Chapter 277, making jam

Sister Ying asked her servants to bring a ladder and shook her head to reject Kang Geer.

“We have to pick it ourselves, you go and pick yours, don’t make trouble.”

 After saying that, he asked Mei Xian'er to come with him.

“Xianxian, let’s pick it together, you climb the ladder and I climb the tree.”

Meixian'er smiled and said, "Okay, but I also want to climb a tree and have a look."

 At this age, she has not yet climbed a tree.

 When she was a child, her mother always wanted her to be dignified and virtuous, so it was naturally impossible for her to climb trees.

Now that she sees Sister Ying being so free and easy, climbing trees whenever she wants, she wants to give it a try.

So neither of them used the ladder, and walked to a thicker branch aside to prepare to climb the mountain.

 Kang Geer was not annoyed when he saw that they were not taking him with them. He came over with a smile and said, "I want to crawl too."

So the three of them climbed up each, hung a small basket on their waist, and picked and put away the food themselves.

Mei Xian'er was very happy. She reached out and picked a large, bright and orange tangerine. She smiled at Sister Ying and said, "Sister Ying, look, this is so big."

Seeing that she was happy, Sister Ying coaxed her, "It's great, you are great."

Mei Xian'er rarely gets compliments from others, but when she was praised by Sister Ying, her little face couldn't help but blush, and her cold face immediately smiled, like a beautiful little fairy.

Kang Geer raised his head and saw her smiling happily, and raised his lips, "Sister Mei, you are so awesome. The sweet oranges you picked were bigger than mine."

 After saying that, he deliberately handed the small oranges he picked to Mei Xian'er to see.

Meixian'er just thought that he was a child and didn't know how to pick, so she told him gently, "You have to pick the orange ones for the sweetness. Don't pick the yellow and green ones yet."

Kang Geer nodded obediently as if he had been taught something. "So that's it. Can this one work?" He deliberately picked one and it was still green.

Mei Xian'er didn't have any plans. Seeing how stupid he was, she patiently taught him again, "It needs to be red and orange to be sweet enough. Look at this."

Kang Geer looked at it seriously with big eyes, a look of admiration on his face, "So that's it, I understand, after all, this is the 'correct' way to pick a golden orange.

Sister Ying looked on and really wanted to complain.

 He thought in his heart that this brat Kang Geer was really good at pretending to please a beauty, and he even acted like a fool.

Had Mei Xianer not been a simple person, she would not have been deceived by him.

 “You brat, leave as soon as you finish picking, don’t interrupt our conversation.”

 You know how to flirt with girls at a young age, you really deserve a beating.

 Kang Geer made a hey sound, but didn't listen. He continued to talk to Mei Xian'er.

“Xianxian, when you pick oranges later, you can pack some for your uncle to take back. My aunt’s oranges are delicious, and your uncle and aunt will definitely like them too.”

Upon hearing this, Mei Xian'er was a little moved and looked at Sister Ying inquiringly, "Is that okay? I'll just pick some."

Sister Ying was angry and funny, "Of course, when we are leaving, let the servants pick some ripe ones, so as not to taste bad if they are picked in advance."

 Mei Xianer happily said yes.

 After the two picked oranges, they went to the kitchen.

Sister Ying was tinkering with marmalade and chatted with her, "If Sister Houyang's pastry shop opens in the future, you can run it with her first. If the shop is prosperous in the future, you can open a branch."

 This way, you don’t have to take risks and you can learn more.

 Mei Xian'er understood her kindness and was very touched, "I don't even know how to thank you."

Sister Ying stretched out her hand to pinch her little face and said generously, "It's okay, I like you very much. You will be my good sister from now on. We will be close friends and we will keep in touch from now on."

Mei Xian'er's eyes were red with emotion, "Okay, I will listen to you from now on." She looked like a little rabbit and looked very well-behaved.

  Kang Geer also followed to join in the fun. "Sister, if you want my help in opening a snack shop in the future, just ask. I also want to help Xianxian."

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him, "Why are you everywhere?" Are children so precocious these days?

But think about it, people in ancient times got married early, and it was normal to have their first love in their teens.

But Sister Ying still felt that Kang Geer was too young, so she told him, "You can help if you want, but you have to avoid any resentment."

“Don’t always hang around the immortals in front of outsiders, lest people say anything about you.”

Kang Geer said directly, "Sister, what are you talking nonsense about? I'm just helping you out of kindness. Besides, I'm still young, so don't think too much, sis."

Sister Ying rolled her eyes at him and said, "It's good if you think so. It's better for men to make a name for themselves first, otherwise they will be cunning but incapable, and they won't be able to give their sweetheart a good life."

After Kang Geer understood this, his handsome face turned red, and finally he snorted angrily and ran away.

He did fall in love with Mei Xian'er's looks, but he didn't have any bad intentions. He just felt sorry for her inexplicably and wanted to make her happy.

But the eldest sister is right, a man really needs to show some strength in order to give his sweetheart a good life.

 So he will have to study harder in the future.

Of course, he will definitely come to help Xianxian open a shop. He didn't listen to what the eldest sister said about avoiding suspicion.

Brother Rong often comes to the house, so what the eldest sister said has no credibility at all.

Sister Ying;

Well, you shot yourself in the foot.

Mei Xian'er was making orange jam seriously on the side and didn't listen to what they said. When she looked up and saw Kang Ge'er running away again, she didn't take it seriously.

 This was the first time she made jam, and she found it very strange, so she kept stirring it seriously.

Sister Ying came over and said, "When making jam, pay attention to the ratio of sugar to fruit. Don't be too sweet, and don't be too sour."

 “Keep an eye on the heat, stir frequently, and don’t burn it.”

Mei Xianer **** her hair and stirred it with a very serious face.

Sister Ying saw that she was so serious and taught her, "The foam on it must be scraped off with a child."

Mei Xianer followed the instructions carefully. When the jam was thickened, Sister Ying asked her to taste it again.

 “Taste whether it’s sweet or not.”

Mei Xian'er dug a little with a small spoon, tasted it, and said happily, "It's sour and sweet, and the taste is just right."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I'll make some bread later, and I'll have this as a supper at night."

Mei Xianer didn’t understand, “What is bread?”

Sister Ying snorted and said, "That's right, buns made of flour. The more unique buns are called bread." This can only be explained.

Mei Xian'er understood and smiled, "This is a good name."

So the two made bread together.

During the period, Sister Yang also came over to help, and the three of them made a pillow of bread together.

Although the taste is not as good as modern ones, it still has a different taste.

When the bread was baked, Sister Ying cut it into three pieces, spread some orange jam on it, and asked Sister Yang and Mei Xianer to "have a taste of your results."

Sister Yang and Mei Xianer were very curious about the taste of the food they made, so they took it and took a bite.

 The light bread is mixed with the sweet and sour orange jam, which is surprisingly delicious.

“Sister, this tastes really good, much better than steamed buns.”

 (End of this chapter)

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