Chapter 261: Better body

Mrs. Wu observed him carefully and found that Jing Shirong was still the same hard-working child as when he was a child.

I still remember that Jing Shirong was like this when he was a child. As long as he could help him, he would basically do a good job.

 If he can't help, he will find what he can, and he will not be lazy at all.

 He took good care of Sister Ying when she was a child, and was very patient in teaching her how to read.

 Unlike her, sometimes she would lose her temper when the children couldn't learn when she was teaching.

But Jing Shirong has taught Sister Ying and Brother Kang for so long that it is rare for him to lose his temper with Sister Ying and Brother Kang.

Especially every time she has no time, Jing Shirong is the one helping her take care of Sister Ying.

 Calculating this, he and Sister Ying have been in love since childhood, and it is normal for the two of them to have a better relationship.

Wu quickly prepared the meal and asked the servants to bring it over, and the whole family began to eat together.

In front of the servants, Jing Shirong still wears his goatee, and only takes it off when he is in the house.

Now that the house was closed and the whole family sat down to eat together, he took off his beard.

 Brother Kang, Brother Sen and Sister Yang saw a strange elder brother coming to the house for the first time, and they all looked at him curiously.

 “Mom? Who is this big brother?”

Mrs. Wu explained to them, "He is a former neighbor of our hometown. His name is Brother Rong. You can just call him Brother Rong."

 The three children behave well.

 On the other hand, Kang Geer was impressed by Rong Geer and immediately looked at Jing Shirong in surprise.

 “Brother Rong? Is it you?”

Jing Shirong also remembered him, smiled and pinched his little cheek, "Brother Kang has grown so big."

 Kang Geer is almost twelve now. He is tall and strong, with a little baby fat on his face.

His eyes are like those of Mr. Wu, with thick eyebrows and bright eyes. He is a handsome young man.

But he still has a little baby fat on his face and looks like a big boy.

Especially now when he heard that Jing Shirong still remembered him, he immediately happily came over to talk to Jing Shirong.

“Brother Rong, I haven’t seen you for many years. Where have you been?”

Jing Shirong pinched his fleshy face and said to him, "I have returned to the capital these years. Now that I have come to Jiangnan, I will come to see you to catch up on old times."

After hearing this, Kang Geer smiled and said, "Then you should stay in Jiangnan for a few more days. It will be fun here."

 Kang Geer is now very familiar with Jiangnan Street.

He has a lively personality and has become familiar with all his friends in the academy. Even the boys on this street are basically familiar with him.

This boy is very lively and good at talking. He also invites guests from time to time. He really has a lot of friends. He can be regarded as the king of children on this street.

  Although he is only twelve years old, he is also very sophisticated in people's ways, and he has a vague sense of déjà vu as a little man.

Brother Rong liked him very much when he saw how lively he was, and said to Sister Ying, "Bring the books I asked you to bring to Brother Kang last night, as well as the pen, ink, paper and inkstone. "

Sister Ying hummed, "I know."

 Brother Rong had brought a lot of gifts to his family before, but it was inconvenient for him to give them to his family. Now that everyone in the family knows about his existence, the gifts can naturally be given out.

When Kang Geer heard that there were gifts, he immediately smiled and said thank you.

Brother Rong said with a smile. "You're welcome."

 Brother Sen and Sister Yang were left unimpressed by Jing Shirong and just stared blankly.

Kang Geer taught them, "Hurry up and call Brother Rong. He is good at literature and martial arts. He can not only ride a horse but also shoot an arrow. He is also very good at reading. He taught me and my eldest sister before, so hurry up and call me."

 Brother Sen and Sister Yang have always listened to Brother Kang's words, and they immediately admired Jing Shirong and called out obediently, "Brother Rong."

Jing Shirong smiled and touched their heads and said hello.

“I brought toys for you, and asked Sister Ying to bring them to you tonight.”

 The two children were indeed very happy after hearing this.

Wu Shi, Liang Jin and Mrs. Liang were watching from the side. They found that Brother Rong's temperament was still the same as before. He was patient with the children and thought of them when he went out. He must have been as good-tempered as before.

 But looking at Sister Ying's nymphomaniac look, the couple once again shook their heads in disgust.

 When the meal was over, Sister Ying happily ran under the bed to get the toys and gifts that Jing Shirong had brought her earlier.

She took out everything and distributed it throughout the house.

The children were very happy when they took the gifts Jing Shirong brought and got closer to him. Especially Jing Shirong had no airs about him and was like an amiable big brother next door, which the children liked very much.

 Even Liang Jin and Wu were a little moved.

 After all, it would be difficult to find an excellent son-in-law like Jing Shirong even with a lantern. It would actually be good if the two children really get married in the future.

 Just don’t know what the Jing family means? Do you have any thoughts about marrying the Liang family?

However, Jing Shirong didn't mention anything now, and Wu was too embarrassed to ask directly, so she could only find an opportunity to ask secretly in private.

 In the evening, out of suspicion, Jing Shirong went to Yipinzhai to rest.

 In addition to the private dining rooms, Yipinzhai also has an antique inn building behind it.

The people who sleep there are all the rich and noble people. There are two rooms upstairs for the exclusive use of bosses. Jing Shirong sleeps on the top floor.

The top floor not only has good air, but also has the most unique view. Not only can you see the entire Jiangnan River, but you can also see many places that are usually invisible.

Jing Shirong would sometimes come here to survey the map when arresting people.

This place is relatively close to Sister Ying, so he sleeps here at night.

But it was still early and he couldn't sleep, so he went back to find Sister Ying.

Sister Ying knew he would come and had left the window open for him.


As soon as she heard the familiar voice, she immediately came over with a smile and opened the window for Jing Shirong.

"You're here."

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Yes, I brought you Yipinzhai's side dishes, do you want to eat them?"

Sister Ying narrowed her big eyes slightly and smiled like a greedy cat.

 “Okay, let’s eat together.”

Jing Shirong hummed and took out another peach blossom stuffing.

 “This is sweet wine, you can only drink a small glass.”

Sister Ying is usually greedy and likes fine wine. She can’t wait to have a glass of wine every night for beauty.

 But Mrs. Wu refused, so she could only drink quietly.

 Sometimes Mrs. Liang also likes to have a few drinks, and the grandfather and grandson drink secretly behind Wu's back.

 So Sister Ying’s drinking capacity has increased a lot now.

She smiled very confidently and asked Jing Shirong to give her the wine glass and said, "Don't underestimate me, I have a pretty good drinking capacity."

Jing Shirong saw her playful expression and declined with a smile, "That's not possible. I originally wanted to take you to the lake in the evening, but the wind is quite strong tonight, so I'd better go tomorrow."

It’s a cold day now and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. The weather is getting colder and colder at night, so it’s naturally not suitable to visit the lake.

Sister Ying said, "No, I'm not afraid of the cold. I just need to wear an extra layer."

 She has been in good health since she was a child. She eats deliciously and is not picky about food, so her physical fitness is not bad.

 Her little hands are soft even in winter.

 Many women envied her warm physique and asked Wu for recipes for raising children.

Mrs. Wu always said, "As long as the child likes to eat and is not picky about food, he can eat all kinds of grains, vegetables and fruits, and he can basically be like my daughter. The food tastes delicious and the body is in better shape."

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 (End of this chapter)

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