The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 270: , workers want to change jobs

Chapter 270: Workers want to change jobs

 By next month, the annual New Year’s Eve will arrive again.

Having been in Jiangnan for three years, the Wu family has adapted to life here.

People in Jiangnan love festivals and excitement. During the Chinese New Year, the streets are decorated with lights and every house hangs big red lanterns.

Mrs. Wu got up early and was busy, giving out red envelopes to workers, giving holidays to the cooks, and looking at the account books.

Sister Ying was also picked up early in the morning and went to the inn to hand out red envelopes and New Year gifts to the workers. She also had a lot of things to give.

As bosses, they must have clear rewards and punishments, especially gifts during holidays.

 Other places may only give out one or two pieces of meat during the New Year and festivals, but many bosses here in Jiangnan are still very generous.

For example, employees at Yipinzhai give big red envelopes during the Chinese New Year.

Sister Ying will naturally give out red envelopes, which makes every festival feel full of ritual.

The workers in her family have been working with them for three years and are basically proficient in the work. They are also very satisfied with the monthly payment and reward system.

Occasionally, one or two felt that they were awesome and wanted to raise the price with Sister Ying, but they were persuaded to leave.

The man felt that he was already so good. If Sister Ying didn't give him a monthly salary increase, he would leave and work for another inn.

Sister Ying learned from Jing Shirong about the management system. Each worker in their inn has a clear division of labor.

 When ordering food, you are only responsible for ordering food, and when delivering food, you are only responsible for delivering food. Of course, there are some backup workers in the kitchen.

As long as any worker doesn't want to work, he will be replaced immediately.

 So there are very few people in their inn who quit their jobs.

 Firstly, their monthly income is high, and secondly, the nature of their work is what they are good at and like, so they don’t feel bored after working for a long time.

Thirdly, this inn is very famous. Those who can come here have gone through a lot of selection and it is not easy to get in. Therefore, those who can come here have a good reputation when they go back to their hometown. Naturally, they cannot leave easily.

 In addition, after leaving, someone immediately replaced him, and it was impossible to come back. Naturally, the workers would not ask to leave easily.

So for the worker who threatened Sister Ying to leave, Sister Ying didn't stop her and just said, "That's fine. Since you insist on leaving, I'm embarrassed to force you to stay. I paid you the monthly payment that night. I’ll give you a whole pig’s head so you can go back and have a good New Year.”

After hearing this, the worker was stunned.

 “Are you going to let me go now? Are you going to leave me alone?” Or if you give him an extra twelve months’ pay, he might stay.

Sister Ying gave him a pretentious look, "As you know, there are too many people coming to work in our inn. The monthly salary for the newcomers is low and they have a lot of work to do. Since you want to leave, it just so happens that you can give the newcomers a chance. , what do you think?”

When the worker heard this, he panicked and said he wouldn't leave.

Sister Ying did not want to indulge him, because the worker had already become wild in the inn.

Aunt Hong had investigated this worker before and said that he had received money from another inn owner and was about to change jobs.

Maybe he thought that since someone wanted to poach him, he must be powerful, so he had the confidence to bargain with Sister Ying.

After Sister Ying knew about it, she naturally couldn't keep him.

Since the business of their inn has improved, people have begun to imitate them.

However, imitation cannot imitate the essence. After all, a delivery inn still needs a lot of experience and insight to survive for a long time.

If you learn the superficial but not the essence, you won’t be able to learn for a long time.

Just remembering the preferences and tastes of the guests' family is a big deal, not to mention that during holidays, dozens of guests come to order together, all with different tastes, dishes and addresses. It is not that easy to make no mistakes at all.

Most of the wealthy families have different preferences. When people at the same table are eating, some don't eat chopped green onions, some don't eat coriander, and some don't get jealous. A copycat inn like that can't be made that fine at all, and it's not uncommon for people to scold it.

 If you make a mistake once, people will naturally not be able to call you again. In addition, the most important thing is whether the food is delicious. If it is not delicious, people will not come back again after trying it once.

 Hence, there are not many inns that offer food delivery.

Only the one on the next street was pretty good, but it started to get crazy, and people even dared to come to Sister Ying's place to rob people.

Sister Ying doesn't care about this. If the other party can poach all her employees, it will be a failure of her management.

 Fortunately, there are only one or two workers on the wall, and it will be fine if they are cleared away.

 The remaining key employees will basically not leave.

The employees who deal with important matters in the store have basically been carefully screened, and the three generations of ancestors have checked them clearly.

Those people have high loyalty and are basically beholden to the Wu family, so they will not leave easily.

 In addition, their children are living in the yard bought by Sister Ying, and they are all going to school, so naturally they will not leave.

With Liang Jin’s reputation and the income from Sister Ying’s Inn, smart people will only find ways to put themselves down here so that future generations can receive the blessings here, so how can they leave.

It's just the ones who can't carry it clearly, and they feel that they are awesome after only half a year here, and they feel that the inn can't live without them.

Sister Ying did not quarrel with the other party. She politely asked the person to leave, gave him double monthly salary and meat, and then replaced the new employee.

Aunt Hong reminded everyone at the right time, "If you want to leave in the future, please tell us a month in advance. We will train the new people in advance. When the time is up, they will take over as soon as you leave, without any delay." , did you hear that clearly?”

 Some of the new employees looked at each other, fearing that they would be replaced, and naturally they did not dare to learn how to change jobs.

Not only is food and accommodation provided here, but gifts are also collected during the New Year and holidays. Children can also go to school. Only fools would leave.

"We're not leaving. Aunt Hong should go back to spend time with her children. We'll just keep an eye on the inn for the Chinese New Year."

Aunt Hong gave a satisfied sigh when she saw that they all knew the current affairs.

She reported this matter to Sister Ying, who also asked her to go back and rest. "You go back and rest for a few days. We will go to the second aunt's house tomorrow."

Aunt Hong smiled and said it was okay, "I don't have to rest. I don't have anything to do at home. Now the workers are quick to pick up the work. I just need to watch from the side. I won't be tired."

Sister Ying felt relieved when she saw her rosy complexion.

 The next day, Mrs. Wu asked the children to dress happily, and the whole family went to Sister Wu's house together.

As soon as he arrived at Sister Wu's house, Brother Kang took Brother Sen and Sister Yang and ran in with a smile.

 “Second aunt!”

As soon as Second Sister Wu heard the sound, she happily came out to pick her up.

 “Oh, you are here.”

 Brother Kang and Brother Sen, Sister Yang, ran over laughing and joking, "Yes, we are here."

 After saying that, the three little kids hung on Sister Wu together, laughing so happily.

 Second Sister Wu was also very happy and handed out red envelopes to each one, "Come, come, come, take them all, Second Aunt is rich."

Kang Geer and others looked at Mrs. Wu, and when they saw Mrs. Wu nodded, they were happy.

 “Thank you, second aunt~~”

Sister Ying also ran over and hugged Second Sister Wu, "Second aunt, there is still me~"

 (End of this chapter)

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