Chapter 266: Imagine the future

Mrs. Wu thought more than they thought, so she said to Sister Ying, "If the Jing family doesn't agree with Brother Rong coming here as an errand and wants him to go back to the capital, do you want to go with him?"

 The couple must be together, otherwise they will not be a family, so one person must compromise or make do with the matter.

If it were any other mother, she wouldn't think so much. She would just think that when her daughter gets married, she belongs to her husband's family. Wherever the husband's family is, the daughter-in-law will naturally be there. These are all things that should be done.

However, Wu has followed Liang and Jin all over the world in recent years and has seen a lot of things. After broadening his horizons, his ideas are not so one-sided.

 She now mainly looks at things from the perspective of a daughter, trying to be more considerate for Sister Ying.

Sister Ying didn't understand her mother's painstaking efforts. She sighed and said, "Mom, it's so annoying to get married. How about not getting married?"

 Let her talk to Brother Rong about how good it would be to fall in love. Wouldn't it be better to wait until two years later when the two of them are more mature to talk about marriage?

Mrs. Wu tapped her forehead with her index finger, "What's the difference between talking now and talking in the future? Is it possible that if you delay it for two years, you won't have to face this problem?"

 You have to face it sooner or later. Of course, you must prepare in advance to avoid panic.

Sister Ying took a bite of the candied fruit and said, "It's useless to talk about it too early. Who knows where Brother Rong will go to handle cases next year. He travels all over the country and has no fixed place. Maybe I will travel all over the world with him in the future. Not necessarily going to Beijing.”

Wu Shi clicked her tongue and forgot about this.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten that he is often traveling outside and will not return to the capital in a short time."

“But if he doesn’t return to the capital, are you willing to run around with him?”

Sister Ying ate the candied fruit and replied, "Well, it's not impossible. Anyway, it's good to walk around and see. It's better than waiting for him to come back every day at my husband's house in the capital."

It's better to travel around with your husband than to be a caregiver in your husband's house every day, right?

Mrs. Wu also said, "That's true. Men can't let them go out. If one of them doesn't look good, they will definitely become bad."

Even if things don’t change, there will always be bad women trying to seduce them.

Looking at Liang Jin’s self-consciousness, aren’t there so many women trying to seduce him? If Mrs. Wu hadn't been watching, there would have been many more rotten peach blossoms.

Not to mention someone as handsome as Jing Shirong, let alone a little girl, even the little widow likes him.

If you don't watch closely, you may not be able to live a good life in the future.

Although there are many men who have three wives and four concubines, and the husband's family also allows their daughters-in-law to be generous, but which woman can really tolerate her beloved man being possessed by so many women, it makes her angry to death just thinking about it, let alone other things.

So Mrs. Wu still believes that the couple should be together no matter where they go, otherwise she would not have traveled all over the country with Liang Jin for so many years and still take care of him like a child.

Sister Ying nodded, feeling that her mother's words made sense.

Although in many couples, the husband goes out to earn money to support the family, the wife takes care of her parents-in-law and children at home, and looks forward to her husband’s return every day. But how many are happy?

Perhaps those women wish they could bring their children to be with their husbands, which would be better than not seeing them every day.

However, things are not absolute and cannot be generalized. Mrs. Wu can only tell what she has seen. Anyway, her starting point is to hope that Sister Ying's married life will be happier.

Sister Ying understood what she meant and said, "How about we look at this while walking? It's still early anyway."

She is only fifteen now, two or three years away from seventeen or eighteen.

Wu Shi nodded, "Yes, it's really early. Even if we talk about getting married, we have to ask Brother Rong, and what we say ourselves doesn't count."

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes, let me talk to Brother Rong tonight?"

  Wu Shi nodded, "Okay, you guys can talk more and listen to his opinions."

Jing Shirong also came in after hearing what was going on. He brought some nuts and snacks in and put them on the table for them to try.

“Auntie, these are the pine nuts given by the boatman. They are very fragrant when cracked. Please try them.”

Wu Shi grunted, grabbed a handful and kneaded it slowly, and asked Jing Shirong to sit down and chat together.

“How long are you going to stay in Jiangnan this time?”

Jing Shirong estimated, “I can stay for about half a year.”

The emperor asked him to take stock of the taxes that corrupt officials had falsified before, find out all the stolen money and hand it over.

After the national treasury is full, prices will drop over time, people will no longer complain, and they will be able to live a good year.

As for where to go next year, the emperor has other plans, and Jing Shirong is not sure where he will go next year.

Mrs. Wu said to him, "If you are traveling all year round, can you take Sister Ying around? Or leave her in Jiangnan and come back to see her when you have time?"

This situation is not unheard of. When a daughter gets married, but the son-in-law fails to come back because he has something to do, the girl waits at her parents' house.

If Jing Shirong cannot take care of Sister Ying at the same time, it will be inconvenient for Sister Ying to run around with him when she becomes pregnant in the future.

Jing Shirong felt that what Wu said was reasonable, so he said, "I will probably run more frequently in the past few years. If I get married to Sister Ying in the future, I will make new plans."

 There is a big difference between being single and having a wife and children. A responsible man will focus on his family after getting married. No matter how far he goes, he will always want to come back and reunite with his wife and children as soon as possible.

If you have the same moral character before and after getting married, and only care about yourself and not your wife and children, you can't expect anything from marrying this kind of person.

Mrs. Wu felt that Jing Shirong was the former. This child looked like he would love his wife.

“Then you’ll watch as you go over the next two years. If you’re going to get married then, you’ll have to make a good plan for where you and Sister Ying will live after they get married.”

Since the two children like each other, Mrs. Wu doesn't want to be so pedantic. It would be better to discuss it with Jing Shirong during this meeting.

Jing Shirong nodded, "I will keep this in mind. When I get back, I will write a letter to my mother and ask her about the etiquette of the engagement, so that she can start making arrangements."

Since he likes Sister Ying, he must be responsible for her. He doesn't want others to marry her, so he must seriously marry Sister Ying into his family.

Sister Ying saw the seriousness of their discussion and said to herself, "This is too fast."

 She just started to talk about marriage when she fell in love with Brother Rong, not at half the speed.

She also wanted to talk about love first and why she was getting engaged so soon.

Seeing the melancholy look on Sister Ying's face, Ms. Wu knew what she was thinking and immediately glared at her, "Take your pine nuts."

Even though she is enlightened, she must get married. There is no way she would let Sister Ying and Jing Shirong be together without any reason.

No matter how much they like each other, everything must be established after they become husband and wife. Otherwise, if they are found out, they will be criticized and reviled by thousands of people. Therefore, everything must be engaged and established first.

Thank you for your votes, good night (*^_^*)



 (End of this chapter)

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