, he quickly took a step back and said with an uneasy expression, "What about that? I was in such a hurry this time that I didn't have time to bring you a gift."

 No matter where he went before, whenever he had time, he would bring local specialties to Sister Ying. But this time he was in a hurry and had no time to buy it.

Seeing this, Sister Ying smiled and waved her hands, "It's okay, as long as you can come back safely."

Jing Shirong was originally in a calm mood, but the moment she came closer, his face burned up again, and his ears to his neck were all hot.

He looked at Sister Ying's smiling little face and wanted to get closer, but he was afraid that his "dong dong dong" heartbeat would be heard by Sister Ying, so he could only take a step back.

 “Brother Rong, what’s wrong with you?” Why do you keep retreating?

  In the past, when he saw her, he would rub her hair for a long time and scratch her dandruff with his big hands. Why was he always avoiding her this time?

Sister Ying looked at Jing Shirong's handsome face and couldn't help but think, "Does this guy have a dog outside? Otherwise, why does he look so shy of her? Is she so scary?"

Jing Shirong opened his mouth, trying to explain, "I'm fine, I'm just."

I just don’t know what happened suddenly. My heartbeat keeps beating fast and my head is buzzing.

Especially when the daughter's fragrance from Sister Ying's body came to him, his head couldn't help but feel hot and dizzy.

 He was afraid that he would lose his composure, so he took the initiative to retreat.

 But Sister Ying didn't know about it. She only suspected that he had a girl he liked outside, so she deliberately avoided her.

 I don’t know why, but just thinking that Jing Shirong has a girl he likes outside makes Sister Ying feel unhappy.

 In particular, Jing Shirong avoided her because of other girls, which made her even more angry.

 At this scene, Shi Rong stepped back, and Sister Ying followed closely.

Jing Shirong had already retreated into the rockery. Sister Ying directly reached out and put her hand on the rockery. She raised Jing Shirong's chin slightly angrily and asked him sourly, "Say, are you outside?" Is there a girl you like? "

Jing Shirong said "Huh?", a little confused, "A girl you like?" He didn't have one.

Sister Ying didn't believe it, "Why would you stay so far away from me without you?" She obviously wanted to rub out dandruff on her head every time she came over, and she had to scratch her soft scalp a few times with her big hands. But this time he stopped rubbing himself, and stepped back step by step, as if he was avoiding her like a snake or a scorpion. It would be strange to say that he was not a ghost!

Jing Shirong was ashamed and said hurriedly, "No, I have always been alone. If you don't believe me, ask Qi Yuanming. That guy has always been with me."

 He is busy arresting people and solving cases all day long, so he has no time to like any girl.

But Sister Ying didn't believe it, she still pinched Jing Shirong's cheek flesh angrily, her little face was bulging with anger, "You must have another dog outside, otherwise why didn't you even rub my head?"

Jing Shirong looked a little funny when he saw how angry she was, but also felt soft-hearted for no reason.

He stretched out his hand and finally rubbed Sister Ying's head and scratched her soft scalp.

Sister Ying's head felt numb, and she closed her eyes comfortably, with a smile on her lips.

 That's right, this is the recipe she is familiar with, the familiar Brother Rong.

Jing Shirong saw that she still looked like a kitten, and the corners of her mouth also curved.

 He said, “Will I take you on a cruise at night?”

Sister Ying said obediently, "Okay."

 She hasn’t gone out to play in many days.

Jing Shirong helped her tidy up the hair around her ears and wanted to squeeze her soft little hands, but stopped in time.

He suddenly remembered that Mrs. Wu had said before that Sister Ying was already a big girl and she should pay attention to the differences between men and women.

 But he really wanted to squeeze her little fleshy hand.

Sister Ying saw the expression on his face staring at the flesh of her palms. How could she not know what he was thinking? She smiled and handed over her hands.

He said generously, "Now, squeeze it, it's going to be soft."

Her fingers are slender, but not stiff. They look slender and soft and feel very good.

Jing Shirong used to like to squeeze her little fleshy hands, as if her hands were his favorite toys.

However, he only pinches once or twice occasionally, not too much, and he still pays attention to etiquette.

Today is a reunion after a long absence, because people's feelings of missing her can burst out all of a sudden, so Jing Shirong also wants to hug her or squeeze her little hand.

Sister Ying also misses him very much. She doesn't feel it if they don't see each other normally. After being separated for more than half a year, she was also very excited when they suddenly met him.

So she took the initiative to put her hand on Jing Shirong's hand, "Now, squeeze it quickly, or my parents will come out."

Jing Shirong then looked at the front yard and squeezed his soft little hands like a thief.

His hands are big and slender, while Sister Ying's hands are soft and soft, looking small.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand and pinched the soft flesh on her palm, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Sister Ying saw him smiling, and she also raised her lips.

 “Miss? Where are you?”

Before the warmth was enough, Xiao Zi came to find her.

Thinking that Mrs. Wu was looking for Sister Ying, she sent Xiao Zi to look for her.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong looked at each other, inexplicably embarrassed, and coughed, "Let's go over first and talk more in the evening."

Sister Ying’s face was pink and she said, “Okay.”

 Then the two of them went to the main room to look for Mrs. Wu and others.

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 (End of this chapter)

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