Chapter 262: Love is dull

Jing Shirong also feels that Sister Ying's physique is pretty good, her face is white and pink, and her food tastes good. Just watching her eat makes people feel happy.

Jing Shirong couldn't help but praise her, "Sister Ying still eats well. Unlike that old girl Jing Xin, she is very picky about her food. She won't eat this or that. When winter comes, her hands and feet will be cold. Look. It’s no use even to the doctor.”

Jing Xin is spoiled by her family. She doesn’t know what to say about the food she doesn’t like. When winter comes, her hands and feet get cold and she sighs when she looks at her mother.

Sister Ying also feels that she has a good appetite and is not picky about food, so her physical condition is not bad. Even in the cold weather, her little hands are still warm.

However, Jing Shirong praised her so much, and she still felt it very much. She immediately raised her chin and hummed, "That's right. I am the best among rice cookers."

Jing Shirong smiled and pinched her little face, and ate the duck neck with her.

Sister Ying chatted with him while eating, "How long will you stay in Jiangnan this time? You won't suddenly disappear one day, right?"

He left as soon as he said he wanted to leave, but it was only half a year since he left. He didn't even leave a leaf on the tree, and she didn't know where to send a letter to him if she wanted to.

Jing Shirong remembered that he had been so busy before, coming and going in a hurry, and had no time to say goodbye to Sister Ying, so he told her. "Tomorrow I will find you two carrier pigeons. They will know where to deliver my message."

 “If you miss me, just write me a letter and I will reply when I see it.”

Sister Ying hummed and asked him again, "How long will you stay this time?"

The corrupt official's affairs have all come to light, and we don't know how long he can stay.

As soon as she thought about him leaving again, Sister Ying couldn't let go, and looked at him with big watery eyes.

 “Brother Rong, I can’t bear to let you go”

 Her little face looked like she was about to cry.

Jing Shirong frowned and felt a little distressed. He stretched out his hand to rub the corners of her eyes and coaxed her in a low voice, "Don't cry. If I have to leave this time, I will definitely come and tell you, and I will keep communicating with you in the future. Or take the time to see you.”

 In the past, he traveled all over the country to help the emperor, and he never left any place behind.

Now that Sister Ying is in Jiangnan, he feels reluctant to leave here for the first time. He wishes he could stay in Jiangnan forever and never leave.

However, the emperor has trained him for many years and it is impossible for him to stay comfortably in Jiangnan. There will be many things for him to do in the future, and he certainly cannot be just in one place.

 But if we just leave like this, I really can’t bear to leave Sister Ying.

If possible, he really wanted to pack this little girl away.

Jing Shirong stretched out his hand to rub Sister Ying's head and couldn't help but sigh, "It's very late. You can go to bed after eating. I'll come back to you tomorrow."

Sister Ying said obediently, "Then remember to come tomorrow."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay."

 After he left, Mrs. Wu came over.

 After what happened today, Mrs. Wu wanted to have a good chat with Sister Ying.

As soon as she came over, she saw Sister Ying eating again, and immediately looked at the window suspiciously.

 “Brother Rong has been here?”

Sister Ying nodded sheepishly, "Yeah, but he just came to deliver food and will leave immediately."

Wu Shi said oh, half convinced.

 “Go wash your hands and let me talk to you.”

Seeing her mother's attitude, Sister Ying probably wanted to have a heart-to-heart talk with her, so she went to wash her hands and came over to listen to Wu's lecture.


 “Come and sit.”


Sister Ying came over obediently, sat down obediently, and secretly looked at Mrs. Wu's expression with a guilty conscience.

Mrs. Wu was so happy seeing her expression, "I'm not going to scold you, just look at how shrinking you are."

Sister Ying chuckled and leaned over to act coquettishly, "Then why are you looking for someone in the middle of the night?" Mrs. Wu stretched out her hand and tugged on her soft and cute little earlobe, "You~"

 “I’m here to ask about you and Brother Rong.”

Sister Ying’s eyes widened, puzzled, “What happened to Brother Rong and me?”

Mrs. Wu glanced at her and said, "What's wrong? You're already like him. I don't have to ask you a few more questions?"

 Sister Ying? ?

 “We, what are we doing??”

 She and Brother Rong are not on the same page either.

Mrs. Wu simply hated the iron, "Don't tell me that you don't like him? Don't tell me that you like him because of the eldest brother. If he likes him like the eldest brother, then I will start to show you my husband's family. Let's You can marry someone else next year.”

Sister Ying.

"Why did you suddenly talk about getting married and promised to keep me until twenty?"

Mrs. Wu, "What is twenty! That's what your father said. Twenty is an old girl. Let's see who dares to ask for you. Eighteen at the latest, and I won't agree to it any later."

Sister Ying thought for a moment and concluded that eighteen years old is indeed enough. In ancient times, it was common for people to marry in their fifteenth or sixteenth year. In some places, eighteen is indeed an old girl.

  She will be fifteen after the Chinese New Year next month. There are still three years until eighteen, so she is already pretty good, so she won’t argue about it.

 “Okay, eighteen or eighteen, then don’t just look for it for me.”

Mrs. Wu laughed angrily when she saw her acting stupidly.

“Let me ask you, you are so good at business, why are you so dull when it comes to the relationship between men and women?”

 “Is it possible that you don’t want to marry Brother Rong?”

Sister Ying shouted, "Shall I marry Brother Rong?"


I really haven’t thought about this.

 They are just friends.

Mrs. Wu didn't believe it, "If you really don't have that interest in Brother Rong, then I will introduce him to other girls tomorrow. Anyway, with his character and appearance, there are many people who will rob him."

"When the time comes, he will marry someone else, but he will have nothing to do with you, and you can no longer associate with him. After all, he is a married woman after getting married. You have to keep your distance from him at all times, do you hear me?"

Sister Ying whimpered, crying and looking very sad.

 “Why are you like this?”

 Why do we have to introduce him to Brother Rong? Isn’t it good for them to live in harmony like this?

Mrs. Wu glared at her and said, "No. If you are not interested in him, don't delay him. He will be twenty-two after the New Year. If he waits for you for another three years, how old will he be?"

“Your father is already able to make soy sauce at 20 years old. How dare you let people wait for you for so many years.”

"Besides, you don't like him? It doesn't matter whether I introduce him or not, it has nothing to do with you."

Sister Ying.

Her mother took some gunpowder tonight? Talk to her every sentence.

But thinking about it carefully, if Brother Rong fell in love with another girl, she would feel very uncomfortable.

Is it possible that she really likes Brother Rong as a man and a woman?

Mrs. Wu answered her question, "If you were to marry Brother Rong, and you would live together, get married and have children, he would be busy outside, and you would take care of your children at home, how would you like this?"

Based on Mr. Wu's words, Sister Ying imagined the scene of her getting married to Brother Rong, and her little face couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

 In the past, she was afraid of getting married and having children, didn't like going to her husband's house to live with a group of strangers, and was afraid of dealing with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

If the person to marry was Brother Rong, he would not let her suffer and would be willing to move out and live alone with her.

 If so, it seems that she is willing to marry him.

 Besides, Brother Rong is so good-looking, if a child looks like him, he will definitely be cute.

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on Sister Ying's face.

 (End of this chapter)

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