Chapter 263, Mrs. Liang’s shrewdness

Seeing the happy look on her face, Mrs. Wu didn't understand anything, so she immediately raised the corner of her mouth.

“Well, think carefully about whether you like Brother Rong or not. If you don’t like him, don’t be so close to him, so as not to delay him in finding a wife.”

When Sister Ying heard what her mother said, she glared at her mother angrily, "I hate it. You are not allowed to find a partner for Brother Rong."

 With a ready-made partner like her, who else should I introduce to Brother Rong? Really.

  Wu laughed when he heard this, "What? Have you figured it out? Finally found out that you like Brother Rong?"

Sister Ying scratched her head in embarrassment, "No one told me what liking means before. How could anyone know?"

 She was a child before she came here, so she didn’t know anything about love.

 In addition, Jing Shirong has always treated her like a child, so of course she will not think about love.

If her mother hadn't revealed it, she wouldn't have discovered her deepest thoughts.

 It turns out that what she likes about Brother Rong is love.

“Mom, I like Brother Rong and I want to marry him.”

 Instead of marrying blindly and blindly, it is better to marry the one you like.

 At least you can like something you like for a long time. If you find it suitable, you may break up later because you don’t like it. It’s better to choose what you like from the beginning.

Mrs. Wu smiled and touched her head, sighing, "As long as you can figure it out. But I have to ask Brother Rong about this."

Mrs. Wu was sure that Jing Shirong also liked Sister Ying, but she didn't know what the Jing family meant.

Furthermore, if the two children get married, I don’t know where Sister Ying will go in the future. Will she go to the capital to live with her parents-in-law, or will she travel around with Jing Shirong? You need to ask these questions clearly.

“Call Brother Rong here tomorrow and I’ll have a good chat with him.”

Sister Ying hummed shyly, "I know."

 Wu stood up and prepared to go back to sleep, "Go to bed early and don't oversleep again tomorrow."

Sister Ying said softly, "I know."

 On the second day.

Jing Shirong came here early.

This time he climbed over the wall and brought a lot of breakfast from Yipinzhai.

 Yipinzhai offers a variety of breakfasts, as well as many different types of pasta.

Jing Shirong carried two baskets of haggis noodle soup, and Mrs. Liang could smell it from a distance.

 “It smells so good. The taste of this haggis soup is really authentic~”

 Drinking a bowl of hot haggis soup in winter will not only warm your stomach.

Jing Shirong came over with a smile and asked her, "Come here and drink while it's hot. I'll call Sister Ying."

Mrs. Liang hurriedly pulled him, "Just let the maid scream. That girl is the worst in bed and it's hard to scream."

Jing Shirong said gently, "It's okay. I'll call her. She won't be angry with me."

Old Mrs. Liang glanced at him and wondered why this kid had no eyesight, so she pointed it out and said to him, "Brother Rong, you are already a big boy this year, so you have to pay attention to the defense between men and women. Don't just know nothing." It’s not good to go to a girl’s boudoir.”

Jing Shirong reacted immediately, and his handsome face turned red, feeling ashamed and ashamed.

 “Mrs. Liang, me”

 He was used to being close to Sister Ying. He had always treated her as a child and had not paid attention to the precautions between men and women, so he was embarrassed.     “I will pay more attention in the future.”

Mrs. Liang saw the shy look on his face and knew that she had embarrassed him. She asked him with a smile, "I think you have been out all the time and forgot the etiquette with girls. This time I happened to be here. Today Let me tell you the rules of defense between men and women."

Jing Shirong humbly asked for advice, so he asked Mrs. Liang to talk while eating.

Mrs. Liang also asked her servants to wake up the four children, and then explained to Jing Shirong while drinking haggis soup.

“Sister Ying will be a big girl after the New Year. Girls who have not left the court must be more careful. They cannot talk to men easily.”

"Besides, you are not young. If you stand with Sister Ying at your age, you will be rumored by others. It will not be good for Sister Ying's reputation."

 Nowadays, as long as there is any gossip between men and women, the harm to the woman will definitely be greater.

People will not accuse men of being immoral, they will only accuse girls of not loving themselves. They will not look at the truth of the matter at all, and will only use their mouths to talk evil.

 That's why Mrs. Liang asked Jing Shirong to keep a distance from Sister Ying.

"You should avoid suspicion when you are carrying servants at home. What's more, outside, you'd better not appear together in front of outsiders in the future. It's not good for both of you."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, I understand."

 In the past, it was his lack of consideration, but now after hearing what Mrs. Liang said, he naturally learned a lesson.

It seems that when he comes to see Sister Ying in the future, he should come in the middle of the night as before, and no one will be seen by then.

Orange lady Liang

 Did she not express herself clearly?

“Brother Rong, what I mean is that you should not come to see Sister Ying alone in the future. You two are unmarried and the girl is unmarried. It is wrong to have such unclear interactions.”

Brother Rong said "Huh?" with an innocent expression on his face, "Why are our interactions so unclear?"

 He couldn't understand why everyone was against him coming to see Sister Ying?

Aunt Liang didn't like him coming to see Sister Ying in the middle of the night, but why? What a good relationship he has with Sister Ying.

Old Mrs. Liang just wanted to give him a clue, thinking, why is this kid so short-sighted?

She reminded him like this, but he still didn't understand. He was really stupid.

"What I mean is that our sister Ying is going to get married in the future. As a grown man like you, you can't come to her every day, not even in the middle of the night, otherwise her man will be angry if he finds out about it in the future."

 In this way, this brat should be able to wake up.

Jing Shirong frowned, really unhappy.

In the past, Qi Yuanming asked him if Sister Ying got married in the future, would he be so angry that he would die? At that time, his answer was no. At that time, he also swore that he only liked Sister Ying as a little sister.

If Sister Ying gets married in the future, the most he can do is not give up.

But at this moment, after hearing Mrs. Liang say that Sister Ying would marry someone else in the future, Jing Shirong's senses became clearer, especially when she thought about the scene of Sister Ying having **** with other men in the future, his Sourness immediately bubbled up in my heart, and even an unknown fire arose.

When Mrs. Liang saw him like this, she raised the corner of her mouth and said in her heart, "I am so powerful. I suddenly understood this stupid boy."

She kept up her efforts and stimulated Jing Shirong, "Our sister Ying is in hot demand. Almost all the young men in the official family street are waiting for sister Ying."

“Like Chen Zhizhou last time, he didn’t even think about food or drink because of Sister Ying. He is not a very good character. He comes to the house every day to peek at Sister Ying. He wants to put his hand on Sister Ying’s face.”


Jing Shirong heard that someone dared to take a peek at Sister Ying, and even dared to reach out and touch Sister Ying? Immediately fire burst out from the bottom of my heart.

 “Which Chen Zhizhou!?” is so shameless.

Asking for a wave of votes~



 (End of this chapter)

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