The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 264: , Women's University Fuchakudome

Chapter 264: Women are not allowed to stay in college

 Old Mrs. Liang saw that he was so angry and continued to stimulate him.

"You don't know. Last time, Mr. Chen, while your uncle and aunt were not at home, tried to break into the backyard to find Sister Ying. If I hadn't discovered it quickly, he would have almost broken in to find Sister Ying. "

“Mr. Chen looks like a toad, and her eyes are narrowed when she looks at Sister Ying. She is so frightened that she is trembling. It’s a pity that we, Sister Ying, don’t have anyone to protect her.”

Sister Ying who was about to open the door and come in: ...I thought, grandma, you are exaggerating?

That Chen Lin is indeed disgusting, but she is not bullied that much.

But she also wanted to hear Brother Rong's opinion on the matter, so she eavesdropped outside.

After her mother's suggestion last night, Sister Ying already understood her feelings for Jing Shirong, and naturally she wanted to hear what he meant to her.

Sure enough, Jing Shirong’s angry voice soon came from inside.

 “He dares!”

When Jing Shirong heard that Chen Lin had come to harass Sister Ying, fire was about to burst out of his eyes.

 He clenched his fists, stood up and went out to avenge Sister Ying.

Old Mrs. Liang quickly stopped him and said, "What's the rush? There's still time to go after dinner."

"Besides, what else can you do in this day and night? You can't hit people directly. Besides, in what name do you hit people? You are not Sister Ying's sister. People will misunderstand you later. Sister Ying even has a mouth. I can’t even explain it.”

Jing Shirong couldn't beat Chen Lin in time and was very upset.

He was not easily angered, but after hearing these words from Mrs. Liang, he felt extremely irritable.

 He really cannot accept other trash to taint his treasure.

His sister Ying is a unique girl in the world, and no one can touch her with dirty thoughts.

Thinking of this, Jing Shirong's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she suddenly understood that Murong Yun cared about Jing Han's feelings.

Jinghan is a careless person with simple thoughts and no brains. Although he likes to make friends, he always makes others scheme.

In the past, when he and Murong Yun went out to do errands, they happened to hear the ladies of the house talking ill of Jing Han. At that time, Murong Yun looked furious, with veins popping up on his forehead, and looked like he wanted to kick over the tables of those women. What he saw was that Shi Rong was stunned for a while.

At that time, he felt that Murong Yun was too impulsive, but now he can understand his feelings.

In the past, when he was with Sister Ying, he didn't feel shy, but when he heard that Zazai was thinking about her, the anger was stronger than any other emotion.

He is not a person who likes to lose his temper. Even if he makes enemies with others, he only takes the time to avenge them. He is rarely so impulsive and wants to hit people at all costs.

 He will calm down now and understand that he cares about Sister Ying.

 He doesn't like her being with other men, and he hates other men thinking about her even more.

He couldn't accept other men harassing her or peeping at her, not even a bit.

After thinking about it, Jing Shirong calmed down.

His thoughts are still a little confused now and he needs to go back and sort them out.

 But Chen Lin was still concerned about him. This bastard, I will make him look good when he is done!

Mrs. Liang was quite satisfied when she saw him go from calm to angry and then calm down. She pretended not to understand, "You kid, why are you so angry? Beautiful girls are always easily noticed by those toads."

“But don’t worry, Brother Jin has already taken care of this matter. We won’t let that toad come to our house in the future.”

Jing Shirong frowned and said to himself, "This is not enough."

Sister Ying who dares to harass him will not understand his anger even if she doesn't teach her a lesson.

 But in front of Mrs. Liang, Jing Shirong was somewhat restrained.

He slightly put away his cold anger, adjusted his breath, and calmed down his mood, and then he respectfully said to Mrs. Liang, "You eat first, and I'll go chat with Uncle Liang for a while." Since he couldn't go to Sister Ying, he just said Now I can go find Liang Jin.

Liang Jin has a rest today, so this meeting is worthy of him.

 Wu got up first, and now she went to get the three children to get up and wash themselves.

 After Liang Jin came out, Jing Shirong came to visit.

“Uncle Liang, can I talk to you?”

Liang Jin happened to want to have a detailed chat with him, so he said, "Follow me." He took Jing Shirong to the study.

The two men came to the study together. Liang Jin asked him first, "Are your parents okay? Are you still stable in the capital?"

Although Jing's father's letter was concise, it also revealed some edge. I think they had a hard time in those years.

Jing Shirong nodded and did not hide anything, "There was indeed a lot of turmoil in the past few years. Later, after all the people trained by the emperor came up, things gradually stabilized."

 In the past, many forces were often divided into gangs. Later, the emperor kept replacing his own people. The process was difficult, but it gradually stabilized.

With the improvement of public security at the top, it is natural to start to manage the people below, so Jing Shirong has been wandering among the people in these years.

Liang Jin asked him, "Have you been punishing corrupt officials among the people all these years?"

In the past, the imperial court was not managed properly, and there were countless corrupt officials below, and the people complained endlessly. In the past few years, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming had to work together to rectify the situation, otherwise it would not improve.

Liang Jin remembered that in Qianjiazhuang, it was this child who had the courage and tact to deal with it, so that he could completely cut off the cancer in Qianjiazhuang and let the people regain peace.

 So Liang Jin admired Jing Shirong very much, "You have done a good job and you are more promising than me."

Jing Shirong was frightened and humbly said, "No, no, Uncle Liang is much better at serving the country and the people than I am. I only rely on my father's blessing to be reused by His Majesty. It's because of my lack of talent."

Seeing his modesty, Liang Jin hurriedly said, "Oh~, you can't say that. If you are incompetent, you will definitely not be reused by His Majesty. Just looking at the arrest of corrupt officials in Jiangnan this time, it can be seen that you are brave and resourceful, and you are a promising person." material."

Jing Shirong continued to be modest, "No, no, Uncle Liang is still the best. If you didn't deal with the aftermath every time, I wouldn't be able to deal with such a huge amount of things. You are still the best."

 The two of them started to boast about each other.

When Sister Ying came in, she saw them flattering each other, and she couldn't help laughing, "Dad, please stop flattering each other in business."

  I can praise you a few times, but I still praise you all the time.

Liang Jin coughed and asked her, "You go out first, I'll talk to Brother Rong a little more."

Sister Ying was reluctant to leave and pouted, "Hurry up, I told Brother Rong that we will go on a cruise today."

Liang Jin glared at her and said angrily, "Go, go, eat your food."

It’s true that a great woman can’t stay in the right place, and staying here and there will lead to hatred. This is why she is so outgoing.

 “Go quickly, the bigger it is, the less cute it is.”


Sister Ying pouted her lips and reluctantly went to eat.

Liang Jin was so angry that he couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Bad girl."

Jing Shirong saw how angry he was and said with a smile, "Don't be angry, she's just like that, very childish."

Liang Jin saw him speaking for Sister Ying and immediately became angry with him, "You're still saying that."

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 (End of this chapter)

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