Chapter 258, Show affection

The two of them came to the main room together. Mrs. Wu looked at their figures walking in side by side, and felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu between the talented man and the beautiful woman.

Especially Sister Ying, standing next to Jing Shirong, smiling like a woman, which was unusual for Wu.

 That is a kind of happy smile, a little sweetness of a young girl’s first love. You can smell a sweet aroma from a distance, which makes people feel sweet.

Even Liang Jin, who usually doesn’t pay much attention to the details of his daughter’s family, found that today’s daughter is a little different.

He touched his goatee, looked at Jing Shirong in his prime, and then at the girl who was standing next to Jing Shirong and was smiling very happily. He always felt that something was wrong.

Liang and Jin even felt it, let alone the Wu family.

Mrs. Wu knows very well what Sister Ying is like in her daily life.

She didn’t even notice the nymphomaniacal smile on her daughter’s face.

Those sparkling peach blossom eyes were staring straight at Brother Rong's face. His small body was still twisting and turning, and he wanted to lean on Brother Rong.

There were also those two little hands, shaking and shaking, as if they wanted to hold Brother Rong's hand. Wu couldn't bear to look at them.

 “Sister Ying, come here.”

Wu Shi never expected that her daughter would still have such thoughts about Brother Rong.

It seems that Brother Rong's face can really charm a large number of girls, even Sister Ying is no exception.

Sister Ying didn't know what her mother suddenly asked her to do, so she came over reluctantly.


Seeing her pouting, Mrs. Wu knew that this little girl was unwilling to come over. "She's a stupid girl."

Wu hated that iron could not become steel, so she tapped Sister Ying's forehead with her finger.

Sister Ying let out a "ouch", pretending to be in pain, "Mom, it hurts a lot~"

Jing Shirong heard this and looked over, looking at Sister Ying's forehead with a distressed expression, "Let me take a look."

 After saying that, he not only lowered his head to check Sister Ying's forehead, but also frowned on her handsome face, looking very distressed.

Especially when he saw that there was a red mark on Sister Ying's fair forehead, she immediately gave Wu a somewhat complaining look.

That look seemed to say, "Why are you so harsh?"


 How could she be so harsh? That's her daughter, okay?

It’s just that Sister Ying’s skin is delicate, so with just a little light touch, this girl got a little red mark, and it really wasn’t her exerting any force.

But Jing Shirong didn't believe it, thinking that Mrs. Wu was still the same strict mother as before, and she was also strict with Sister Ying, so she beat Sister Ying.


  Why is the word "beat" used here?

How could she be regarded as stepmother by Jing Shirong when she was so gentle?

Jing Shirong didn't listen, so he took out a small bottle from his sleeve, poured a small amount of liquid on his finger, gently rubbed Sister Ying's forehead, and breathed.

 “Okay, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Sister Ying was so happy that she had long forgotten that her parents were still there. She smiled sweetly and raised her head to let Jing Shirong rub it for her. "Still rubbing..."


The two of them looked so sweet and arrogant that Wu and Liang Jin were stunned for a moment.


Liang Jin looked at Wu with a confused look on his face and asked her with his eyes, "What's going on?"

Wu Shi clicked her tongue and sighed, "Let's talk about it in the evening."

 Having said that, he ordered his servants to prepare meals, and left Jing Shi Rong to have dinner at home in the evening.

Jing Shirong is free today and plans to stay at the Liang family longer.

Mrs. Liang came back from a walk and heard that there were guests at home, so she came over to take a look out of curiosity.

 The concierge told her that a middle-aged man was coming, but when Mrs. Liang came in, she didn't see any middle-aged man. Instead, she saw a very handsome young man. “Yo, who is this?”

As soon as Jing Shirong saw Mrs. Liang coming in, he immediately bowed to Mrs. Liang and said respectfully, "Hello, madam, I'm Brother Rong. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you lately?"

Mrs. Liang said "Huh?" "What? Who do you think you are?"

Mrs. Liang could not help but nodded with satisfaction when she saw that Jing Shirong's face was very handsome and fresh, and he looked like a good-looking young man.

 But he didn’t remember who he was for a moment.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but explained to her again, "Mrs. Liang, it's me. I am Jing Shirong, Rong's brother from the Jing family."

“We used to be neighbors in Lingxi Town. Have you forgotten? You often drank with my grandmother.”

 Speaking of drinking with Mrs. Jing, Mrs. Liang was somewhat impressed.

 “Are you Mrs. Jing’s grandson?”

 She seemed to have remembered something.

 In the past, Mrs. Jing was so arrogant that the two of them even had a quarrel together.

There was a lot of quarreling in the back, but instead of noisy or acquaintance, we gradually became familiar with each other.

At that time, Jing’s father was making wine at home, and Mrs. Jing would bring good wine from time to time to have a drink with Mrs. Liang, while Mrs. Liang would go out to accompany the wine.

Neither Mr. Jing nor Mrs. Jing can cook, so the Liang family’s food is delicious, so Mrs. Jing often comes to the Liang family to have dinner.

 When I think of this again, it seems like it was yesterday.

Mrs. Liang looked at Jing Shirong carefully and already thought of him.

“I didn’t expect you to grow up so much.”

I still remember the time I met Jing Shirong. The child was only seven years old. I didn't expect that he would be so big in the blink of an eye.

Jing Shirong smiled and gave her a small gift, "My grandmother dragged me to bring this to you. In addition to letters, there are also nuts that you eat."

 Occasionally Mrs. Liang likes to eat small snacks, such as nuts.

Mrs. Jing still remembered how good she was, so she asked Jing Shirong to bring a box down.

As soon as Mrs. Liang smelled the aroma of the nuts, she really grinned, "Okay, okay, I'm happy to know that your grandmother still cares about me."

 The old man has no other thoughts, he just likes to get together and chat with his old sisters.

 Old Mrs. Jing still remembered her, and Mrs. Liang was very happy.

“Since you are here, stay a few more days before leaving, and let me entertain you well. We have a lot of delicious food at our house, so remember to eat more when the time comes.”

Mrs. Liang still remembers that none of Jing Shirong’s family knew how to cook and came to her house for dinner every day, looking pitiful.

The memory still lingers on that time, so Mrs. Liang wanted Jing Shirong to eat well at home for a few days and entertain him well.

Jing Shirong saw that she still loved her child so much, so she said obediently, "Okay, I'll nag you for a few days."

Mrs. Liang smiled and said it was okay, and asked him, "You must be in your early twenties this year. I still remember that you were only seven years old when you came to Ningxi Town."

Sister Ying was still a little baby at that time. I didn’t expect that so many years would pass in the blink of an eye.

Jing Shirong also said, "Yes, Sister Huiying is only a little bit older, not a little bit younger."

Mrs. Liang also laughed and asked him, "Are you getting married this year? Looking at your appearance, you don't have to worry about finding a girl."

Jing Shirong smiled shyly, shook his head and said no, "I'm not married yet, ma'am." This meant that he was still single.

Old Mrs. Liang glanced at him up and down, "Can't you?" He's so handsome, but he's not married yet?

 (End of this chapter)

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