Chapter 271: Born with blessings

Second Sister Wu smiled from ear to ear, "Okay, okay, I have yours too, Nuo, take it."

Sister Ying took it with a smile and kissed Second Sister Wu on the face, "Thank you, Second Aunt, hehe."

Second Sister Wu has basically not gone out to do business this year, and has left everything to Brother An and Brother Shun.

 An Geer and Shun Geer are now fathers, and they are working harder to make money.

 The two of them worked hard outside during the day, and tried to come back to see their wife and children no matter how late at night.

 There were only two young daughters-in-law at home, so Second Sister Wu was worried and decided not to go out at all, so she decided to take charge of the household.

 She is an open-minded mother-in-law who gets along with her two daughters-in-law like best friends.

Bai Ling'er has a cheerful personality, Lin Xiangxiang has a gentle personality, and the two sisters-in-law get along very well.

 Especially after they had children, the two often discussed parenting together, and they talked endlessly every day.

Second Sister Wu often takes them out shopping and shopping, and also helps them take care of their children. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has become increasingly close.

Mrs. Wu felt relieved when she saw that her sister was looking better and better.

"It's good that you can be happy. I'm looking forward to this day."

Second Sister Wu also laughed, "Don't worry, your good fortune is coming soon."

 "In the future, when Brother Kang and Brother Sen get married, you can also have grandchildren."

  Wu laughed when he heard this, "I don't expect this."

In the future, if Kang Ge'er and Sen Ge'er become Jinshi, they will also be assigned to work as minor officials somewhere. By then, the whole family will be separated, and there will be no grandchildren to care for.

Mrs. Wu only hoped that they would be able to live in harmony with their wives when they got married in the future, and did not dare to ask for anything else.

Hearing this, Second Sister Wu took pity on her and said, "So you see, we also have the advantage of not studying. Look, our two sons are here."

“But don’t be discouraged. Although Brother Kang and Brother Seng may be transferred in the future, Sister Ying and Sister Yang are still with you.”

Mrs. Wu sighed and said, "No, I'm glad I still have two girls. Otherwise, it would be lonely if neither of them is around when I get older."

Women all hope that their children will be successful, but when the children grow up, they are destined to go out to work hard, and parents gradually get used to the absence of their children.

Even if I feel lonely when I get old, I still want to check on my children from time to time to see how they are doing.

At the moment, we don’t know whether Sister Ying will marry in the capital, or what’s going on with Jing Shirong?

Second Sister Wu saw that she was worried, so she quickly took her to the room to talk.

The two of them chatted quietly about Sister Ying and Jing Shirong, while Sister Ying and her younger siblings went to see the sons of their two sisters-in-law.

Bai Ling'er and An Ge'er went back to their parents' home with their son today. Only Shun Ge'er and Lin Xiangxiang were at home.

Since Lin Xiangxiang doesn’t have a natal family, she doesn’t have to go back during the New Year and holidays.

I heard that her aunt married her daughter Momodai Li Jiang to Lin Xiangxiang’s childhood fiancé last year.

Later, the Sun family discovered this and made a fuss.

However, both of them have become good friends. Naturally, it is impossible for Aunt Lin to ask the Sun family to return her daughter. She also wants her daughter to become pregnant with Master Sun's child as soon as possible, so that she can gain a firm foothold in the Sun family.

It’s a pity that Master Sun is disgusted by this behavior of civet cat for prince. Not to mention that Lin Xiangxiang’s cousin is ordinary in appearance and looks exactly like Aunt Lin. She has a mean look on her face. He doesn’t like her at all, let alone have a child with her.

So the couple was so frozen, and finally Mrs. Sun couldn't stand it any longer, so she gave Mr. Sun a flat wife.

Aunt Lin knew that she was very angry and knew that her family was at a disadvantage, so she had no choice but to endure it. I heard a few days ago that there was another quarrel in the Sun family. Just because they couldn't agree on which wife Master Sun wanted to return to on the second day of the Lunar New Year, the two women started fighting.

In the end, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. He refused to let anyone go, and the angry Master Sun walked away. In the end, no one went to their natal family.

When Lin Xiangxiang heard about this, she didn’t care about it. She was at home taking care of her son.

Her eldest son is getting cuter and cuter now. He will leave when he is ten months old. Now he is one year old and has started to talk and can call him daddy.

Sister Ying went to see her nephew, gave him a red envelope, chatted with Brother Shun and Lin Xiangxiang for a while, and then went out to the yard to see the plum blossoms.

 Kang Geer and the others couldn't sit still and had already run out to play with the neighbor's children.

When Bai Ling'er heard that Sister Ying was coming, she left her son to An Ge'er and ran over to her with a smile.

 “Good sister, you are here.”

Because her mother's family lived across the street, Bai Ling'er would take the child back to chat with her parents every now and then. Mrs. Bai's wife would also come over often to chat with Second Sister Wu.

 The two in-laws can talk quite well.

Today Bai Ling'er's sister and brother-in-law are back, and there is a lively dinner at home.

Seeing that she still looked so good, Sister Ying smiled and said to her, "Second cousin, you really are getting younger and younger as you live."

 People with a good mentality look a little younger than ordinary people. Coupled with the smooth life in their husband's family, their faces become more and more rosy.

Bai Ling'er also felt that she was much younger than other women of the same age, and said with a smile, "I just have a good life, and your cousin is so loving when I marry her. And my mother-in-law, you also know that she has a good temper." get along."

 A woman who marries a good husband’s family is just like her second luck. She cannot be too happy.

Bai Ling'er touched her belly and said with a smile, "I'm secretly telling you that I'm pregnant again. It's almost three months old."

Sister Ying exclaimed, "Really? Does your family know about this?"

Bai Ling'er nodded, "I know, they are all happy. Your second aunt gave me a big red envelope yesterday, and my parents also gave me one."

 She got married smoothly and gave birth smoothly, and her luck was much better than that of many girls.

Sister Ying also liked her cheerfulness and liveliness, and asked her with a smile, "How is the reaction of this baby? You don't look like someone who would be unhappy."

Bai Ling'er covered her mouth and snickered, "I told you to guess right. I won't vomit like my sister-in-law. I have no taboo on sour and spicy foods and can eat anything. Even my mother said that I was born with luck. Many girls are better than me." But I’m embarrassed to say it.”

Sister Ying agrees very much with this point, "It's good to be lucky, but it's cold and slippery, so watch the road and prop your **** up so you don't fall."

It’s such a cold day, the ground is frozen, and walking feels like dancing, making it especially easy to fall.

Bai Ling'er nodded and said, "Your second aunt told me all this. I came out wearing thick cotton pants in the morning, and I also added a small cotton pad on my buttocks."

She is active, has a bad temper, and walks in a hurry. Second Sister Wu is afraid that she will fall, so she asks her servants to keep a close eye on her.

Bai Ling'er was obviously in a good mood and was very interested. He pulled Sister Ying and said, "Let's go to my house to eat. There are a lot of people in my house right now."

Several sisters and brothers-in-law at home are back, and there are also a group of lively nephews and nieces, which is very lively.

Sister Ying quickly said no, "I don't know my face, so I won't go there, otherwise it will be awkward."

Bai Ling'er likes her and wants to take her home for dinner out of kindness, but as Sister Ying has not yet left the court, she will inevitably be scrutinized by her elders in the past, so she should stay clean at home.

 (End of this chapter)

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