Chapter 269: Be open-minded

Jing Shirong hummed and asked Qi Yuanming to go back first, while he stayed with Sister Ying for a while.

Sister Ying felt reluctant to leave when she saw that he had just arrived and was about to leave, but she also knew that he had no choice but to leave.

She put her hand on Jing Shirong's face and sighed, "Brother Rong, how long will you have to go?"

 She could accept this separation before, but now the more she likes him, the more reluctant she is to leave him.

Jing Shirong raised his hand and squeezed her palm, and told her, "I will return to Beijing first and then go home to ask my mother about the engagement. Let's settle the engagement early to avoid any troubles."

The Jing family's status in the capital is neither high nor low. It is considered to be above average, and they are quite holy. There are quite a few people who want to marry into the Jing family.

Jing Shirong didn’t worry about marriage in the past, but now that he has Sister Ying, he naturally wants to settle the marriage as soon as possible.

 Otherwise, if the family wants to introduce a girl to him later, he will have to refuse. The second is that she is afraid that Sister Ying will be sent away, so she naturally wants to strike first.

As long as the marriage between the two of them is settled, when Sister Ying is old enough, she won't be afraid of anyone approaching her to propose marriage.

Jing Shirong raised his hand to straighten her hair and asked her, "When I return to Beijing this time, can I take my parents down to Jiangnan to propose marriage to you?"

 Generally, matchmakers appear when people propose marriage.

 Those who have a good relationship will have the male's female relatives come over to propose marriage to show the closeness between the two families.

Like this, being able to bring parents in person to propose marriage shows great importance to the girl.

Sister Ying also wanted to settle the marriage with him, so as not to be picked out one day when he was not around, so she nodded obediently.

"Okay, then you bring your parents here early, otherwise I will be snatched away."

Jing Shirong was angry and amused when he heard this, "That won't work. You will marry me in the future, and no one can take it away from you."

Sister Ying laughed when she heard this.

"You are so domineering, why can't you come with someone who is better than you and prettier than you? If you are late, I might fall in love with another little brother."

Jing Shirong looked at her chattering little mouth and really wanted to put a seal on her, but unfortunately she was still young and could only endure it.

Hooked his fingers and scratched her little nose, "You are a bad girl, you will make me angry."

Sister Ying was amused by him and held his handsome face in her hands. She warned him, "I can just wait for you here, but you are not allowed to flirt with me in the capital, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

There are many girls chasing men like Jing Shirong who have excellent body, appearance and background.

Sister Ying is also afraid that this guy will be stepped on by the matchmaker as soon as he returns to Beijing, so of course she has to give him some instructions.

“If you let me know which girl you are flirting with, whether it’s unclear or not, I will learn from you.”

 “When the time comes, don’t blame me for flirting with other little brothers.” Because I learned that from you!

 Jing Shi Rong;

“Okay, okay, I won’t flirt with other girls, and you shouldn’t imitate me either. I’m really afraid of you.”

 I don’t know why this girl has so many evil ideas. He didn't dare to offend her, otherwise she would punish him one day, and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

Sister Ying saw that he was scared, so she hummed proudly, "Huh, you know what's going on. Then when you get back, stay at home. Don't go out and let the girl look at you."

Jing Shirong was helpless, angry and funny, "Okay, okay, I won't go out, I will just stay at home and only show you, is that okay?"

Sister Ying nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, then you go early and come back early. Don't come too late, otherwise the threshold of our house will be stepped on."

 She will be 16 next year, and when she gets her haircut, there will definitely be a lot of guests coming to her door.

 Where there are many women, there will be more marriages. If Jing Shirong doesn't come back soon, her mother will have no excuse to refuse.

Jing Shirong was also afraid of this. He pursed his lips tightly and wanted to leave immediately.

"I understand. I will tell my parents about this as soon as I return to Beijing and bring them down with me to propose marriage. This trip lasts for more than half a year, and there is still enough time." , it came in time.

Sister Ying hummed, "Then you have to go and come back quickly, don't be too busy."

Jing Shirong nodded and responded, "Okay, I'll go back first. Please take care of yourself and write me a letter if you need anything."

Sister Ying nodded reluctantly, "Okay, go ahead and have a safe journey."

The two of them were reluctant to leave. Finally, Jing Shirong turned around and hugged her, and then walked away three times.

Sister Ying kept looking at his back until he was far away, then she sighed and went home first.

 After returning home, Mrs. Wu saw her sad face and asked strangely, "What's wrong?"

  How come you are so happy when you go out, but you are downcast when you come back?

Sister Ying introduced to her, "Because Brother Rong is going back to Beijing, he may leave in the evening. It will be half a year until he comes back next time."

Mrs. Wu also understood how busy Jing Shirong was, so she asked, "What did he say about your marriage?"

Sister Ying, "He said he would go back and mention this to his parents. He also said that he would take Uncle Jing and Aunt Jing to the south of the Yangtze River to propose marriage. He asked me to wait for them at home."

Seeing that Jing Shirong was concerned about this matter, Mrs. Wu felt relieved.

"That's fine. If I can settle the marriage before you get your hair, I won't have to go to a matchmaker. I have no reason to shirk it."

  Before the marriage is confirmed, it is not easy for a girl to tell anyone that she is in love. She can only wait until the marriage is confirmed before she can speak out. Otherwise, if the matter is not settled, there will be some jokes in the future, which will be more harmful to the woman.

Sister Ying believed that Jing Shirong would handle the matter well, "I think Brother Rong will handle the matter well. I'd better wait for him at home."

Mrs. Wu smiled when she saw how she trusted her wholeheartedly.

“Why do you believe him so easily? What if he doesn’t come by then?”

Sister Ying, "If he doesn't come, I will go find him and ask him no matter what."

If someone suddenly changes his mind and doesn't want to marry her, the worst she can do is find another one.

The forest is so big, why hang yourself from just one tree?

Besides, she doesn’t necessarily have to hang herself from a tree. Wouldn’t it be more pleasant to enjoy the shade under a tree?

Mrs. Wu was very happy when she heard this, "You, you, with your open character, I don't need to persuade you to recover on your own."

Sister Ying laughed loudly, so immodestly, "If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth."

  You can't live and die for someone who doesn't love you. That would be really frustrating.

 As a human being, you still have to stop losses in time.

 Even if others don’t love you, you can always love yourself.

Mrs. Wu agreed very much after hearing this, "It's okay. Mom likes your open-mindedness. Come on, go shopping. The Chinese New Year will be next month. When I go to your second aunt's house, I have to bring some for the children. small gift."

Sister Ying hummed, her mood restored, "Okay, it just so happens that I also miss my two little nephews."

Bai Ling'er and Lin Xiangxiang both have sons. The two little guys are now growing up and becoming more and more happy. Mrs. Wu also misses them.

 Just waiting for the Chinese New Year, the whole family will go to Sister Wu’s place to play together.

 (End of this chapter)

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