The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 260: , Women's University Fuchakudome

Chapter 260: Women are not allowed to stay in college

Wu also said, "That is, if Brother Rong cannot accept our test, I will not agree with them."

Liang Jin thought the same as her, "Okay, tell me how to test him."

Wu Shi said, "I haven't thought about this yet."

She only found out today that her daughter likes Jing Shirong. Naturally, she didn't come up with a way to test Jing Shirong so quickly. She had to think about it carefully at night.

Liang Jin hummed and told her, "No rush, let's have a meal together first and talk later."

Anyway, my daughter is only fifteen after the Chinese New Year, and she is still far from seventeen or eighteen.

Liang Jin, as a daughter slave, naturally did not want his daughter to get married early. He wanted to raise his daughter for a lifetime, so he naturally would not let Sister Ying get married early.

 Seventeen or eighteen were too early in his opinion, and he wished he could have kept his daughter until she was twenty.

If it weren't for the ancients who married young, he would really be reluctant to marry off his daughter.

Mrs. Wu also said, "I can't bear to part with her either, but my daughter is getting married now, so we can't delay her."

If Jing Shirong is good in all aspects, it would be good for Sister Ying to marry him. The two of them are talented and beautiful, and the children they will have in the future will be very good-looking.

Liang Jin also wanted to be a grandfather, so he agreed with Wu's idea.

"Okay, this is all up to you. Let's figure out how to test that kid."

  Wu Shi nodded, "Okay, let's cook first."

“By the way, call Brother Rong in and ask him to cook together.”

Liang Jin suddenly realized it and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll call you."

After saying that, he ran out and asked Jing Shirong to come in.

“Brother Rong, you haven’t been here for a long time, let’s go to the kitchen and have a chat.”

Jing Shirong said "Huh?" He didn't understand why Liang Jin asked him to go to the kitchen, but he followed him obediently.

As soon as Sister Ying heard that he was going to the kitchen, she immediately followed him like a follower.

“Brother Rong, wait for me, I’m going too.”

 After saying that, he ran over again.

Jing Shirong hummed fondly and stood there waiting for her to run over.

 “Slow down.”

 Like a parent, afraid that she might fall.

Mrs. Liang glanced at the two of them, said "Hey~", and immediately saw the door.

 Hey guys, it turns out there is something fishy about these two little guys.

She just said, why is Sister Ying's coquettishness so sticky today? She not only coquettishly talks softly, but also utters a few words from time to time. She is as soft as a little cat and wants to spread her belly out for others to scratch.

 Is it because Brother Rong is so squeamish about feelings? Could it be that that girl likes Brother Rong?

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense.

Old Mrs. Liang hummed and thought to herself, "I am so smart, nothing can escape my fiery eyes."

So Mrs. Liang stood up happily and went to the kitchen together.

 When Brother Kang, Brother Sen, and Sister Yang came back, they saw the whole family suddenly cooking in the kitchen.

And the atmosphere is quite weird.

For example, their parents are looking at a good-looking elder brother with strange expressions at this time, and they often give the elder brother a hard time.

For another example, every time the eldest sister sees her eldest brother being embarrassed by his parents, she immediately defends him and becomes so angry that she wants to argue with his parents.

 While their grandmother, Mrs. Liang, was watching the play slowly.

“Mom and dad, what are you doing?”

Seeing that the three children were back, Mrs. Wu coughed and said, "What, you are back."

 Kang Ge’er, Sen Ge’er and Yang Jie’er said, “You’re back, what are you doing?”

Mrs. Wu and Liang Jin looked at each other and sent the children out, "I see you are covered in mud from playing. Go and wash up quickly. We will eat later."

The three children were confused, but they obeyed and went to take a bath.

Seeing that it was getting very late, Mrs. Wu hurriedly prepared the meal without teasing Brother Rong.

Rong Geer’s face was covered with flour and soot at this time. Mr. Wu just asked him to make a fire. He is busy investigating cases on weekdays and usually eats dry food or whatever he can eat on the street.

It is too rare to make a fire and cook by oneself.

 I just forgot the steps to light a fire, which made me look miserable.

 Then Wu asked him to make steamed buns, but he was not very good at kneading dough.

He is good at handling cases and doing business, but he rarely has time to do these household tasks, so he is not very good at it.

Because I don’t know how to do it, it’s not easy to do it, which makes me very embarrassed.

Sister Ying felt distressed and quickly asked for help.

But Wu coughed, and she could only stop.

In the end, when hot oil splashed onto Jing Shirong’s fried meat, Sister Ying finally couldn’t help but lamented, “Oh, mother~, brother Rong doesn’t know how to cook.”

Mrs. Wu laughed angrily when she saw her protecting the calf.

"He is a big man, so it won't hurt if he is splashed by such a drop of oil. Don't yell."

Even before she got married, she started to protect her. It’s hard to keep a good girl.

Sister Ying hadn't noticed Wu's strange behavior yet. She was focused on the back of Jing Shirong's hand, her eyes filled with distress.

“Brother Rong, do you feel any pain?”

Jing Shirong shook his head, his mouth curved, "It's okay, just wait for me aside, I'll cook it soon."

Sister Ying was still worried, "How about I come?"

Jing Shirong shook his head and said no, "Just wait for me by the side, be good, I'll be fine in a minute."

Sister Ying had no choice but to wait anxiously aside.

Liang Jin and the Wu family simply couldn’t stand it.

I thought to myself that it was strange that my daughter was acting like this because she liked her.

 It’s so annoying that their parents don’t know anything about it.

But it’s no wonder they didn’t know. Sister Yingying herself didn’t think she liked Brother Rong, and she only regarded them as a big brother and a little sister.

Just like this sweetness, how could it be the friendship between brothers and sisters, and those who didn't blindly saw that they were affectionate.

Liang Jin couldn't stand it anymore and asked Sister Ying to take the food out. "Okay, you go out first and wait for us in the main room."

Sister Ying pouted, not wanting to leave.

Dan Jing Shirong told her, "Go out and wait for us first. Be good and be obedient."

Then the person immediately curled up the corners of his mouth and went away obediently.

 “That’s good~”

 After saying that, he really left.

Liang Jin covered his heart and almost didn't curse.

A bad girl, her own father didn't listen to her words, and she actually walked away after the brat said something to her. What a waste of money, huh.

Mrs. Wu smiled when she saw how angry he was.

 “Okay, you go out too, let’s eat first.”

Liang Jin glared at Jing Shirong angrily, then threw off his sleeves and walked out, his face so sour that it could bubble.

Jing Shirong was stunned by his glare, and looked at Wu with an innocent face.

 “Uncle Liang, what’s wrong with him?”

Mrs. Wu never thought of his innocent appearance and couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay, he's just hungry. You can go out and sit in the main room, and he'll be ready for a while."

Jing Shirong hummed, but continued to stay to help.

Although he couldn't cook, he was still very diligent, lighting the fire, chopping firewood, and filling the water tank with water.

 (End of this chapter)

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