The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 278: , fortunately I have a confidant

Chapter 278: Fortunately, I have a confidant

Meixian'er also said, "Yes, the taste is quite special. This is my first time eating it."

Sister Ying tasted it herself and felt it was good. But he was not proud, but said, "This is just entry-level. It's still very early to really make better bread and snacks."

Since you want to open a snack shop, such a small amount of bread and jam will definitely not be enough.

Sister Ying also wants to make delicious little cakes like those in later generations, or delicious snacks like pineapple cakes.

But she hasn’t figured it out yet and needs to study it a few more times.

Mei Xianer found making dim sum very interesting and applied to join.

Sister Yang also likes this kind of handiwork and wants to join in.

Sister Ying said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will naturally bring you down with me. Don't complain about me or feel tired when the time comes."

Her original idea was to spread out the dim sum first and let Mei Xianer learn the business first and gain experience.

 When the shop is stable, its reputation is established, and there are repeat customers, then Mei Xianer will be allowed to open a branch.

 This way she can learn how to run a shop without wasting her dowry.

 When she has enough experience and the pastry shop has become famous, she can sell her mother's dowry and open a branch, and she will be able to make a steady profit.

 Otherwise, if she opened a store as an inexperienced person, she wouldn’t know how much she would have to lose.

Mei Xian'er naturally understood her kindness, was very touched in her heart, and remembered her kindness.

"Don't worry, I will work hard. If you need me to do anything, just ask me. I can endure hardships."

What a good girl. Sister Ying likes her more and more.

He stretched out his hand and touched her head, "That's great. Only by enduring hardship can you become a great person. When you have money and ability in the future, your mother will feel relieved to have someone under her."

Mei Xianer nodded with red eyes, "I will."

Sister Yang was also very moved when she saw it, and immediately said that she would work hard too.

When Mr. Wu came over, he felt happy when he saw them coming out and quietly left.

 A few more days.

Liang Jin was going back to the Yamen, so Mrs. Wu asked the children to pack up and go back together.

Sister Wu said goodbye to them with a smile, "Remember to come and see me when you have time."

  Wu smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, I'll come to you as soon as I'm free."

 The two sisters are so close, so they can’t interact with each other often. "

 Kang Ge'er and the others were also laughing and waving to Second Sister Wu, "Second Aunt, let's go then. We will come to see you during the Lantern Festival."

Second Sister Wu smiled and said yes.

The family went back happily. On the way, Mrs. Wu said to Sister Ying, "You will send Xianxian back in person later. You can also bring this basket of oranges and snacks."

 Xianxian hurriedly said, "Thank you, Auntie, for taking care of me these days."

Mrs. Wu generously said it was okay, "You often come here to play with Sister Ying when you have time, and you also study hard about opening a shop, so that you can use it in the future."

Mei Xianer nodded obediently, "I understand."

When the carriage arrived in the alley, Sister Ying got out of the carriage wearing a cloak, and Mei Xianer also followed.

Xiao Zi followed them and wanted to send Mei Xianer back to the Lu family.

When Kang Geer saw that they were leaving, of course he wanted to see them off and ran over in a hurry.

“Sister, I will protect you.”

Sister Ying didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn’t refuse.

 “Okay, then you follow us.”

Even though Kang Geer is young, he is taller than she and Mei Xianer, which shows that their father's genes are still very strong. The tallness was basically inherited from Kang Geer. After arriving at Lu's house, Lu Xian hurriedly came to pick her up. Mrs. Lu also came over with a smile and invited Sister Ying in.

“Come in and sit for a while. I just made dumplings. Come and eat some. They are our family’s special dumplings.”

Mei Xian'er also pulled Sister Ying, very enthusiastically, "Sister Ying, would you like to come and have some too? My aunt's craftsmanship is very good."

Sister Ying couldn't resist her kindness, she smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I won't bother you."

Mrs. Lu smiled and said no, "Quick, Brother Kang will come too."

 Kang Geer and Lu Xian came to the Lu family once before, but he had not seen Mei Xianer at that time, but Mrs. Lu had met Kang Geer, so she recognized Kang Geer.

 “Kang Geer, come in quickly.”

 Kang Geer said familiarly, "Okay."

 After saying that, he brought in the large and small bags of snacks and fruits in his hand and showed them to Mrs. Lu.

“Aunt Lu, these are the sweet oranges that Sister Xianxian picked for you. She also made the jam for you. You can all try it tomorrow.”

Mrs. Lu was very happy when she heard that Mei Xian'er had made it for them, "Okay, okay, Xianxian is very interested."

 “Quick, come in and sit down, it’s cold outside.”

Kang Geer smiled and went in with Lu Xian, while Mei Xianer went in arm in arm with Sister Ying.

Mrs. Lu heard that her granddaughter was back and came over to see her.



Mei Xianer saw Mrs. Lu now and missed her too, so she rushed over to hug her.

Mrs. Lu was relieved when she saw that she looked better than before at home.

She told her grandson before that Xianxian went to a friend's house to relax. She was worried at first, but Lu Xian said that Sister Ying and her family were very good, so she was relieved.

Especially now, Xianxian seemed to be in a good mood, and the depression on her face was gone, so he asked her in surprise, "Are you okay?"

Mei Xian'er nodded obediently, "Well, I've thought about it. Grandma, don't worry about me anymore. I will open a shop in the future."

Mrs. Lu finally felt relieved when she saw that she was finally facing life positively.

 “As long as you can think about it.”

After saying that, the old man looked at Sister Ying with great gratitude, "Girl from the Liang family, thank you."

Sister Ying smiled and said it was okay, "Xianxian and I are good friends, and I hope she will get better and better."

Mrs. Lu was still very grateful to her and pulled Sister Ying over to sit down. "You don't know, when this child came home before, her brows were full of depression. It made me worry day and night, for fear that she would not be able to think about it."

 Fortunately, Sister Ying talked to Xianxian in time, otherwise she was really afraid that the child would become more and more depressed in the future.

 Fortunately, the immortal is still lucky enough to meet a close friend, otherwise Mrs. Lu would not know what to do.

Sister Ying knew that her old man was worried about Xianxian, so she comforted her a few words, "I found something for Xianxian, and she may start to be busy in the future."

When Mrs. Lu asked what was going on, Sister Ying said, "My mother plans to set up a dessert shop for my sister, and she will let the immortals come over and learn how to run the shop together. What do you think about this?"

Some officials don't like girls to be in public, so they buy the shops directly for their children and then find a steward to run them.

Sister Ying wonders if Mrs. Lu also doesn’t like the fact that Mei Xianer went out to learn how to run a shop?

 Fortunately, Mrs. Lu was also very interested in opening a shop, so she said to Sister Ying, "Her uncle and I had thought about buying a shop for her as a dowry, so that she could have a way to get in and out in the future."

“Now that you are willing to take her to study, our family should thank you.”

It’s almost May Day, where are you going to play?



 (End of this chapter)

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