Chapter 279, Sweet Letter

Mrs. Lu comes from a scholarly family, but she is not pedantic.

She is not like some old ladies from official families who look down on businessmen but open one shop after another behind their backs. She is this kind of person who takes it seriously and immediately.

 He treats money as dirt, but he has more shops than anyone else.

Mrs. Lu will not. She knows the benefits of being an official and the benefits of money. She will not let the poor in her family have food because of her reputation for being honest.

 So opening a shop is a good thing, and she will naturally support it.

Especially for her granddaughter to learn to open a shop, she would not object.

Mei Xian'er has lost her mother, and will have less confidence to go to her husband's house in the future. Of course, she has to become self-reliant.

 Being able to learn how to run a shop will also be good for her in her husband's family in the future.

As long as she has her own shop and money to spend, she can save time looking at other people's faces and reaching out to others. This is why many wealthy families give girls shops as dowries.

 So Mrs. Lu was very grateful to Sister Ying for her willingness to teach Mei Xianer how to run a shop.

“I don’t know how to thank you. They say it’s rare to find a good confidant in life. You are really a lucky star in my life.”

Sister Ying was busy and modest, "No, meeting her is our fate."

The two chatted for a while, and then Mrs. Lu brought over the hot dumplings.

“Hurry, Sister Ying and Brother Kang, come and try the freshly baked mutton dumplings.”

Sister Ying sighed and went over with Mei Xianer.

Mrs. Lu enthusiastically gave each of them a bowl of steaming hot mutton dumplings, as well as dipping sauces.

“I made these mutton dumplings early in the morning. Our whole family loves them. The sauce is also specially made in our hometown. Kang Geer also has a try.”

Kang Geer smiled and said yes, picked up the mutton dumplings, dipped them in the chili oil dipping sauce, and took a bite, "Yeah, it's delicious."

Sister Ying also took a bite. It tasted delicious and spicy, and was very enjoyable.

It’s rare to say a compliment, “Aunt Lu, this mutton is so fragrant. Did you fry it in advance?”

Mrs. Lu smiled and said, "Yes, it was stir-fried before and marinated with unique spices. Doesn't it smell good?"

Sister Ying nodded, "It smells good, it's very delicious."

 The mutton in the dumplings is soft and tender, and tastes very delicious without being sour at all.

With the sesame oil and chili oil in the dipping sauce, it is particularly fragrant and makes me want to eat it again.

  Kang Geer also ate one after another, which shows that everyone likes it.

Mrs. Lu was happy when she saw how delicious they were eating, "Is it enough? There is still more in the pot."

Kang Geer smiled and said, "That's enough, that's enough. You can sit down and eat too."

Mrs. Lu was in a good mood and asked the servant, "Go, make another pot and serve it hot."

The servant thought so, so he went to the kitchen and asked the cook to cook more.

Mrs. Lu also enjoyed the meal very happily. Mei Xianer peeled some sweet oranges for them and asked them to taste whether they were sweet or not. Eating some sweet oranges would relieve their tiredness.

Mrs. Lu felt sweet after eating a piece of orange and said with a smile, "This orange is not bad, sweeter than the ones sold outside."

Of course Kang Geer said, "Grandma Lu, the sweet oranges from my second aunt's house are sold to Yipinzhai. You should eat more, it is good for your health."

 Mrs. Lu was even amused by him.

“Okay, okay, then I’ll eat a few more dumplings to replenish my body.”

 Everyone laughed when they heard this.

After finishing the dumplings, Sister Ying and Brother Kang stayed at the Lu family for a while, and then went back after the sun went down. After returning home, Kang Geer asked Sister Ying, "Sister, do you really want to open a snack shop?"

Sister Ying, "What else? Do you think we are joking?"

Brother Kang scratched his head, "Not really, it's just that Xianxian has never opened a shop, and I don't know if she can. Sister, please be patient with her. Don't scold her like you scold us, otherwise people will cry. ”

 Sister Ying;

“Go, go, go, why don’t you stop me when I scold Sister Yang? Why is it different here in Xianxian?”

“Also, if she is two years older than you, you have to call her sister according to her age.”

Just now in the Lu family, Sister Xianxian was the elder sister, and Sister Xianxian was the shorter sister. As soon as she came out, she just called her Xianxian. It changed quickly.

Hearing this, Brother Kang not only didn't feel ashamed, but also looked like a matter of course.

"Of course I have to be more polite in other people's homes. There are no outsiders here."

"Besides, the eldest sister scolded Sister Yang for Sister Yang's own good. That girl of Sister Yang also scolded her. But Xianxian is different. Her mother has died of illness. If you scold her again, she will be pitiful."

Sister Ying gave him a very disgusted look.

  "Don't show your face to me. I think you are just greedy for that pretty little face, you little pervert."

Kang Geer's eyes widened and he retorted, "How could I? I'm not perverted. Besides, everyone has a love for beauty. I'm not as dirty as the eldest sister thinks, huh."

 After saying that, he went back to his room angrily.

Sister Ying laughed angrily and said to herself, "You stinky brat, if you didn't see other people as beautiful, would you be so sympathetic to them? Are you lying?"

However, men's desire for beauty has never changed, so Sister Ying didn't bother to pay attention to him and went back to her room to write a letter.

After Jing Shirong left, she counted the time and wrote him a letter as soon as she found out where he would be.

 The written letter is tied to the carrier pigeon, and the carrier pigeon knows how to find Jing Shirong.

 I don’t know what’s going on with him there? It had just been a while since I saw him, and I was already thinking about it.

It was fine during the day, but at night, Sister Ying couldn't help but stare at the window in a daze, wondering if he would suddenly come over. She stood under the moonlight with a smile on her face, waved to her in a clear voice, and said, "Sister Ying, come here."

Just thinking of this scene, Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh, her face turned red and her ears felt hot.

It's like not seeing him for one day, it's like three autumns apart. No wonder people say that long-distance relationships are bad. It's really bad. She misses him but can't see him.

The other end.

Jing Shirong was on the road for a long time and missed Sister Ying very much.

 He looked at the sky every day, wondering when the homing pigeons would come.

Whenever a carrier pigeon with purple toes flew over, he would hide aside excitedly and secretly call the carrier pigeon down. Then he would hide in a corner and read Sister Ying's letter with a crooked smile on his face.

She said in the letter, "I have missed you for sixty days, and not a single day has fallen. I wonder when you will come back? I love you, so much."

After reading the letter, Jing Shirong’s handsome face slowly revealed a sweet smile.

 At first he didn’t know what Mumada was, until Sister Ying once touched the back of his hand, he understood.

At that time, his handsome face was red, and then he felt a little regretful, thinking why didn't this thing fall on his face?

But I remember that the two of them haven't gotten married yet, so there's nothing I can do about it, so I can only write this down and think about making up for it when they get married together in the future.

 He read the words on the letter twice, and the more he thought about it, the sweeter it became.

More and more, I want to go back quickly and ask my parents to come over to propose marriage, so that I can marry Sister Ying home as soon as possible and be with her every day.

So he stepped up the process and tried to get to the capital as soon as possible.

Please give me a wave~~



 (End of this chapter)

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