The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 276: , even seven or eight-year-old dogs are disgusted

Chapter 276: Even a seven or eight-year-old dog is disgusting

 The next day, Sister Ying told Mrs. Wu about the matter.

Mrs. Wu thought it was okay, so she agreed to give them a try.

Now that her family is rich, she is more indulgent towards her children and dares to let them open a shop without fear of losing money.

 Wu said confidently, "If you pay, you have to pay, and you should learn from the experience."

"Of course, the premise is to agree in advance. If you are not serious, the dowry will be deducted according to the amount of compensation in the future."

Sister Yang said "Huh?", pouting her mouth and saying reluctantly, "Why are you like this?"

She also wanted to buy a few more sets of antiques.

Wu slapped the table and said, "If you don't want to deduct dowry, just work hard for me. If I find out that you are not paying attention, I will cut your pocket money in half."

Sister Yang is now a money-lover. Seeing that her pocket money is at risk of being halved, she naturally doesn't dare to take risks.

In addition, she also likes doing business, which is much more exciting than studying, so she smiled shrewdly and leaned close to Mrs. Wu, "Mom~"

As soon as Mrs. Wu heard her tone, she knew that she had not held it in well and said, "What are you doing!"

There are four children in the family, but Sister Yang is the most evil. The little girl is a piece of cake, but she is very clever. Sometimes Mrs. Wu can't fight her, and she always gets so angry that she has to use a stick to stop her.

At this moment, Sister Yang smiled mischievously and came closer. Mrs. Wu was certain that she was up to no good.

Sister Yang uttered an ouch and said flatteringly, "Don't be so fierce. I'm just going to discuss this with you."

  Wu gave her a straight look and said, "If you fart, just let it go. I don't want to hear your nonsense."

Sister Yang heheed, and shamelessly approached Mrs. Wu, "Mom, since I have to learn how to open a shop from my sister, then I don't need to go to this academy, right? Otherwise, I won't have time to learn how to open a shop from my sister. What's going on?"

Mrs. Wu opened her mouth, glared at Sister Yang with an "I knew it" look, and said angrily, "Okay, so that's what you thought it was."

"I'm telling you, no way! Studying is studying, and opening a shop is opening a shop. You have to learn both from me. If you don't learn one, I will deduct your pocket money!"

“If your academic performance is poor, I will deduct all the pocket money you have earned over the years!”

Sister Yang let out an "ouch." She was very frustrated and said, "Why are you like this?"

“Then I don’t have time to study because I want my sister to learn how to open a shop. Besides, I’ve read enough books, that’s enough.”

Mrs. Wu rolled her eyes and said, "It's enough, right? Okay, since you are so confident, then compose a poem for us in front of everyone. It just so happens that your sister Mei is here too, so that others can listen." It depends on your level.”

 Sister Yang suddenly fainted when she heard that it was serious.

Her academic performance is below average. She usually doesn’t like reading and wants to go out and play every day.

 I originally made friends with some ladies in the women's college, and gradually became good at dressing up.

 But those group of ladies all moved away from here because of the corruption incident, and a group of lively and active ones came later.

Because Sister Yang is considered an old person in the academy, as soon as the new female classmates came over, she went to be the eldest sister for them. Later, she stopped dressing up and started to go to the house to expose all kinds of things, and even went up the tree to dig out bird eggs. .

 Today's Sister Yang is becoming more and more boyish and extremely naughty.

   Wu didn’t know how many times he had beaten her for this matter. She was so rough-skinned and thick-flesh that she was not afraid of the pain.

 In the end, Sister Ying got the better of her and beat her until she cried. Then she went to learn it obediently.

    Mrs. Wu is always harsh in her words but doesn’t hit hard, so the child is naturally not afraid of her.

 Sister Ying, on the other hand, is not cruel with her words, but she is really cruel with her hands. Several children in the family are afraid of Mrs. Wu, but they are even more afraid of Sister Ying because she really beats her.

However, the children also admire her the most, because she is the most capable of the four children in the family. Children instinctively look up to strong people, so they naturally like to learn from Sister Ying.

Now that Yang Jie'er's grades have barely caught up, Wu naturally can't let her give up halfway.

“If you keep playing tricks on me, don’t say you are your sister’s sister when you go out, otherwise people will feel sorry for your sister. Think about that scene yourself.”

 Suppose the elder sister is too good, but the younger sister is so bad. In addition to talking about herself, people would also laugh at Sister Ying, saying that she only has skills and what's so great about her? Isn't my sister a waste?

Sister Yang gets very angry whenever she thinks of such a scene.

 She is a thick-skinned person and doesn't care if people say she is a scumbag, but she hates people saying anything about her family members.

So in order to kiss her eldest sister, she had to work harder, "Okay, I've learned both, right?"

Mrs. Wu laughed angrily when she heard this, "Look at how wronged you are. Didn't your eldest sister always run from school to school in the past? She didn't want to go to school at that time, so why didn't she still get beaten by me? Do you still feel wronged?"

Sister Yang pursed her lips and snorted, "You are a tigress."

 After saying that, he ran away.

 “Oh, you bad girl! Come back here!”

Mrs. Wu was so angry that she complained to the second sister Wu, "They say dogs in their 80s and 90s are disgusting. Sister Yang and Brother Sen are exactly the same age. They are angry with me at home every day. I will be angry with them to death."

Sister Yang's personality changes back and forth. One moment she is like this, another moment she is that way. Her thoughts come up again and again every day. Her personality is like that of a boy. She jumps up and down all day long, like a monkey.

 Sen Ge'er, on the other hand, doesn't like to move. He lies lazily every day, wishing that his servants would feed him food.

He is willing to move only when he comes out occasionally. Otherwise, he will lie in bed after school, and he will also lie in bed during holidays, but he just doesn't want to move or come out.

If Wu Shi hadn't pulled him out during the New Year, he would have been lying in bed until the end of the New Year.

    Mrs. Wu was really angry to death with these two siblings, and she would chase them and scold them every day.

Had it not been for the fact that these two naughty babies came out of her belly, she would have suspected that the midwife had carried them by mistake.

“Tell me, why are the personalities of the four siblings so different?”

Of the four children, only Sister Ying and Brother Kang are more obedient. The other two are like crooked melons and cracked jujubes, reincarnated at will, just to torture her.

Second Sister Wu laughed when she heard this, "Hey, children are so annoying. It will be better when they grow up. Don't be angry, calm down. I will take you to pick out fabrics later."

Seeing them chatting, Sister Ying took Mei Xianer out.

 “It’s a joke for you, our family is in a state of turmoil every day.”

Mei Xian'er laughed when she heard this, "It's the same in our family. The eldest cousin in the family is the more well-behaved, and the remaining three cousins ​​are also chased and beaten by my angry aunt every day."

 The two of them laughed when they heard this.

Sister Ying led her and said, "Let's go pick sweet oranges. My second aunt has planted many in the backyard. We happened to be discussing the shop while we were picking."

Mei Xianer smiled and said, "Okay."

The two went to the backyard to pick sweet oranges together. Kang Geer came over after playing outside for a while.

He took the initiative to get the basket and trotted over, "Sister, let me pick it for you. You can pick it up under the tree with the basket?"

Thank you for your votes, dears~



 (End of this chapter)

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