The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 268: , have to go back to Beijing

Chapter 268: Gotta go back to Beijing

Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying were already very angry when they heard it. They were about to say something, but they held back.

If you scold those villains, you will only alert them. It is better to operate in secret and quietly take revenge.

So Mrs. Wu and Sister Ying calmed down, and just as they were about to say something, they saw Jing Shirong disappearing.

 Mr. Wu and Sister Ying have question marks on their faces? ? ?

 “Huh? Where is Brother Rong?”

Mrs. Wu was also confused, "I was here just now." Why did he disappear all of a sudden?

 The mother and daughter looked at each other and immediately looked at the ship opposite.

 After a while, Jing Shirong came back.

Sister Ying asked him hurriedly, "Brother Rong, where have you been?"

Jing Shirong coughed and said, "I went to the next door."

"next door?"

Sister Ying glanced at the boat next door and understood immediately, "You didn't go over to settle the score with those people, did you?"

Jing Shirong didn’t hide it from her and hummed softly.

Sister Ying was curious, "How did you do it?" She didn't know how he settled the accounts with others in such a short period of time.

As he said this, the boatman moved the boat to the shore, away from Chen Lin's boat.

After they landed ashore, calls for help could be heard in the distance.

 “Help, I don’t know how to swim~~”

The few remaining men were also calling for help, "Someone, come quickly, save me, come quickly."

The servants are also splashing in the water at this moment. Some of them are not good at water, so I can't save them myself, let alone save them.

The scene in the lake suddenly became chaotic, but a fishing boat passing by behind rescued the officials.

Although they were rescued, they fell into the water in the middle of winter, drank a lot of ice water, had diarrhea and vomited when they went back, and had a fever that night. Later, the transfer letter came down and sent them back the same way they came from, and even sent them to a newer hospital. I went to a remote place to gain experience as a minor official.

 They will not be eligible for promotion in the future, and may even be replaced by newly appointed officials.

Sister Ying knew that this play was written by Jing Shirong, but she didn’t know whether to praise him or to criticize him.

You may praise him, but you are also worried that others will find out if he does this.

Let's talk about him, but he was kind-hearted and his starting point was to avenge her. She couldn't bear to talk about him, so she could only pinch his handsome face and said to him, "I didn't see it, but you still have a jealous temper."

Jing Shirong lowered his face and let her pinch her. He had no temper at all, and there was no sign of being cold and stern in front of outsiders. His handsome face was gentle and harmless, like a helpless scholar.

If Sister Ying had not known his methods and abilities, she would have mistakenly thought that he was a gentle and harmless big brother.

"You, you, are basically a wolf in sheep's clothing. Fortunately, all the female classmates in my college praise you for being polite, gentle, and a harmless little white sheep."

 “I see, you are a wolf with a big tail.”

 After saying that, he covered his small mouth and laughed for a long time.

Jing Shirong saw her smiling so happily, so she also laughed.

The two of them were upstairs in Yipinzhai, playing around, when Qi Yuanming came over.

"I said A Jing, you laughed too loudly. I heard it at the door."

Jing Shirong rolled her eyes at him, "Why are you here?"

It was rare to be alone with Sister Ying. Jing Shirong wanted to chat with her more, but a big lightbulb came to her. When Qi Yuanming saw him staring at him so coldly, Zhang Er was confused, "Why are you staring at me like that? Don't you miss me after not seeing me for so long?"

Jing Shirong couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, "Tell me, why are you here?"

Generally, when Qi Yuanming comes to see him, it's mostly official business, so the two of them can have a drink together when they're not busy, otherwise they're both busy.

Qi Yuanming saw how angry he was, and when he turned around, he saw Sister Ying with a snickering face, and then he suddenly realized.

"Oh, brother, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were meeting Sister Xiaoying here. If I knew you were bringing Sister Ying out, I would have come back at night."

Jing Shirong poured him a glass of wine and handed it to him, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Qi Yuanming took the wine glass unceremoniously, raised his head and drank, "Tsk, it's fruit wine, it doesn't taste like wine at all, it's more exciting to burn a knife."

Jing Shirong also poured a glass for Sister Ying and asked her to drink less.

 After she finished drinking, he wiped the corners of her mouth and asked, "Would you like some snacks?"

Sister Ying Jiaoxiang shook her head softly, "If you don't eat it, your belly will burst if you eat it again. I've gained weight recently."

Jing Shirong wiped her hands after finishing the nuts and said dotingly, "No, you've always been slim. Don't be afraid if you eat without getting fat."

The two of them were so tired that they didn't take Qi Yuanming seriously during the whole process.

Qi Yuanming's eyes widened as he watched the two of them showing off their affection, and his heart felt sour.

“Hey, I’m telling you, it’s alright, I’m not a human being! Can you please consider my feelings?”

Jing Shirong looked back at him after hearing this, and said in an arrogant tone, "Are you done drinking? Let's go after drinking. I have something else to do and I don't have time to spend time with you."

Qi Yuanming.

“Hey, Jing, you don’t care about **** over friends. You used to love me the most. Why have you changed your mind now? You are a heartless man!”

Qi Yuanming has been hanging out in the military camp all year round. A group of old men are not taboo about meat and vegetables and dare to make fun of them. When he saw Jing Shirong stabbing himself twice for a beauty, he immediately felt unhappy.

“I won’t leave anyway, and I will be here even if you two are here. I will still be your good friend.”

He won’t eat dog food. He wants to be the biggest and brightest candle in this cold winter!

 Jing Shirong & Sister Ying;

"Okay, tell me what you are doing here today, I'm listening."

Since he can't leave, he can only sit down and listen to what he wants.

Qi Yuanming was satisfied when they finally stopped to talk to him.

He touched the stubble on his face and said to them carelessly, "I have found all the stolen goods that were hidden before. They are in a dry well in the south courtyard. When everything is collected, it is time for us to return to Beijing. You get ready."

 “Found them all?”

Qi Yuanming nodded, "Yes, we have found them all. It's time for us to go back and recover."

Jing Shirong let out a disappointed sound. He didn't expect to find the thing so quickly.

 He thought he could stay here for at least half a year, but he didn't expect that he would have to go back all of a sudden.

 He had just gotten along with Sister Ying, and it was just the beginning of their sweet relationship. They were about to be separated, and he couldn't be happy just thinking about it.

Qi Yuanming was originally dissatisfied with his lustful and forgetful attitude, but when he saw his loss, he felt a little sorry and clicked his tongue, "Otherwise, I will report to the emperor next month?"

Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Ying and sighed, "Forget it, there are spies from the emperor among our people. I guess the palace has got the news. Let's set off tomorrow to avoid His Majesty's suspicion."

With so much stolen goods here, the emperor would think they had stolen the goods if they returned a day late, so it would be better to go back early.

Qi Yuanming thought the same thing, and after humming, he said, "Then I'll go back and prepare now. You stay with Sister Ying for a while, and I'll call you later."

  It’s Sunday~Good night



 (End of this chapter)

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