Chapter 259, Ni Ni Wai Wai

Jing Shirong smiled shyly and replied to Mrs. Liang, "Well, we haven't gotten married yet, and we haven't gotten engaged yet."

 The meaning is clear, he is single and has no partner.

Old Mrs. Liang was very happy and even used Sister Ying as an example.

“Our sister Ying hasn’t found her husband’s family yet. She will be fifteen after the Chinese New Year, so it’s time to find her husband’s family, but we haven’t found the one she likes yet.”

Jing Shirong nodded gently, moved a chair, and sat next to Mrs. Liang to listen to her talk, looking as obedient as possible.

If Murong Yun or Jing Xin saw his appearance as a good boy, they would probably be shocked and look like they had seen a ghost.

 After all, Jing Shirong has always been arrogant and aloof in front of them. He talks little and loves to quarrel with others. When has he ever been so obedient?

At this meeting, Shi Rong pulled up a chair and sat below Old Mrs. Liang. He looked up at his handsome face and listened obediently to Old Mrs. Liang's story.

Mrs. Liang asked Jing Shirong while reading the letter Mrs. Jing wrote to her, "Is your grandmother in good health? The letter said that she was ill a few years ago."

Jing Shirong nodded and explained to her, "A few years ago, there was a disease in the capital. Once infected, it would cause a fever. At that time, my grandmother went out to visit other old ladies and was infected, and then she became ill. , Fortunately, I will meet an expert later, and things will get better slowly.”

Mrs. Liang was frightened when she heard this.

 “Her body can’t withstand the torment, so she’s lucky to be fine.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, fortunately she has a good attitude as an old man, and she is getting younger now, but she has a childish mentality."

Mrs. Liang laughed when she heard this, "Your grandmother's temperament keeps getting worse as she gets older, like a child who needs to be coaxed."

Jing Shirong also said, "Yes, you are right."

Sister Ying saw them sitting in rows and chatting, so she came over to chat with them.


She was like a little kitten, delicate and soft, sitting next to Mrs. Liang and sitting with them.

Jing Shirong made room for her and let her sit in the middle. His big hand instinctively wanted to touch her head, but then he remembered that the elders were all here, so he could only stop his hand.

When Sister Ying saw him raising his hand, she instinctively raised her little head and rubbed his palm like a cat.

Mrs. Wu watched from the side, thinking that her daughter was not without feelings, she might like her but didn't know it. Otherwise, anyone with a discerning eye would be able to see such an obvious attachment, and only the two young men themselves would not know it.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong are indeed a bit dull in this regard.

Two people clearly like each other, but they don't understand that this mutual greed for the time spent with each other means they like each other. It's really intoxicating.

Wu Shi glanced at Jing Shirong and Sister Ying carefully, and the more she looked at them, the more she felt that they were right.

 In fact, if you think about it carefully, Brother Rong is a good match for Sister Ying.

This child seems to be good to his wife, and he is quite promising at a young age. The Jing family and his wife are also of good character, but I don’t know how their family has become after so many years.

Furthermore, if Sister Ying marries Brother Rong, will she go to the capital?

If we go to the capital, it’s a bit too far. Mrs. Wu's original intention was to marry Sister Ying to her. She would also be able to help Sister Ying give birth to and take care of the children in the future.

Otherwise the girl's family will be married far away and her natal family will not be here. She is afraid that Sister Ying will get married and give birth to a child for the first time. She will not understand anything and will be scared and helpless.

Being a mother is really stressful.

Sister Ying was next to Jing Shirong carefree at this moment, without thinking too much at all.

Jing Shirong didn’t think too much about it. He just felt that he was very happy to sit down and chat with Sister Ying. The two of them were simple-minded and thought that they would be satisfied if they could just sit with each other for a while longer.

 Liang Jin also saw something different.

He touched Mrs. Wu with his hand and whispered to her, "What's going on? Why does Sister Ying seem to be very familiar with Brother Rong?"

Wu was helpless and funny, so she took him to the kitchen. The couple cooked together today and talked while cooking.

Liang Jin asked, "Is there something you are hiding from me?"

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Brother Rong came to see Sister Ying before, but the girl never told me. I found out later."

“Those two children have been going back and forth for many days without our knowledge.”

When Liang Jin heard this, I asked, "Sister Ying, you actually hid this from me?"

 Hummy, I feel a little hurt.

 “I’m her father.”

How can you hide something from your daughter?

I still remember that my daughter told him everything when she was a child. The father and daughter were close friends. Now that the children have grown up, they actually have little secrets. It’s really sad.

Seeing his melancholy expression, Ms. Wu couldn't help but smile, "Well, she didn't mean not to tell you. It was mainly because Brother Rong's identity was inconvenient before."

 “Inconvenient? How to say it?”

Mrs. Wu looked outside and saw no one before telling him, "You have forgotten that when we were in Qianjiazhuang before, Brother Rong was an imperial envoy. It was the same this time when he came here. In order to facilitate the investigation of the case, he specially It’s naturally inconvenient for people who conceal their identity to come and visit.”

When Liang Jin heard this, he immediately understood.

 “It turns out that’s the case, no wonder.”

He just said that he and his daughter were close friends. How could the daughter hide it from him? It turned out to be a last resort.

 He ​​asked Mr. Wu, "So this time the identity of the imperial envoy is actually Brother Rong? Mr. Qi is just a cover."

It seems that the imperial court is quite smart. No one noticed such a feint.

Moreover, Brother Rong hid himself really well. Everyone thought he was a young wealthy businessman from the capital, and no one has ever suspected him.

But the question is, "How did he find Sister Ying?"

Mrs. Wu shrugged, "It is said that we met by chance. I don't know the details, but from the look of Sister Ying, she seems to like him quite a lot."

 Liang Jin also felt this.

“That girl, my eyes haven’t taken my eyes off Brother Rong all day today. I want to hang on to him, but I’m so angry.”

Mrs. Wu also said, "That girl, I asked her before if she liked Brother Rong, but she was told that she only liked Brother Rong, not a relationship between a man and a woman. But look at her sticky look today. , Can this really be the love of a big brother? "Who believes it?

Liang Jin also said, "That's right, this girl is really a girl. Her eyes are all on other people, and she doesn't even care about me as a father."

While he was still in front of her, this bad girl was acting coquettishly and cutely with other men, which really **** him off.

Mrs. Wu also laughed, "Don't talk about you, I'm confused. When has our daughter ever been so coquettish to other men? In the past, she didn't act coquettishly towards Brother Shun and Brother An, but today she walked over to sit with him. Together, it’s really embarrassing.”

Liang Jin shared her hatred, "It seems we need to test Brother Rong's character carefully. If he doesn't pass the test, I won't marry Sister Ying to him."

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 (End of this chapter)

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