Chapter 265, Beijing or Jiangnan

If you, a brat, hadn't come to seduce my sister Ying, would my daughter be an outgoing girl?

 She usually likes him as her father the most, but now all her attention is on you, how can you still have the nerve to persuade me?

 But Liang Jin did not say this. He had no choice but to glare at Jing Shirong several times.

Jing Shirong seemed to understand why he was glaring at her and lowered his head in disbelief.

Liang Jin snorted and asked him seriously, "What's going on between you and Sister Ying?"

 “Do you have any plans for your future?”

Jing Shirong thought about it and answered seriously, "This matter needs to be carefully planned. I haven't told Sister Ying yet. I have to ask her opinion first before making any plans."

 Because he discovered it late, he had just learned that he had feelings for Sister Ying, so he still needed to consider many things.

 Including if the two of them get together in the future, whether he will stay or go is also a problem.

Liang Jin saw that he was serious, so he didn't refute him and just told him, "You should discuss this with Sister Ying first. It's still early and you two are still young. Take your time and don't be in a hurry."

According to Liang Jin's opinion, the marriage between two children must be done step by step before it can be considered official.

He didn’t want Sister Ying to get married in a hurry. It was as if they hated getting married. It was not like no one wanted their daughter.

 Besides, who knows whether it is suitable for Sister Ying's son to marry the Jing family, so we must pay more attention to it.

If the Jing family was not suitable for Sister Ying to live in, Liang Jin would not agree with Sister Ying marrying all the way to the capital, lest his wife would be so distressed that she could not sleep.


 I think you feel more distressed than me.

Liang Jin chatted with Jing Shirong for a while before letting Jing Shirong go out.

Sister Ying and the others have changed into casual clothes and plan to go on a cruise together.

Jing Shirong went out to charter the boat first. After a while, Mrs. Wu and others came out together, and the whole family got on the boat together.

Jingshi Rongbao’s boat was also Murong Yun’s property. The boat was large and beautiful, with two floors in total.

Mrs. Wu took the children up to the second floor and drank hot tea while looking at the scenery.

Kang Geer took his younger brother and sister downstairs to watch the fish, while Sister Ying and Wu sat on the second floor chatting.

Jing Shirong also came in and sat down.

Wu held the hot tea in his hand, blew on the hot air, and glanced at the two people who were flirting with each other with his big eyes.

Coughed and said, "Sister Ying."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" and quickly looked away from Jing Shirong. "You drink yours, don't you want more?"

Jing Shi Rongjun's face was also embarrassed. Naturally, he understood that Mrs. Wu was talking about them, so he stood up and took the initiative to avoid it, "You guys sit down first, and I will go get you some snacks."

After saying that, he glanced at Sister Ying and said with his eyes, "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Sister Ying also replied with her eyes, "Okay~"

Seeing their disgusted looks, Mrs. Wu wanted to cover her face.

“Okay, come here and sit down, don’t act like a little nymphomaniac with your eyes on other people, what do you look like?”

Sister Ying stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "I know."

Mrs. Wu sighed and looked around. Seeing no one there, she asked her, "What do you think? Are you sure you like Brother Rong?"

 My daughter was still dull in terms of love before, so Mrs. Wu had to ask her to confirm again.

Sister Ying didn't think so in the past, but now she is more and more sure that she likes Jing Shirong.

The kind of person who likes to be sweet in his heart, wishing he could stay with him every day.

When Jing Shirong was away, she would look at the window every day, expecting him to suddenly appear in front of her. Occasionally during the New Year and holidays, I also really want to see him.

At that time, she thought that this relationship was that of a close friend, but now it seems that she really likes him, and she likes him very, very much.

 So she nodded to Mr. Wu and said seriously, "Yes, I like Brother Rong."

Of course Ms. Wu knew that they loved each other, otherwise she would not have allowed Jing Shirong to come to her home.

 In fact, she also thought about it. Jing Shirong's conduct had been good since he was a child, and he should be good as a son and husband.

 The key is to resolve the issue of where to live after getting married.

Mrs. Wu asked Sister Ying, "If you want to marry him in the future, you may have to travel thousands of miles to the capital. You won't be able to see us all year round. You don't have many friends in the capital. Do you want to marry him in that case?"

The daughter is a person who loves freedom and purity, and Mrs. Wu is also afraid that she will not adapt to the cumbersome rules of the capital.

Sister Ying's heart skipped a beat, but she forgot about it.

 In fact, in her opinion, she and Jing Shirong were just in the stage of dating, and they had not yet reached the stage of discussing marriage.

 But things are like this nowadays. If you like someone, you have to talk about marriage. It is impossible for them to interact without knowing it.

Sister Ying also knows very well that living in an environment of feudal ethics and going against the secular rules requires paying a high price, and success may not be possible.

 So she didn’t want to do anything shocking, and she was satisfied as long as she lived happily in the present moment.

As for her mother's idea of ​​marrying to the capital, she really needs to think carefully about it.

If her parents also go to the capital, there will be no problem for her to marry.

The key is that she is not familiar with the place in the capital, and has neither friends nor relatives there. Especially the capital has many more rules than Jiangnan. She really doesn't like the strict rules and regulations, and she doesn't feel comfortable living there.

 It is better to be in Jiangnan. There are not many restrictions on women and children here. Girls can often go shopping in groups.

Nightlife is also very rich. The streets are dimly lit at night and there are many street stalls. It is more prosperous than many places.

  She has lived here for three years and has fallen in love with it so much that she is reluctant to leave.

Mrs. Wu knew that she must like Jiangnan more, so she asked, "Are you going to the capital yet?"

Sister Ying frowned, feeling confused for the first time.

“Mom, to be honest, I still like living here. The food, drink and entertainment here are very lively, and there are not so many rules. Most of the people are easy to get along with. I really can’t bear to leave here.”

In addition, all her relatives and friends are here, her second aunt's house is also nearby, and her best friends from the female college are also married nearby. She really doesn't want to leave.

If you go to the capital, you will have neither relatives nor friends, and you will really be alone.

 No wonder the ladies in the past were not envious when they heard that they were going to marry in the capital. Instead, they were very sad. It turned out that this was how they felt. She finally understood.

Jing Shirong, who had just come upstairs, also heard what Sister Ying said. She paused in her heart and felt that this matter was a bit embarrassing for Sister Ying.

He doesn't have a big head, nor does he have a macho mentality. He doesn't think it's natural for a woman to marry and go to her husband's family. Instead, he feels that if he takes Sister Ying to the capital and lets her leave the place he likes, he would be sorry for her. .

From this point of view, he has to think carefully about the future marriage of the two of them.

 Whether you want to stay in Jiangnan in the future or not, you have to discuss it with your family.

 My parents are more enlightened than most people, let alone my grandparents, so you can write a letter and ask about this matter.

 (End of this chapter)

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